博碩士論文 983305013 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsiang Hsiaoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract為加速推動台灣太陽能光電系統之普及化,政府將諸多法令政策配合鬆綁,然建置完成後之系統能否達到預期效能,太陽能光電系統建置之材料及施工檢查標準,能否貫徹執行以維施工品質,均為必須重新省思進行研究之課題。   本研究主要針對太陽能光電系統中市面上運用最廣之固定式市電併聯型(Grid-Connected)系統進行研究,並對其設備故障率及故障原因作深入探討,蒐集國內外太陽能光電系統故障研究資料,並設計問卷內容進行調查,統計目前台灣太陽能光電系統設備故障率及故障原因排名,並分析導致故障之各種可能性後,再行檢視現行公共工程委員會(以下簡稱工程會)規範之周延性,如有遺漏或不足之處,復參酌工業技術研究院(以下簡稱工研院)規範、中國國家標準(CNS)、國家通訊傳播委員會(NCC)相關法規標準,擬定解決對策,歸納新增及修正之法規於工程會規範中。   此外,本研究並根據規範訂定之結果,將施工前、中、後各階段必須新增或修改之規範納入查檢表中;定性部分為綜參各規範之集成,定量部分則比較各單位規範數值,採最嚴苛標準,若定性及定量各單位皆無規範,則以改善故障缺失為目標,新增本研究建議規範。另亦將工程會及工研院不須修改之太陽能光電既有規範將之納入,其代表意義乃為求查檢表之完整性,俾利於三級品管單位於施工前、中、後以此查檢表作為施工查驗之依據即可。設置完成後之查驗數據未來亦可提升產、官、學、研之可利用性,避免重複性缺失發生,減少故障機率,提升系統品質。   為驗證本研究結果查檢表之適用性、周延性、防範性,驗證對象包含第一次發包而接觸太陽能光電系統之地方政府機關業主單位、委託設計監造之監督單位,乃至初次投入公共工程太陽能光電系統之設置廠商,只要依據此查檢表於施工前、中、後程序逐一檢核送審文件、設備規格、施工項目及保固移交資料,必能達成工程會要求之三級品管標準。   另對於曾承攬經濟部太陽能光電系統工程之有經驗承商而言,依此查檢表內容運用於施工過程,除能確保過往工程案例之缺失不再重蹈覆轍,更能縮減工期,降低重複施工成本。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn order to accelerate the popularization of solar photovoltaic systems in Tai-wan, for its easy combination with the appearance of the existing building structure, the government has deregulated many policies and relative laws.However, the top-ic is that whether the system to be built can achieve the expected performance, or its maintenance costs will be cheaper than what expected. More forword, if the SOP(Standard Operating Procedure) for its standard inspection could be imple-mented to guarantee the construction quality of this system; as well as if the system design and the protection device is considered not to impact on the Taipower sys-tem, etc., all these subjets mentioned befor are points that must be reviewed and studied. This study is focused on the most extensive used Grid-Connected systems in solar photovoltaic system market, and the relative investigation on its equipments failure rate and the cause of the malfunction, collecting research informations around the world about the failure of the solar photovoltaic system, and designing questionnaire to investigate, making statistics and ranking failure rate of solar pho-tovoltaic system equipment presently in Taiwan, after analyzing possibilities of failures reviewing if circumspect the current regulation of Public Construction Commission(PCC) specification. In case of deficiencies or omissions, then re-ferring to regulations and standards established by Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI ) , Chinese National Standards (CNS), National Communications Commission (NCC), to develop countermeasures and induct amendment or new terms to the ITRI regulations. In addition,this study will rest on the norms establishment, include those new terms and amendement that would be added for each stage of pre, during and af-ter-construction to the checking table; the qualitative part is collection of relative norms , in the quantitative part it will compare the regulation specification values from different unit , adopt the most stringent standards. If there is no norms on qualitative and quantitative parts, the object will be focused on the improvement of malfunction adding advisable terms that this study suggest. Furthermore, ITRI and PCC’s those existing solar photovoltaic norms that need not amendment will be in-corporated, that represents the completeness of checklist to serve three quality con-trol unit in favor of pre-construction, during and after this construction inspection checklist as the basis can be. After the setup is complete, the inspection data also enhance the future availability in industry, government, academia, research sections, avoiding repetitive errors, reducing failure frequency, improving system quality.   In order to verify the applicability, circumspect nature, preventivity of the checklist in this study , promoting the spirit of ISO 9000 - ”anyone can enter at any time to take over the situation,” the object to be verify must include the first contract and contact local authorities of solar photovoltaic systems unit owners, commis-sioned supervision unit design and supervision of, and even the initial investment in setting public works solar photovoltaic systems of manufacturers, as long as the ba-sis of this checklist prior to construction, during and after the program individually vetting submittal documents, equipment specifications, construction projects and warranty transfer data will be able to reach the three projects will require the quality control standards.   On the other hand, those who has experiences of being contracted by the Minis-try of Economic Affairs for solar photovoltaic systems construction, if applying this checklist on the construction process, it will assure not to repeat previous erros, in addition to reduce construction period and costs caused by repeated construction. en_US
DC.subjectEquipments Failure Rate And The Cause Of The Malfunctionen_US
DC.subjectThree Levels Of Quality Controlen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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