博碩士論文 977306018 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMeng-fen Yuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract多數人都認同觀光是台灣面對全球化最應該走的路,面對全球化,鄉鎮扮演的角色早已超越國家地域,競爭條件也從過去重視地理位置、自然資源等先天優勢,逐漸轉為強調具有高技能人才、環境保護及樂活優質生活環境等創新利基的比較。 如何行銷經營龍潭鄉,以小窺大,就能研究出客庄行銷經營的模式。本研究透過龍潭鄉,一個客庄的發展,特別是以其產業、觀光和生活發展為主,將其視為一種「產品」。藉由產品行銷組合的理論及管理方式,描繪客庄在面臨全球化挑戰外來威脅及內部文化傳承斷層的危機下,該如何妥善利用多元族群文化逐漸抬頭的外在機會,及客庄獨特的人文景觀優勢,藉由「地方行銷」獲得國際競爭力,突破地方發展困境,確立永續發展方向。 本研究採用文獻分析法從龍潭鄉歷史發展軌跡,理出自然人文的優勢,並透過專家的訪談和AHP層級分析法交叉比對行銷4P四大面向的輕重,並據以整理出龍潭SWOT,作為未來發展政策研擬參考。 客家族群為臺灣早期移民人口比例最多的族群之一,經年累月下形成許多別具特色的客家文化與生活美學,這就是行銷組合中最重要的軟實力。鄉鎮地方行銷沒有單一標準答案或SOP可以遵循,每個鄉鎮的行銷都需要因人因地調整思維與行動。一個城市的發展必須依照城市的特色和歷史脈絡來規劃。從人的角度出發,打造一個適合居住,同時友善觀光客造訪的環境,這樣才是一個鄉鎮城市永續發展的命脈,也才能從地方出發到全球。 「工程讓城市變大,文化使城市偉大。」過去閩、客在從唐山來台地理競爭上,客家也許屈於弱勢,但現在客家的族群特色相對來說是鮮明的,過去世人可能不太瞭解客家,不過十年風水輪流轉,現在該是客庄閃耀的時刻了。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractMost people agree that Taiwan should develop its tourism as the first priority when facing globalization. In globalization, the role of towns has already exceeded the limit of nations and their competitive advantages have changed from the emphasis of geographic location and natural resources etc. to the emphasis of the innovative niches of their talents with excellent skills, environmental protection and LOHAS quality living environment etc. Observing the development of a Hakka village of Longtan Township allows the researcher to understand the marketing and management model of Hakka villages and how to market and manage Lungtan Township.This study observed the development of a Hakka village of Longtan Township – mainly its industries, tourism and living development – and regarded them as “products”. This study described how Hakka villages properly used the external opportunities of the increasing rise of multi ethnic culture and the advantage of the unique artificial scenery to obtain the international competitiveness, break through the difficulty of local development and establish the direction of sustainable development when facing the external threats brought by the challenges of globalization and the internal risks of the passing gap of their culture through the theory of product mix and the management. This study used documentary analysis to find out Longtan Township’s natural and humane advantages through its historical development and utilized the interviews with experts and the cross-check of the weight of marketing 4P from Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to sort out its SWOT based on the results to be the references for formulating development policies in the future. Hakka ethnic group is one of the most populated groups immigrating to Taiwan at early days, and they have established plenty of diverse and unique Hakka cultures and living aesthetics during these long years, the most important soft power in the marketing mix. For local marketing of townships, there is no universal answer or SOP to follow, and the thought and action of the marketing of every township should be adjusted according to people and location. The development of a city must be planned according to its characteristics and historical context. Building up an environment suitable for living and also friendly to visitors from people’s perspectives and it is the lifeblood for the sustainable development of a city or township and can enable them to be globalized. “Construction enlarges a city, but culture makes it become great.” In the past, perhaps Hakka people were weaker in the geographic competition with Hoklo people after coming to Taiwan from Tangshan; however, nowadays Hakka ethnic group has more clear-cut characteristics. Formerly, people may not understand Hakka people well, but now the table has turned and they should sparkle. en_US
DC.subjectHakka villageen_US
DC.subjectmarketing cityen_US
DC.subjectmarketing placeen_US
DC.titleThe Study of Marketing Policy of Hakka Village - Longtan Township of Taoyuan County as an Exampleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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