博碩士論文 977203003 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMing-tai Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究評估官僚對電子化政府的相互影響的概念下,針對電子化政府發展過程中所產生對公務人員的資訊素養能力進行分析,藉以瞭解官僚對電子化政府推行的關聯性,並且做為未來客家行政機關發展電子化政府政策參考、加強人力資本教育及內部主觀認知和外部環境適應等參考依據。本研究採用理論分析輔以量化研究,以理論論證入手,取樣對象為臺北市客家委員會以及新北市及客家事務局。研究結果顯示:年齡與學歷對資訊化認知與接受程度上有顯著差異,尤其主管階層年齡層偏高,對於推行電子化政府的政策則較為排斥,只熟悉紙本公文,也成為單位推行電子化政府的潛在困難;高學歷者較低學歷者更能接受電子化政府的事實,電子化政府執行績效與公務人員資訊素養認知具顯 著相關性;主管管理行為與同事相互支援表現對兩機關公務人員資訊能力的掌握亦有顯著相關之作用。 經本研究分析歸納所得結論,建議在電子化政府發展過程中,為提升組織績效,服務外部民眾,應使其機關步入軌道並推廣客家文化與提升客籍認同感的責任,因此客家行政組織如能善用將資料與資訊同步的方式,透過雲端軟體服務將資訊作一有系統得歸納與分析推廣,進而培養客家行政機關提升資訊決策能力,並提升政策服務能見度。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study has evaluated, on the concept that the bureaucracy and the e-government mutually affect each other, the public servants’ competence of information literacy produced in the development process of an e-government. Their competence was deliberately analyzed in order to understand how the bureaucracy was associated with the implementation of e-government, and was used as a reference for the future policy-making of Hakka administrative agencies in developing an e-government and a referential basis when strengthening the education of human capital, internal subjective awareness, and external environment adaptation, etc. This research adopted theoretical analyses supplemented with a quantitative research.Starting from theoretical arguments, Taipei Hakka Affairs Commission and Hakka Affairs Department in the New Taipei City government were sampled as subjects. The results show that age and education are significantly different in technology awareness and the degree of acceptance. It is the case especially when the age level is generally higher among superordinates, they therefore repel to implement e-government policies more, and are familiar with paper archives, which also contributes to the potential difficulties for the units to implement an e-government. The highly educated can better accept the fact of an e-government than the less educated. The performances of e-government implementation significantly correlated with public servants’ awareness of information literary. The management behaviors of superordinates and the mutually supportive performances among colleagues also play a significant role in the correlation with the control of public servants’ information competence in the two agencies. The conclusions reached through the analyses and summary of this study suggest that in the development process of an e-government, in order to improve organizational performances and serve the external public, we should push the agencies to move on track, and promote the competence of information literacy and the responsibility of Hakka identity. Similarly, it is recommended if Hakka administrative organizations could make good use of the methods of information synchronization, through cloud software services, to systematically summarize, analyze, and promote information, further cultivate Hakka administrative agencies to enhance the competence of making informational decisions, and enhance the visibility of policy services.en_US
DC.subjectinformation literacyen_US
DC.subjectdigital divideen_US
DC.subjectcloud servicesen_US
DC.titleThe Awareness and Applications of Information Literacy Towards an E-government at Government Agencies:Exemplified by the Hakka Administrative Agencies in Taipei City and New Taipei Cityen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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