博碩士論文 974208016 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYa-ching Chuangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著消費者的偏好改變以及代工利潤的逐年降低,迫使企業紛紛由代工轉向自有品牌發展,徹底改變它們的商業模式。宏達電於2006年宣布建立品牌至今不過短短四年,品牌已經成為公司的重要資產。商業模式的轉變與品牌價值創造之間隱約存在某種關連。本研究主要的目的為:藉由分析宏達電從專業代工走向建立自有品牌的過程中,探討在不同商業模式下(i)企業價值網絡如何演變?(ii)策略重心有何不同?(iii)品牌價值創造成效為何? 本研究利用Shafer et al.(2005)所提出商業模式之四個要素—價值網絡、策略選擇、創造價值、捕捉價值,並採用鄭漢鐔(2009)田字價值網絡分析法分析宏達電商業模式的轉變。另外,使用HIROSE品牌評價方法針對宏達電建立自有品牌之前與之後兩個時期,計算建立自有品牌對宏達電的價值創造效果。 本研究的結論如下:(i)宏達電走向品牌經營策略後,電信業者由顧客轉向供應商的角色、以往的手機大廠卻轉變成競爭對手、公司治理變得日益完善、顧客型態涵蓋一般消費大眾。(ii)行銷手法更是多元化,客戶定位從高階市場擴展至中低階市場,內部也積極網羅更多元化的人才。(iii)依據HIROSE品牌評價方法,宏達電建立自有品牌後,透過顧客面和供應商面之策略和增加廣告等行銷方式以提升產品價格溢酬和客戶忠誠度,加上完善公司治理、投資人等方面之權益,促成正向的品牌價值創造成效。宏達電的品牌價值餘2010年一月高達175億新台幣,是2006年一月品牌價值的290倍。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractBecause of changes in customer preferences and of lowering profits, manufacturing firms have been shifting their strategic focus from OEM and ODM to creating their own brand name, and completely changing their business models. HTC Corporation determined to launch her brand creating strategy four years ago. The brand value has become an important part of HTC’’s intangible assets. It seems that there exists a relation between the change of business model and the brand value creation. By way of analyzing HTC’’s changing business models from an OEM enterprise to an own brand name enterprise, this study attempts to explore three questions: (i) How did HTC’’s value network evolve? (ii) What was the strategic focus under the two different business models? And (iii) What was the effect of changing business model on the brand value creation. The study analyzes the changes in business models of HTC by using the four key elements of business models proposed by Shafer et al.(2005), and the technique of value network analysis proposed by Hann-Tarn Jeng (2009). Besides, it uses the HIROSE Brand Valuation model to calculate and compare the brand values of HTC before and after her change of business models. The conclusions of study are as follows: (i) The role of Telecommunication Operators changed from customers to supplies, the role of phone firms changed from customers to competitors, corporate governance and Information disclosure in HTC are better. (ii) HTC is more focus on marketing, the positioning strategy is also from business people to common consumers gradually. (iii) HTC’’s brand value was about NT $17.5 billion as of January 2010 and was about 290 times of her brand value as January 2006 not only because of her strategies about customers and suppliers but also because of the improvement of corporate governance and investors’’ rights. en_US
DC.subjectHirose Brand Valuation Modelen_US
DC.subjectBusiness Modelen_US
DC.subjectValue Network Analysisen_US
DC.titleBusiness Model and Brand Value Creation of The Enterprises:A Case of HTC Corporationen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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