博碩士論文 981305017 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHuei-ju Hsuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract談到台灣的汽車工業的起源,一定要提到戰後台灣成立的第一家汽車公司-裕隆汽車公司,創辦人就是嚴慶齡先生(1909-1981)。嚴慶齡為我國當代著名的機器製造家,對機器製造及紡織工程有獨特之技術與經驗。1949年大陸淪陷嚴慶齡隨政府來台,1953年在台成立裕隆汽車公司,開始台灣的汽車工業。當時台灣剛從二次大戰戰火中走出來不久,又遇上國共內戰及政府遷台,當時的環境可說是困難重重,但嚴慶齡不畏艱苦,堅持理念,推動台灣汽車工業的發展。 嚴慶齡來臺後,台元紡織公司建廠尚在籌備期間,他把建廠之重責大任交由原泰利廠的班底執行,而自己則赴歐美考察,研究世界列強富強之道。嚴慶齡於考察回台後,深深體會到世界列強之所富強,完全奠基於重工業的進步。故嚴慶齡響應當時蔣中正總統的發動機救國之號召,一心一意發展機械工業,並得出:「欲使中國富強,發展汽車工業是最好的方法」的思想。 嚴慶齡出身棉鐵工業世家,本身也是資深的企業家,產業來台後,紡織業在台灣有較穩定的發展空間,但嚴慶齡不專營自己的老本行紡織業,反而在台灣市場及技術尚末成熟的情況下,投資風險較大的汽車工業,而且一投入就是數十載,始終不離不棄,為了就是帶動國內重工業的發展,並達到國家富強的理想而努力。本文將以嚴慶齡發展台灣汽車工業的過程及他對汽車工業發展過程的建言,依序說明嚴慶齡如何在貧瘠的台灣汽車工業上扎根。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWhen we talk about the origins of the automobile industry in Taiwan,We must be talking about the establishment of the first post-war Taiwan Motor Company - Yulon Motor Company - which was founded by Mr. Yan Qingling (1909-1981). Yanqing Ling is known for contemporary home machine manufacturing, and has unique technology and experience. In 1949, After the mainland China was occupied, Yanqing Ling went to Taiwan with the government. After then, Yanqing Ling start building the automotive industry, he established Yulon Motor Company in Taiwan in 1953. At that time, Taiwan was faced with the Chinese civil war and the difficulty of recovering. But he conquered the challenge, persisting in his beliefs, and finally promoted the development of the automobile industry in Taiwan. When Yanqing Ling coming to Taiwan, Tai Yuen Textile factories was still in the preparatory period. He made the original managing team of Talim factory keep the Tai Yuen Textile factory on going. After then, He engaged in advanced studies for building the business in Europe and the United States. As he went back to Taiwan, he found the possibility of a country’s richness and powerfulness is completely based on the progress of the heavy industry. And he thought the automobile industry is a sophisticated industry, as it develops, it would naturally led industries take off. So he believed It can be said to be a key of industrial development. Meanwhile, he responded the call of President Chiang Kai-shek, and decided to focus on developing the machinery industry. He also created the slogan ,"purports China Fortune, the development of the automotive industry is the best way." Yan Qingling was born in a cotton iron industrial family. He was also an experienced entrepreneurs. In spite of more empty for the textile industry in Taiwan, he still insisted on building the automotive industry many years to drive the development of Taiwan’s heavy industry and try to make effort to make the country prosperous and strong. In the paper, the process of the automotive industry development and his suggestions will be discussed and analyzed. And so the cultivation of it with the tough circumstances will be.en_US
DC.titleA Study on Yan Qingling and Taiwan’s automobile industry(1953-1981)en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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