博碩士論文 981305001 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorI-Hsian Wuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract對日抗戰時期,國共兩方展開第二次國共合作,促成中共黨報《新華日報》在「國統區」的誕生。此時,中國也出現了要在國、共之外,走出「第三條路線」的第三黨派。而中共也利用了馬歇爾調處的黃金時段,建立起與第三黨派的合作關係。 在馬歇爾抵達中國時,《新華日報》上即以大篇幅報導其抵達的消息,及杜魯門總統發表的美國對華政策聲明。此時,《新華日報》上在報導此類新聞時不斷訪問第三黨派人士的意見,並給予正面評價。馬歇爾抵達後在數月內即達到國、共停戰目的。在停戰令發布後,同日也召開政治協商會議,達成各黨派的協商。而《新華日報》上也引第三黨派人士之發言讚揚這些成就。 但隨著東北戰局的日益激烈,及政協決議不完全被落實,《新華日報》上對美方開始有所批評。但一開始對美方的抨擊,僅在於美國對華援助上,並未擴及至馬歇爾的調處。8 月份起,《新華日報》將輿論的抨擊擴大至馬歇爾的調處,使馬歇爾倍感調處之困難。在制憲國民大會召開前,馬歇爾不斷引第三黨派進入國共間的軍事及政治調處。但在制憲國民大會召開後,也導致第三黨派內部的分裂。而《新華日報》上也以此為標準分出異己,並強化與未參與制憲國民大會的黨派關係。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractDuring the Second Sino-Japanese War, the KMT and the CCP started their cooperation for the second times, which contributed to the birth of the party organ, Xinhua Ribao, of the CCP in the KMT-governed area. In the meantime, the third party, which tried to find the third way beside the KMT and the CCP, had also shown up. Therefore the CCP took this gold enopportunity to use its party paper to propagate its ideals and to strive for the friendship and cooperation of the third party at the stage of Georg C. Marshall’s mediation of civil war in China. When Marshall arrived in China, Xinhua Ribao largely reported the news and the declaration toward China by President Truman with a positive attitude. Meanwhile, they also reported the opinions from the third party. Marshall ceased the Chinese Civil War in months after he came to China. After the order to cease-fire, on the same day, they also called the political consultative conference. Such things gained the appraisal from Xinhua Ribao with people from the third party. However, after the end of the political consultative conference and Marshall’s leaving. With the severe war in Northeast in China and the incomplete working of the conclusion of the political consultative conference, Xinhua Ribao started its unfriendly critics to the USA. It also reported the informal and even formal statements from the third party to attack Marshall’s visit. From August, Xinhua Ribao expanded the public voice to critic Marshall’s conciliation, and this made the conciliation more difficult. Before Constitution construction national assembly, Marshall positively brought the third party into the military and policy conciliation, but after the assembly, it also led to the break of the third party. In this event, Xinhua Ribao took this as a criterion to distinguish their supporters, and reinforce the relationship between itself and the parties which were absence in Constitution construction national assembly. en_US
DC.subjectXinhua Ribaoen_US
DC.subjectGeorge C. Marshallen_US
DC.subjectthe third partyen_US
DC.subjectthe propaganda policyen_US
DC.title國共內戰前期中共對第三黨派宣傳策略之分析- 以《新華日報》為中心之探討(1945.12-1947.1)zh_TW
DC.titleAn Analysis of the Propaganda Policy of the Chinese Communist Party towardthe Third Party During the First Stage of the Chinese Civil War: The Case of theXinhua Ribao en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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