博碩士論文 984207007 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsuan-hui Wangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在美國之經濟諮商局(The Conference Board)與及國際顧問公司所做的調查、知名企業經理人的訪談言論中,顯示現今企業對於人才議題的重視以及現今實務關於潛能人才管理發展的狀況,可發現企業的重視與實際的執行及潛能相關的規劃運用是有所落差的;此外國內關於高潛能人才的定義以及相關的指標的建立與釐清也較少發展,並常對於職能與潛能的說法有所混淆,更會將高績效與高潛能人才畫上等號。因此本研究欲從過去國內外的研究與文獻中探討高潛能人才的意涵以及相關的行為特質,並且歸納整理出相關的定義與一系列的對照指標,以其對實務上的人才管理有所貢獻。 潛力這個名詞是來自拉丁文的力量,意指”具有可能性,是能夠發展成具體現實的;是一種不僅能前進並能脫穎與發展的力量與特質” (Tiffan, 2009) ,關於高潛能(High potential, HIPO, HPs, High fly, Fast tracker)的定義說法不一,本研究認為高潛能人才是在發展時期,不受環境背景限制,表現出與眾不同的企圖心與工作能力;並認同追隨公司的文化價值觀,願意為公司貢獻;具有自我學習、提升成長,比同期同儕晉升更快速,預測未來1、2年內可晉升2到3級的員工。 本研究對此主題分成兩個階段進行分析,在第一階段中,針對15位不同產業、地區之企業主管進行有關潛能項目的訪談,進行密集的深度訪談,以深度訪談法的方式了解高潛能人才的才能與特質,對於高潛能內涵做開放性的討論,並且在訪談過程中蒐集高潛能的衡量指標,對這些潛能指標做探索性的分析。第二階段,本研究著重於高潛能人才潛能特質展現事件上,研究事件的來龍去脈,從發生的事件中學習與討論,因此採用個案研究法,針對不同產業之高潛能人才進行的訪談,選擇6家具有規模的企業內部人員推薦具有發展潛力的主管,由不同產業及工作性質中來尋求高潛能人才的共通點,以高潛能人才的案例進行對照性的分析。 本研究從各訪談者所提供的意見中,萃取歸納出以下十二項高潛能的評量指標,擷取篩選這些項目的依據是與專家共同討論每項指標,作重要性的評估,歸類出的項目分別為:學習敏捷性、適應力與彈性、組織任務熱誠、人際影響四大類。本研究訪談歸納之四大項潛能項目具有不同的特性,可視其特性在實務上有所運用,如適應力與彈性以及人際關係的基礎面向潛能項目,適用於企業在招募甄選員工的一項參考依據,可藉由招募時的角色模擬的臨場反應以及面談時的人員互動觀察來了解員工在這方面的特質展現是否具有潛力;而學習敏捷性與組織任務熱誠則較屬於成長面向的潛能項目,則可運用訓練發展的活動來強化員工在這方面的能力,如一些領導統御的課程可使員工以更不同的角度思考問題,或是團隊活動來加強對於組織的熱誠與成就動機。因此這些項目在於企業的運用上可以做為具體的評量指標亦或是活動課程的考量項目,具有較高的實務價值。 此外本研究從實際案例呼應對照歸納之潛能項目,能夠從案例中探討高潛能人才的共通特質,並發現高潛能人才在不同階段會有不同的能力與扮演的角色,在個案的實例中也能有所互應,因此對於這些人才的任用上,企業可視組織之情況,對於不同階段之人才更進一步的做區分界定,亦可參考本研究歸納出之指標更細部的去界定不同層級的人才所有的能力展現程度,如較高階的人才因具有較通盤的能力,所以在於適應力與彈性的能力展現上應該要有更高的要求,如此能夠對於人才能更具系統更貼切實際狀況的去衡量與管理。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSurveys and some opinions of the famous business managers show companies’ great value on the issues of talent and how to manage and develop the potential employee in the practical situation. But there’s a gap between the how firms value on the issue and how it be executed. Besides, there are few definitions about high potential talent and the researches on the potential indicators in domestic studies. In the practical, people often misuse the words “potential” and “competency”, even some think high potential equals to high performance. Therefore, our study focused on discovering the true meaning of high potential employee and some traits of them, then concluded the definition and built up the indicators of high potential, and made the contribution on the practical talent management. The word “potential” comes from the Latin word for “power.” It means “existing in possibility; capable of development into actuality; a power or quality that has not yet come forth but may emerge and develop.” (Tiffan, 2009) There are many definitions about “the high potential” (HIPO, HPs, High fly, Fast tracker). In our research, we defined high potential as some talents who develop themselves without the limit of background, show their high ambition and outstanding performance, commit to the value of their organization, willing to contribute to the organization, self-learning with agility, consistently and significantly utperform their peer groups, and be predict to promote 2-3 level in the future 2 years. In our research, there are two parts to discuss the issue. In the first stage, we invited 15 managers from different industries and districts to the interview about potential indicator. We conducted in-depth interview to get the competency and trait of high potential, talk about the meaning of HIPO openness, and gather indicators of HIPO. In the second stage, we focused on the case study to learn from some outstanding HIPO managers. We invited 6 excellent managers to talk about themselves. From the incidents and their personality, we concluded some common points among these cases. And make a comparison between cases and indicators. From the result of in-depth interview, we induced 12 high potential indicators, classified to four categories: learning agility, adaptability and flexibility, dedication to organization and task, and relational influence. The four categories of HIPO indicators can be use in the practical talent management when requiting, training, and developing high potential employee. This work can make a contribution to business human capital management; create more value in practical management. Although there are some common among the cases, HIPOs in different hierarchy may show different talent and play different roles. Therefore, in order to make good arrangement of these talents, organizations should take their levels and organization environments into consideration to classify HIPOS. The result of our study can be used as references to consider and evaluate the situations. Consequently, our study has great contributions to the practical. en_US
DC.subjectTalent management.en_US
DC.titleThe Exploratory analysis of employee potentialen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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