博碩士論文 976201016 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYi-Yun Chienen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究以SoWMEX實驗期間 IOP-4個案(2008年6月1日至4日)進行研究,藉由密集觀測資料與WRF(the Weather Research and Forecasting Model)模式中使用不同雲微物理參數化法的降水模擬結果進行比對,希望能瞭解WRF模式對於台灣地區梅雨鋒面個案的模擬能力。本研究共選取四種雙變數(double-moment)雲微物理參數化法(Morrison方案, Thompson方案, WDM5方案, WDM6方案),以及兩種單變數(single-moment)雲微物理參數化法(WSM5方案,WSM6方案)進行測試。 本研究選取的個案是一道滯留在台灣附近的梅雨鋒面系統,伴隨著旺盛的西南氣流,並且在2008年6月2日和3日兩天都於高屏一帶的山坳前產生明顯的地形降水。模式模擬的綜觀尺度地面氣壓場和風場,以及西南氣流上游區域與主要密集觀測區域的模式探空結果,皆能合理的模擬出與觀測資料相似的結構,惟模擬風速較觀測風速弱約30%。 七股雷達的觀測回波結果顯示IOP-4期間有兩波主要的降水系統經過高屏地區,模擬的雷達回波圖也大致顯示相似的結果。然而第一波降水系統的降水模擬結果和觀測的地面累積降水分佈較為相近,因此針對第一波降水系統進行與NCAR/S-pol雷達資料之雲微物理特徵比較。結果顯示,在六種雲微物理參數化法之中,Morrison scheme對於這一波降水系統雲微物理垂直結構的模擬與觀測結果較相近。 就各種水相粒子混合比的平均場特徵而言,單以六種雲微物理方案對於第一波降水系統的模擬結果來討論,Morrison方案較不會對於特定種類的水相粒子產生偏差,Thompson方案傾向於產生大量的雪。WSM5、WDM5、WSM6、WDM6方案中,有考慮軟雹的WSM6和WDM6方案的雪較少,沒有考慮軟雹的WSM5、WDM5方案的雪較多。另外,WDM5和WDM6有計算水相粒子的粒子濃度,因此二者的水相粒子混合比分佈特徵類似。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe heavy rainfall case on 1-3 June 2008, also categorized as the IOP-4 event, during the SoWMEX/TiMREX field experiment is investigated in this study. The WRF(the Weather Research and Forecasting Model) model results are compared with the SoWMEX data, which has highly spatial and temporal resolution, in order to evaluate the WRF model ability to simulate the Mei-Yu frontal rainfall near Taiwan area. Two single-moment microphysics schemes and four double-moment microphysics schemes are chosen to perform sensitivity tests. This rainfall event was associated with a stationary Mei-Yu front, and was accompanied by the surge of southwesterly flow from the South China Sea. Strong interactions of the Mei-yu front with steep terrains over southern Taiwan produced torrential precipitation over southern and southwestern Taiwan on 2-3 June 2008. The WRF-simulated synoptic pressure field, wind pattern and sounding structure were consistent with the observation data, but the simulated wind speed is 30% weaker than the observed speed from the DongSha sounding data. Radar echoes at Chigu station show that two precipitation systems encountered southern Taiwan during the IOP-4 period, and the simulated radar echoes also show similar evolution. For the first precipitation system, the simulated surface precipitation is in better agreement with observation data than the second system. Thus, the microphysics features of the first system are further compared with the NCAR/S-pol radar data. It is found that Morrison scheme simulates the vertical structure reasonably well, compared to other five schemes. The area-mean mixing ratio of each hydrometeor from the six microphysics scheme is compared for the first precipitation system. Morrison scheme is not biased toward a specific type of hydrometer; Thompson scheme tends to produce a large amount of snow. Compared to WSM5 and WDM5 scheme, WSM6 and WDM6 scheme produced less amount of snow, because of the considering of graupel. In addition, WDM5 and WDM6 schemes both calculate the number concentration and mixing ratio of liquid hydrometeors, thus they show similar distribution of liquid hydrometeors. en_US
DC.subjectWRF modelen_US
DC.subjectdouble-moment schemeen_US
DC.titleWRF模式Double-moment雲微物理參數化法對於SoWMEX IOP-4個案降水模擬之敏感度研究zh_TW
DC.titleThe sensitivity study of precipitative simulation of WRF model double-moment microphysics scheme for the SoWMEX IOP-4 caseen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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