博碩士論文 984209001 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChiao-ya Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract通訊產業為台灣重點產業之一,3G/3.5G行動上網的使用更是在智慧型載具逐漸普及下蔚為風潮,在短短2010年一年,智慧型手機較2009年成長幅度高達三至四成,同時帶動加值服務的高度需求也成為業者另一獲利來源。根據工研院ITIS計畫,預估2011年台灣電信服務營收將可達到3,792.87億新台幣,即年成長率為2.89%。   如此一來,行動網路市場的競爭條件也將隨之改變,中華電信由以往總是遙遙領先之姿,演變成與遠傳電信、台灣大哥大三雄鼎立、相互抗衡的現況。本研究以網路問卷方式進行調查,從消費者角度來看此三大電信服務商在行動網路市場之競爭優勢,藉以此服務在提供時,消費者會接觸到的三大層面「行動無線網路服務」、「行動無線網路應用(App)服務」及「通訊營運商整體服務」,其中再細分成38項細部服務特徵,清楚的描述服務具備的功能與性質,以重要性與滿意度評分,掌握消費者在選擇服務廠商時所重視的某些特定需求,與這些需求目前被業者滿足的程度。   業者唯有在消費者所重視的需求特徵下苦功,才能獲得消費者的青睞,提升消費者使用服務的感受利益,提高其願付價格,甚至有效進行成本配置,而達到獲利的目的;經過了解消費者,業者才可對自身在市場上進行定位、強化競爭優勢,也唯有得到消費者,業者在市場上才具有競爭優勢。   分析研究問卷後,結果顯示「行動無線網路服務」內的特徵最為使用3G/3.5G的消費者所重視,也是主導他們在廠商選擇時的重要考量因素,故廠商應盡其可能提升硬體設備的研發與功效,本研究也積極蒐集各項技術資訊,為業者在改善此部份特徵上,提供具體且可行的方法,協助廠商確實穩固其在市場之競爭優勢。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe communication industry is one of the most important industries in Taiwan. It is a trend that people use 3G/3.5G mobile internet by all kind of instruments, such as smart phone, smart pad and laptop etc. Compare to 2009, the use of smart phone increased more than 30% in 2010. It also brought up the needs of value added services which became a way to make profits at the same time. According to the research form ITIS plan, the revenue of the communication industry predicted in Taiwan will reach to about 37billion NT dollars, meaning the yearly growth rate is closed to 2.89%. So, the competition situation of the mobile internet market in Taiwan is going to change because of the trend. The company, CHT, is no longer the biggest, its market share is closed to the other two firms, Far Eastern and Taiwan Mobile nowadays. The paper is trying to analyze the competition advantages of the three big communication firms from the view as consumers, conducting e-survey to investigate, and figure out that how much consumers satisfied by those services provided by the three firms. Now, the paper divided the applications of the mobile internet to 3 parts including 38 characteristics in detail. It also made consumers answer how important and the satisfaction level they considered to each characteristic. Then it’s much easier to control the certain elements that customers focused on. Firm can earn consumers only when they work hard enough on what the customers want. By understanding those target consumers, companies can find its own position and enhance its competition in the market, moreover, they might increase their consumers’ perceived benefit and willingness to pay so that they can locate their costs effectively and earn profits. After analyzing the results of the survey, it reveals that characteristics of the part-mobile internet- is considered most by consumers, which leads them to choose the firm they belonged to. The paper try to collect related information of the latest technique skills and provide possible ways to improve the competitive advantages of the firms, helping them earn more profits. en_US
DC.subjectThe Analysis of Characterien_US
DC.subjectCompetitive Advantageen_US
DC.titleThe Competitive Advantage Analysis of the 3G/3.5G Mobile Internet Application Services in Taiwanen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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