博碩士論文 984301010 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYen-hsi Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來汽車安全法規不斷提高安全係數,汽車產業在車體設計上需不斷的增加強度,但也要顧及高漲的環保意識,因此在車體設計上採用越來越多的先進高強度鋼來增加車體強度並減輕車重,因此未來先進高強度鋼焊點品質相當重要。另一關鍵則為車廠所採用最多的點焊製成,將由傳統之交流(AC)電阻點焊改為中頻直流(MFDC)電阻點焊技術,可提升焊點品質及降低能源耗損。 個案C公司車體點焊製程使用全為AC交流點焊,為提升公司競爭力,故首次導入中頻直流點焊設備,並對於中頻直流點焊之品質管理制度進行建立,利用個案C公司進行實證並找出關鍵因素。 本研究係採用質性及部分生產數據的量性研究方式,依據個案C公司的單一生產站別的中頻直流導入品質管理建立研究為對象,參考品質定義、全面品質管理(TQM)、國際品質認證標準(ISO)等,規劃個案公司中頻直流點焊之品質管理制度,並透過實證及分析,找出關鍵因素及成效,研究出最佳的車廠中頻直流點焊之品質管理制度。 將本次研究的結果,制定出最佳的車廠中頻直流點焊之品質管理制度運用於中頻直流點焊系統導入上,提供個案C公司及汽車同業車體組立參考使用。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, automobile safety regulations have constantly increased safety factors. Automobile industries thus add strength to car-body design and take emerging environmental concept into consideration. They adopt more and more advanced high-strength steel to increase car-body strength and decrease car-body weight. Therefore, in the future the quality of advanced high-strength steel spot welding appears to be extremely important. Another critical element is that mostly adopted spot welding process will be transformed from traditional alternative current (AC) into medium frequency direct current (MFDC) electric resistance spot welding, in order to increase the quality of spot welding and decrease energy consuming. The car-body manufacturing process of C-company is using entire AC spot welding. To increase the competitiveness in the automobile field, C-company introduces MFDC welder for the first time and sets up a quality management system of MFDC spot welding. This thesis is cooperating with C-company and exploring key factors of management system. This research adopts qualitative and partial production data for doing the research. Taking management system of MFDC spot welding introduced in single production stage of C-company as the researching target. The definition of quality, total quality management (TQM) and international organization for standardization (ISO) will be the reference. By planning the quality control management system of MFDC spot welding in C-company and empirical analysis to find the key factors of optimized management systems. Based on the research results, we established the optimized management system of MFDC spot welding to the MFDC spot welding process and offered it to C-company and other automakers. en_US
DC.subjectmedium frequency direct current (MFDC)en_US
DC.subjectspot weldingen_US
DC.subjectquality managementen_US
DC.title車廠中頻直流(MFDC)點焊之品質管理制度的建立 — 以C公司為例zh_TW
DC.titleFounding Quality Management System of Medium Frequency Direct Current (MFDC) Spot Welding in an Automaker - A Case Study of Companyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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