博碩士論文 974308016 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsin-Ju Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在世界各國紛紛朝向與國際會計準則(IFRS)接軌之時,我國企業將於2013年採用IFRS編製財務報表,面臨此會計準則的重要變革,應如何因應?首當其衝的影響為何? IAS 21「匯率變動之影響」為我國前四大事務所列入高度討論及具備潛在影響議題中榜首,媒體也爭相報導功能性貨幣選擇對我國企業影響。本研究試圖以A公司為例,暸解企業在IAS 21規範下,如何選擇功能性貨幣,當選擇不同功能性貨幣是否增加該公司的匯兌風險,因應對策為何? 本文以分析A公司的商業模式,探討A公司在選擇功能性貨幣時各面向的考量,接著以選擇不同功能性貨幣時是否增加該公司的匯兌風險及因應對策為決策焦點。利用A公司外部環境因子推導影響決策之關鍵因素,再由驅動力量屬衝擊程度高且具高度不確定群組中,挑選三個不確定軸面,藉以發展出不同情境,最後再就其情境模擬結果進行分析,發展出可行因應對策。 本研究發現,A公司於選擇集團各公司功能性貨幣時,係多方面考量各公司功能定位、對產品議價能力、主要競爭者及銷售市場等因素,由情境模擬結果發現,A公司以美元為功能性貨幣時產生匯兌損益較以當地貨幣為功能性貨幣時小,不論功能性貨幣為美元或當地貨幣,A公司於美元相對當地貨幣貶值的情況下有匯兌損失,產生避險需求,惟選用美元為功能性貨幣時需避險部位較選用當地貨幣為功能性貨幣時小。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWhen countries all over the world is planning to be in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS).Enterprises in Taiwan will adopt IFRS to make financial statements in 2013.How to confront the revolution of accounting principles?What’s the primary impact?IAS 21︰「The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates」is top priority of accounting issues selected by the biggest four CPA ‘s firm, The mass media report the influence of option of functional currency to Taiwan’s company frequently. The research attempt to take A company for example to find how to choose functional currency under the norm of IAS21,whether the exchange risk of A company increase with different functional currency ,and what’s the solution? The thesis analyze A company’s business model, then discuss all factors of effect while A company select different functional currency, continuing to focus on the exchange risk about selecting different functional currency and strategy to deal with the situation. Use element of external environment to infer essential factor influencing decision, choose three axis from essential factor belonging to high impact and uncertainty and develop different conditions. Finally, simulate these conditions and analyze the result to find feasible ways. The research find when A company decide functional currency of each company of the group, it consider each company’s product positioning, ability to negotiate, major competitor, and market, etc. By simulate diverse situation, we find if adopting US as functional currency, the exchange gain and loss is smaller than adopting local currency. Whether the functional currency is USD or local currency, when USD devaluate, there is exchange risk and need to hedge. But if we select USD as functional currency, the hedging region is smaller than local currency. en_US
DC.subjectFunctional Currencyen_US
DC.subjectBusiness Modelen_US
DC.title在IAS 21:「匯率變動之影響」規範下,我國企業如何應用商業模 式選擇功能性貨幣之研究-以A公司為例zh_TW
DC.titleA Study on the Choice of Functional Currency Base on a Firm’s Business Model on the norm of IAS 21︰「The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates」-The Case of the A Company en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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