博碩士論文 974300002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMing-yi Wangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract世界各國逐漸有晚婚、遲育等現象,帶來少子化趨勢,使得人口結構出現了高齡化。再加上現代人工作超時過勞、生活壓力備增、飲食與生活形態改變,又無暇上醫院進行健康檢查,因而導致各種慢性病的衍生,並已有年輕化的趨勢,所以,醫療健康照護議題已成為各國政府所須正視的政策,而醫療照護產業也就成為未來新興產業。而醫療資訊科技成熟化適時提供醫療照護產業發展時所需具備的產品與技術,由於 M 型化的經濟趨勢,也使得醫療照護產業可以開發與服務金字塔頂端對象。 本研究將論文題目訂定為「區域性遠距醫療照護商業模式之研究」。研究目的有三,包括:(1) 瞭解台灣遠距醫療照護產業的發展環境。(2) 探討個案公司在遠距醫療照護產業的關鍵成功因素。(3) 發展區域性遠距醫療照護商業模式。 本研究將先針對台灣遠距醫療照護產業進行環境分析,然後,就英國 Tunstall Group 公司與中興保全公司進行個案實證分析,探討其於遠距醫療照護產業發展的關鍵成功因素,再據以發展出區域性遠距醫療照護商業模式。本研究結論如下: 1.醫療照護產業不僅是全球性的明星產業,台灣在醫療照護產業上也存在著龐大的商機。 2.遠距醫療照顧產業的關鍵成功因素,包括:(1) 設定明確目標顧客、(2) 營業收入來源明確穩定、(3) 提供全方位醫療資訊科技產品與服務、(4) 服務系統穩定且回應率高、(5) 提供 7 x 24 小時不間斷回應服務、(6) 進行異業策略聯盟等六大項 3.本研究建構出一個具有服務功能平台,提供不同環境所需求的產品,透過異業結盟提高經濟利益,而且是可以複製的「區域性遠距醫療照護商業模式」,包括兩個部份,一為區域性遠距醫療照護平台,為核心事業單位,另一為策略聯盟夥伴,包括:特約的區域診所、社區藥局、健診中心等三者。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe recent phenomena of late marriage and late fertility have caused the trend of low birth rate, making the population aged. Furthermore, due to working overtime, life stress, changes of diet and lifestyle, and not having time on the hospital health examination, more and more young people have gotten a variety of chronic diseases. Thus, medical and health care has become an important issue for the government to address, and the health care industry appears to be a rapidly growing industry. On the other hand, the maturity of IT in medical technology has provided the needed products and technology for the health care industry. Because of the M-shaped society, the health care industry has developed into servicing the customers on rich side of the society. This paper examines the business model of regional telemedical care. There are three purposes of this research, including: (1) to understand the current environment of the telemedical care industry in Taiwan, (2) to examine the key success factors of two case companies, (3) to develop the business model of regional telemedical care. First, we analyze the environment of the telemedical care industry in Taiwan. We then explore two cases providing such a service: British Tunstall Group Company and ZTE Security Company, and explore the key success factors of the telemedical care industry. Based on the case anlsyis, we develop a business model of regional telemedical care. It concludes as follows: 1. Health care industry is a global star industry, and there also are huge business opportunities in Taiwan’s medical care industry. 2. The key success factors of telemedical care include: (1) setting specific target customers; (2) definite and stable sources of revenue; (3) using IT technology to develop and launch service for home care needs of different life styles and stages; (4) a stable, responsive system; (5) providing 7 × 24 hour response service; (6) forming cross-industry alliances to provide a full range of telemedical care services. 3. This study suggests a replicable services platform, which can provide products for the needs of different environments, and, through cross-industry alliances, improve economic interests. It consists of two parts: first, a regional telemedical care platform, which is the core of business unit (BU); second, strategic alliance partners, including regional partner clinics, community pharmacies, and clinics and health centers. en_US
DC.subjecttelemedical careen_US
DC.subjectbusiness modelen_US
DC.subjectkey success faen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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