DC 欄位 值 語言 DC.contributor 環境工程研究所 zh_TW DC.creator 沈芳齡 zh_TW DC.creator Fang-lin Shen en_US dc.date.accessioned 2015-8-27T07:39:07Z dc.date.available 2015-8-27T07:39:07Z dc.date.issued 2015 dc.identifier.uri http://ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw:444/thesis/view_etd.asp?URN=973306023 dc.contributor.department 環境工程研究所 zh_TW DC.description 國立中央大學 zh_TW DC.description National Central University en_US dc.description.abstract 國以民為本,民以食為天,食物是民眾賴以生存的基礎物質;油能提供人體熱量,亦為烘培或烹煮食物的必需品。但近幾年國內不斷爆發食品安全問題,尤其去(103)年爆發餿水油及黑心油品事件,造成民眾食安恐慌及臺灣經濟損害,更重創臺灣美食王國的形象。103年連續爆發餿水油及黑心油品事件,也引發消費者與政府對食用油品來源、流向及廢食用油去化管道的重視,故為避免不肖商人將廢食用油使用於不法管道,故廢食用油流向追蹤、去化管道的管道建置、推廣及政府橫向政策配套作為建議,亦為本文討論內容。這幾年歷經食用油風暴造成臺灣無論是社會面、經濟面及環境面各個層面都有嚴重衝擊,所以食用油的生產及廢棄的安全管理是政府機關、企業及消費者須共同面對及重視的課題。本研究就食用油中的動物性油為對象,以系統思維方式進行動物性食用油的生命週期流程探討,從動物性食用油的原、物料生產、加工、產品製造、產品銷售、產品使用、廢棄物再利用到最終處置之生命週期程序,以源頭分流管制、延長生產者社會責任,研究政府相關部門之管制點及管制政策,並導入風險管理、經濟誘因機制,即增加強制產品交易責任險機制及徵收回收清除費機制,規劃一新的政策工具以輔助現行管理架構推動更安全的動物性食用油管理政策及未來食品安全及環境管理的參考。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract Food is the foundation of the country and oil is an important and necessary ingredients. In 2014, there are some gutter oil events outbreak in Taiwan. The events expose some problems of food safety and hurt the image of the Kingdom of cuisine. It also led consumers and government focus on oil circle life form the source, include product, to the recycle system. To avoid gutter oil into the illegal system. In this article to make recommendations on oil flows to track and government policies.The study on edible oil in the animal studied to examine the life cycle of animal oil through systems thinking, edible oil from animal raw materials, processing, manufacturing, sales, use, recycling and final disposal of the various stages to assess import extended Producer social responsibility, risk management, feasibility and economic incentives and other policy instruments. Finally, this study proposes mandatory product liability insurance and transaction clearing fee imposed recovered two proposals to complement the existing regulatory framework to promote safer animal oil management and serve as future reference for food safety and environmental management policies. en_US DC.subject 動物性食用油 zh_TW DC.subject 生命週期 zh_TW DC.subject 回收處理費 zh_TW DC.subject 生命履歷 zh_TW DC.title 動物性食用油管制制度之研究 zh_TW dc.language.iso zh-TW zh-TW DC.title The study of animal oil management system en_US DC.type 博碩士論文 zh_TW DC.type thesis en_US DC.publisher National Central University en_US