博碩士論文 977201008 完整後設資料紀錄

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DC.creatorching-jung huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract論文摘要 本論文嘗試探討桃園縣復興鄉地區客家人與居住在當地其他族群之生活情形。以及通婚對於族群認同之影響。復興鄉是桃園縣唯一的山地鄉,早期為泰雅族人的居地,漢人的墾拓帶給復興鄉的改變,也改變了泰雅族人生活習慣和信仰,現今復興鄉已然是個多族群混居的多元而複雜化的社會。 復興鄉的地理與歷史與桃園縣其他鄉鎮有著極大的差異,地形多高山台地及河階地形。大漢溪橫越整個鄉,另有石門水庫攔阻其間,居民的生活和交通受到極大的影響,使復興鄉長久以來無法有更進一步的發展,漢人的墾拓帶給復興鄉的改變,究竟是繁華還是夢魘。 石門水庫的興建不但對復興鄉泰雅族原住民以及漢人居住地選擇有所影響,對於生活和宗教信仰的影響更大,甚至也因此改變了祭祀圈和信仰圈的範圍,使得原先屬於較大村庄的「庄廟」,變成較小的角頭廟。 復興鄉的泰雅族原住民多半信奉基督宗教,而漢人則奉祀儒、釋、道三教。復興鄉前山有三座大廟,全部都奉祀開漳聖王。客家人較常供奉的三官大帝和神農大帝都只是配祀的地位。復興鄉原屬於大溪鎮的一部分,其墾拓和大溪有著密不可分的關係,論及復興鄉的墾拓勢必先由大溪鎮談起,而大溪鎮之墾拓最重要的地區為河西的埔頂,埔頂的仁和宮又是當地人信仰中心,而且該廟對復興鄉漢人的宗教信仰有著極為重要的影響,另外阿姆坪的復興宮則是復興鄉所有廟宇所由分香的原始廟宇。原住民信仰則由於基督宗教的單一神祇比較接近其傳統信仰而較獲原住民接受。 復興鄉不論任何族群在生活上其實與平地並沒有太大的差異。客家人從清朝時期就已到達復興鄉的合脗坪,從最初擔任「隘勇」,到後來採伐樟樹、製作樟腦,日本人為了土地有效利用鼓勵山區居民種茶,成立「三井合名公司」,收購農民所種植的茶葉,做成紅茶外銷之情況,及日本人離開後國民政府接手經營,最後轉為民營,這中間雖然幾經易主,但是耕作的人都還是一樣的,也就是說客家人從一百多年前就在復興鄉這塊土地上耕作,從來就沒有缺席過。而其生活模式不但受到原住民的影響,也影響了原住民。現今的復興鄉「前山」已然是一個多族群混居,且與平地非常相似的「都市」了。 關鍵字:客家人、原住民、泰雅族、復興鄉、前山、通婚、認同zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAboriginal and Hakka intermarriage and ethnic identity ─ A Case Study of the former mountain of Fusing Township ABSTRACT The study is to inquiry the local living situation of Hakka and other ethnic people in the Fusing Township, Taoyuan County, and the impact of intermarriage for ethnic identity. Fusing Township is the only mountain Township in Taoyuan County and the early residence for the Atayal people. Han Reclamation brought a lo of change in Fusing Township and also changed the living habits and beliefs of Atayal people. Therefore, current Fusing township is already a multi-ethnic and complicated society。 The geography and history of Fuxing Township have a great difference from other towns inTaoyuan County. There aremountains, Alpine terrain terraces, and a lot of river terraces. Tahan River is across the entire village, and so is Shimen Reservoir. They have greatly affected Residents’ living and traffic, so Fusing Township has long been unable to have further development. What the reclamation of Han Chinese has brought to Fuxing Township is bustling or nightmare?! The construction of Shimen Reservoir not only has had an impact on the choices of resident places of rural Atayal aborigines and Han Chinese in Fuxing Township but also on living style and religious beliefs, and it even has changed the extent of the Sacrifice Circle and beliefs circle, so "village temple",originally belonging to the larger village, became the smaller angle head. Most aboriginal Atayal in Fuxing Township believe Christianity, while the Han Chinese believe Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. The former mountain of Fusing Township has three templeres, and they are all for the King of Zhangzhou, but three official Great and Emperor Shennong, who Hakkas worshiped more are just at the vice position. Fusing Township was formerly part of the Daxi town, and its reclamation has a close relationship to Dasi. The most important areas of reclamation in Dasi is the west river, Puding. The Renhe temple in Puding is the local religious center, and it has a very important impact on the rural Han Chinese in Fuxing Township. Besides, Fuxing temple is the original one in Eminem Ping. Aboriginal Atayal believe the single god of Christianity, which is closer to its traditional Aboriginal beliefs, and it was accepted more. In Fusing Township, regardless of the ethnic groups, in fact, there is not much difference between the rural and plain people in life. Hakkas had arrived at Ho-Wen Ping during Qing Dynasty. They were initially "ai-yong", and later they harvested camphor and made camphor products. In order to encourage the efficient use of the land, Japanese set up a "Mitsui ho ming company " ,bought tea from farmers, and made black tea for sale abroad; after the Japanese leaving, the national government took over the business, and finally it became private. Although the company had changed, farmers were still the same. The Hakka people have cultivated on the rural land since one hundred years ago, and has never been absent. Their lifestyle not only affected Aboriginal, but also were affected by them. Today, "Former Hill" in Fusing township has been absolutely ethnic-mixed society, and it is similar to a "city" on low land. Keywords: Hakka, aboriginal, Atayal, Fusing Township, the former Hill, intermarriage, identityen_US
DC.titleAboriginal and Hakka intermarriage and ethnic identity ─ A Case Study of the former mountain of Fusing Townshipen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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