博碩士論文 974300048 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChih-Chung Tsengen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract製藥業是一個龐大而發展潛力無限的產業。近幾年中國大陸藥品市場保持著快速平穩的發展,未來幾年的發展將會繼續保持增長的趨勢,這使得藥品生產企業面臨著更多的挑戰和機遇。 本研究以行銷管理學文獻及理論為基礎,選擇個案公司Y藥廠作為研究對象,採取個案研究法,通過次級資料的收集(Literature Search)與專家訪談(Key information Survey)的方法對個案公司行銷策略進行分析研究。本研究目的為:透過對中國大陸化學製藥產業現狀及主要環境影響因素的分析,探討個案公司在中國大陸所採取的行銷策略,並彙整與歸納出個案公司在中國大陸的關鍵成功因素。 本研究的架構首先進行相關文獻探討形成概念性的研究架構;其次,對當前全球和大陸化學製藥產業分析;接著,對個案公司進入中國大陸之發展所實施的行銷策略4P’’s深入分析,結合Kotler(2006)的行銷管理學理論,最後,做出結論與建議。 本研究結果如下:個案公司經由SWOT分析找出企業在中國大陸發展之優劣勢,在產品方面以研發和製造為基礎,採取劑型創新技術,運用行銷組合4P’’s理論,採用靈活多樣的行銷策略佔領市場。另外,個案公司充分運用台資企業的優勢,建立良好的公共關係,在中國大陸樹立良好的品牌形象。 本研究針對Y公司未來在中國的發展提出以下建議:1.宜加強產品線的延伸,配合市場需求調整產品包裝。2.與藥價監管部門建立良好的公共關係。3.確保直營通路正常有序之運轉;積極擴大代理銷售通路;未來致力於開拓歐美國際市場。4.加大品牌形象塑造力度,研擬非處方藥推廣策略。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractPharmaceutical industry is an enormous industry with unlimited potential of development. During recent years, Mainland China’s pharmaceutical market keeps developing steadily and rapidly. In several years to come, it will go on developing and growing; in such a trend, pharmaceutical enterprises will face many more challenges and chances. Based on literatures and theories regarding marketing management, this study chose the case company “Y Pharmaceutical Factory” to be the research subject. By case study and through Literature Search and Key Information Survey, this study conducted analyses and research on the case company’s marketing strategies. This study aims to: Through the analyses of the current situation of Mainland China’s pharmaceutical industry and the major environmental influence factors, the marketing strategies adopted by the case company in Mainland China are explored; also, the case company’s key success factors in Mainland China were collected and concluded. First, as for the structure of this study, a conceptual research structure has been formed through related literature review. Second, analyses have been made, aimed at the current pharmaceutical industries in Mainland China and in the world. Next, combined with Kotler’s(2006)marketing strategy theory, this study has conducted profound analyses of the 4P’’s of the marketing strategies implemented by the case company for its entry and development in Mainland China. Finally, conclusions and suggestions have been made. The study results are: Through SWOT Analysis of the case company, the enterprise’s advantages and disadvantages of its development in Mainland China have been concluded. Based on R&D and manufacturing in the aspect of products, it adopts innovative preparation techniques, and it uses the 4P’s Theory in its marketing mix, to utilize flexible and diversified marketing strategies to occupy the market. Besides, the case company should take the advantage of Taiwanese enterprises well to establish good public relations for setting its good brand image in Mainland China. Aimed at the Y Company’s future development in China, this study has proposed the following suggestions: 1. It should strengthen the extension of product lines and adjust its product packages for cooperating with market demand. 2. It should establish good public relations with the drug price supervision department. 3. It should ensure that its direct sale channels can work normally and orderly; its agency sale channels should be expanded actively; it should endeavor to exploit international, European and US markets. 4. Its brand image should be reinforced to create dynamics, and it should research on the strategies for the promotion of OTC (over-the-counter) drugs. en_US
DC.subjectMainland Chinaen_US
DC.subjectMarketing Strategyen_US
DC.subjectChemical Preparationsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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