博碩士論文 977306003 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHan-Haw Leeen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 本論文採質性問卷訪談,資料整理與分析,做成結論與建議。本文共分五章第一章緒論,第二章和第三章康軒版與翰林版本,客家語教材內容整理,第四章康軒、翰林教材內容之比較,第五章結論與建議。經比較分析得知,康軒版與翰林版比較「諺語欣賞」為61:8,「師傅話」為11:5,「童謠欣賞」為20:19,康軒版分布均勻;「令仔欣賞」則為4:9。其因研究得知,翰林版的諺語、師傅話的數量,主要是編輯在教師手冊中,則整體觀之,我認為康軒版之編輯用心度很高。 兩個版本內容的文字和語詞是有差異的,翰林版的語詞拼音就特別多,兩個版本的教師手冊之延伸資料也很豐富,包含了:肢體律動、諺語、師傅話、揣令仔、童謠、補充語詞。康軒版另有「說文解字」和「語音語法加油站」有做單字的和拼音的介紹。 「客家語教材」在傳承客家文化的推動工作上,扮演著舉足輕重的地位。「教材」是老師教學的重要工具之一,也是學生學習的範本,通常校方會尊重任教老師的選擇,同時也意味著教師對教學成果肩負重任。教學要互動活化,並讓客語往下紮根,及提升客語教學成效,期待本研究能夠提升客語教學成果,幫助學生參加客語認證,並達到客語傳承與發展的目標。 關鍵字:客家語教材、客家語教學、康軒版、翰林版zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSummary In this paper, using qualitative questionnaire interviews, data collection and analysis, make conclusions and recommendations. This paper is divided into five chapters, the first chapter is introduction, the second chapter and the third chapter are Kang Hsuan and Hanlin version, Hakka language teaching materials arrangement, the fourth chapter compare the content of Kang Hsuan with Hanlin teaching materials, the fifth chapter conclusions and recommendations. By comparison analysis,it showed that Kang Hsuan comparison with Hanlin "Proverbs appreciation" the number is 61: 9, "the master words"is 11: 5, "rhymes appreciation" is 20:19, Kang Hsuan the distribution is more average ; "riddle appreciation "is 4: 9. Learned from the research, the number of the proverbs and the master words in Hanlin version, mainly were edited in Lesson Preparation Teacher Manual ". The overall view, the writer believes that the intentions of a high degree of Kang Hsuan edited the text. The words and phrases of the content are different between the two versions. The phrases and phonetics in Hanlin version are more than in Kang Hsuan version. The extended data of the two versions in the teacher′s manual is also very rich, including body rhythm, proverbs, Master words, riddles, nursery rhymes, added words . Kang Hsuan has "Explain Word" and "phonetic and grammar station" , they have introduced words and phonetic transcription. Hanlin in Volume II has a single vowel teaching, and Kang Hsuan in the book five does. In Kang Hsuan rhymes are more than in Hanlin. It′s more than 28.8%. The text of Kang Hsuan version appeared earlier than Hanlin about rhyming the fourth tone -b, -d, -g coda, Hanlin version only appeared the fourth tone -g coda. Hanlin version places more short prose in the texts. Compared to the number of the words in the texts, the words in Hanlin are more than in Kang Hsuan on average 17.74%. "Hakka language teaching materials" in the heritage of Hakka culture to promote the work, plays an important role. "Textbook" is an important tool for the teachers and a learning sample of the students. The school will usually respect the choice of the teacher, but also means that teachers teaching achievement is the teacher′s responsibility. Teaching focuses on the interactive relationships with real life, and putting down roots Hakka language. Moreover, promote the effectiveness of Hakka language teaching, and hope the research can enhance the achievement of Hakka iv language teaching. Help students participate in Hakka language certification, and achieve the goal of Hakka language heritage and development. Keywords: Hakka language materials, Hakka language teaching, Kang Hsuan version, Hanlin versionen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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