博碩士論文 974300042 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShih-chung Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract2008年全球籠罩在金融風暴的影響之中,由於大環境的不確定性,造成市場買氣的急速凍結,消費性電子產品由於是非生活必須品,無不受到重大衝擊,而中國大陸手機出貨量在此波風暴中卻仍能維持正向增長,推究背後關鍵因素為山寨機市場的高速成長。然而從近期的市場研究觀察,原本蓬勃發展的大陸山寨機產業環境已開始出現關鍵性的變化,包括升級自有品牌經營及由於大陸3G商用化,發展出智慧型手機、定制手機的趨勢,都將影響山寨機產業後續的發展。 本論文研究目的希望藉由完整的山寨機產業環境分析,探討LCD驅動IC個案公司如何在大陸快速變動的山寨機產業環境中,調整企業未來角色,獲取持續性競爭優勢,並佐以相關總體環境、產業環境及企業本身環境,做深入的分析。 本研究依據Teece et al.動態能力理論架構進行探討與驗證,研究結果發現OT個案公司營運決策與過去發展路徑高度相依,從初期移轉與國際品牌手機合作的學習經驗,到利用技術性資產、互補性資產、結構資產所形成的策略定位,調整公司內部資源,以產業後來者的角色,逐漸在產業中站穩腳步。但由於產業的惡性競爭,導致經營績效未如預期,個案公司重新對在山寨機供應鏈中的未來角色做定位,往高階產品發展,運用本身的技術優勢,積極佈局與新興大陸品牌客戶建立長期合作的關係,開創另一片的藍海。 本研究針對OT個案公司提出以下建議:1.個案公司應在深圳地區建置常駐的業務人員,透過日常密集性的拜訪,建立良好的顧客關係管理及快速的市場反應機制。2.個案公司應投入更多的資源,成立專案團隊的組織型式,與具發展潛力的新興大陸品牌手機客戶建立長期戰略合作伙伴的關係。3.個案公司可基於原有的技術基礎,著重開發高速傳輸介面、高解析度、3D顯示、動態影像處理、省電等新的技術性機會。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn 2008, worldwide is surrounded by the financial crisis, due to the uncertainty of the environment; it results in the rapid freezing of the buying market and these non-life necessities including consumer electronics products were all impacted by it. But cell phone shipments in China still could maintain positive growth in the crisis; the key factor is the rapid growth of private label mobile phone market. However, observations and researches form the recent market, including brand management and upgrade its own 3G business in China which developed the trends of the smart phone and the customized mobile phone, the original booming industrial environment of the China private label handset market occurrs some important changes and the development of its industry will be affects. Purpose of this study is through a complete industry environmental analysis and a case study in LCD driver IC Company in China’s rapid changes to find out how to adjust the company’s role in the future to obtain a sustainable competitive advantage, and gets a further analysis related to the overall of environment, industry environment, and the status of the company itself. This research is based on Teece et al. Dynamic capabilities theoretical architecture to investigate and confirm, the case study found that OT Company’s stratedy and business decisions is a high correlation with the development in the past. First of all, they learned the techniques and experiences from the initial cooperation with these international brand handset companys, and then the strategy position which is formed by the technical property, the complementary property, and the structural property to adjust the internal resources, they gradually stand firm by a surpass role in the industry. However, due to the vicious competition causes performances not as expected, the case company repositions to be the future role of the supply chain in the China private label handset industry, and uses its technological advantages developing toward the high-end products and makes positive plans to build long-term cooperations with the new brand customers in China, and then could create another blueocean strategy. This study gives the following recommendations: 1. The case company should assign the Shenzhen are resident business, and build good customer relationship management and rapid response to market mechanisms through daily intensive visit. 2. The case company should devote more resources to organize a project team for the long-term strategic partnership with the customers whose new brand handset has the potential in China. 3. The case company based on existing technology base can focus on developing high-speed interfaces, high-resolution, 3D display, dynamic image processing, low-power and other new technical opportunities. en_US
DC.subjectIC designen_US
DC.subjectLCD driver ICen_US
DC.subjectDynamic capabilities theoryen_US
DC.subjectthe China private label handseten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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