博碩士論文 983403011 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChung-Ping Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract高精度的測長及定位是機械產業發展及升級不可或缺之主要工具,其中,雷射干涉儀可於長距離量測的範圍內同時保有高解析度之特性,此乃一般長度量測技術所不及者。 但一般的干涉儀因易受環境擾動所干擾,因而並無法適應精密機械產業的工作環境。因此,開發適用於一般環境之干涉儀系統為精密機械產業升級的重要關鍵。由以往的研究成果中可知,共光程架構的Fabry-Perot干涉儀具有較佳的抗環境擾動能力。 有鑒於此,本研究為因應精密機械產業的檢測需求,透過光機架構的改良,設計可變光路之共光程干涉儀系統。此架構包含平面鏡式Fabry-Peort干涉儀系統,可用於量程短、機台幾何精度較高的檢測需求;另外折疊腔式Fabry-Peort干涉儀系統,適用於量程大、一般機台幾何精度的檢測需求。透過光路結構及訊號處理模組的優化,可調整干涉儀系統之量測範圍及解析度,並擴大此類干涉儀於精密機械產業之適用範疇。 本文所完成之系統,由實驗結果得知,於一般環境下的解析度小於5 nm,量測範圍可達500 mm,精度為±0.5 μm (±3σ),線性度為1 ppm F.S.。透過產業的實際應用,證實本系統具有長行程位移量測及精密機械校正的能力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractPrecision measurement technology is the one of the critical points of the development of precision mechanical industry. Because the laser interferometers possess the measuring features of large measuring range and high resolution simultaneously, they play an important role in the modern length measurement technology. Because of the rapid development of the precision mechanical industry, the requirements of the measurement parameters are enhanced. The conventional measurement technologies cannot meet these requirements. For this reason, interferometric technology is used in the precision mechanical industry wildly. But the conventional interferometric technology cannot demonstrate its characteristics of high precision under the ordinary environment. Therefore, the interferometer cannot yield expected results in the application of precision mechanical industry. In summary, the key of the upgrading of precision mechanical industry is to develop the interferometer which can be used in ordinary environment. By the past research, Fabry-Perot interferometer is possessed of the optical structure of the common path. Due to the optical arrangement, Fabry-Perot interferometer can be more insensitive to the environmental disturbances. By the design of the optical structure, the measuring range of Fabry-Perot interferometer can be enlarged up to 500 mm. For this reason, the application of Fabry-Perot interferometer can be more valuable in the field of precision measurement. In view of this situation, for the measuring condition of the precision mechanical industry under the fluctuating environments, a Fabry-Perot interferometer with the variable optical structures has been proposed. One of the structures is plane-mirror Fabry-Peort interferometer system utilized in small range, high precision and fine mechanical tolerance situations. Another structure is folded Fabry-Peort interferometer system which can be performed in large range and mechanical tolerance situations. By the development of the common path interferometer , the novel arrangement of the optical structure and the optimization of the signal processing model, the measuring range and the resolution of the proposed interferometer can be enhanced. With the aid of this interferometric technology, applications of the common path interferometer for precision mechanical industry can be promoted. With this development, the interferometric system will be available. From the experimental results, the measuring range is larger than 500 mm, precision is ±0.5μm (±3σ) and linearity is about 1 ppm F.S.. The experimental resolution is less than 4 nm. Finally the application experiment, the proposed interferometer system is suitable for the precision mechanical industry purpose.en_US
DC.subjectInterferometric displacement measurementen_US
DC.subjectCommon pathen_US
DC.subjectFolded resonant cavityen_US
DC.subjectModified signal processing moduleen_US
DC.titleDevelopment and Application of Common Path Interferometer Systemen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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