博碩士論文 984207019 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWan-Chieh Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract現今變化快速的工作環境中職涯發展成為員工重要議題,面對工作挑戰員工對自己需負更大責任、更有彈性、更有復原力。基於工作上的不確定性日漸擴增,員工對於組織的承諾日漸轉為對自我職業上的承諾,認同理論(identity theory)中提及,個人對於自我角色的認同感受外部環境影響,因此本研究以主管管理教練技能(managerial coaching skills)與知覺組織支持(perceived organizational support)為外部因素影響員工職業承諾 (occupational commitment)。 本研究假設主管管理教練技能對於職業承諾有正向影響且組織支持為中介變數,有效樣本回收數共為 209 位在職員工,運用軟體 SPSS 17.0 執行分析後,本研究發現:管理教練技能對職業承諾為正相關;知覺組織支持對管理教練技能與職業承諾之情感性職 業承諾(affective occupational commitment)、道德性職業承諾(normative occupational commitment)具完全中介效果;知覺組織支持對管理教練技能與職業承諾之持續性承諾(accumulated costs occupational commitment)、有限選擇職業承(limited alternatives occupational commitment)無中介效果。 最後,本研究建議主管管理教練技能與組織支持能協助員工增進情感與道德職業承諾,在訓練發展上亦可加強主管教練技能。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn this turbulent world, career development becomes an important issue for every employee. Employees have to take greater responsibility for their own career development and become more adaptive, be able to handle ambiguity, and be more resilient in the face of career challenges. Due to unpredictable working environment, employee commitment may be shifted from organization commitment to occupation commitment. Based on the concept of identity theory which describes the impact of external environment on one‟s recognition of his/her role identity, this study considered manager‟s coaching skills and organizational support as an external inputs on employee‟s occupational commitment. This study hypothesized that managerial coaching skills was positive related to occupational commitment and it also had the mediating effect of perceived organizational support on affective, normative, accumulated costs and limited alternatives occupational commitment. The model was analyzed by SPSS 17.0. Through a study of 209 employees, the conclusion included managerial coaching skills had been found to be significantly associated with occupational commitment. In addition, perceived organizational support had a full mediated effect on “affective” and “normative” occupational commitment but no positive relationship with employee‟s “accumulated costs “and “limited alternatives” occupational commitment. This paper contributes to classify the influence of manager‟s coaching skills on employees. By improving managerial coaching skills, managers can assist employee to entrench on their occupation. en_US
DC.subjectmanagerial coaching skillsen_US
DC.subjectperceived organizational supporten_US
DC.subjectoccupational commitmenten_US
DC.title管理教練技能對職業承諾之影響 – 以知覺組織支持為中介變項zh_TW
DC.titlePerceived Organizational Support as a Mediator of Managerial Coaching Skills and Occupational Commitmenten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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