博碩士論文 984301018 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChia-Hsin Kanen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract再生能源發展目前為一種新型態的工業革命,為減緩地球暖化所因應而生的低碳與綠色經濟發展,並透過全球目前再生能源的發展趨勢,幾乎已成為全球企業下一個市場發展的目標。目前,風力發電、生質能與太陽能是市場最具潛力的三大再生能源產業,而以台灣目前再生能源的發展來看,大多以太陽能發電產業為主,台灣企業太陽能佈局大多往兩個方向方展,一是垂直整合所有上下游的供應鏈廠商;二是將觸角伸向海外,前進全球太陽能市場。 本研究主要是以太陽能發電事業拓展海外市場開發之探討,世界各國目前皆致力於發展工業經濟的同時兼顧保護地球環境,因此太陽能資源之開發與創造太陽能其現有之價值,為現今全球重要之課題。目前眾多太陽能事業發展市場集中在歐洲、亞洲、美洲與澳洲等國家,因此藉由太陽能全球市場發展之趨勢,探討除此些已發展之市場外,其他潛在其他市場發展可能性,因此選定以較少投資者開發且氣候與地理條件有較佳優勢之非洲市場為研究發展目標。 本論文透過與台灣有邦交之非洲四個國家各項環境與經濟條件來做分析探討,藉由目標市場之各項影響因素來評估台灣太陽能企業投入非洲國家之各項優劣勢,目前世界各國開始重視非洲此未開發市場,其各項條件皆影響進入非洲市場之考量,本研究結論分析透過以合資方式,借助已進入非洲市場之其他國家經驗,並可解決龐大資金之問題,找出一個較適合台灣企業在非洲市場發展之方式,以利台灣企業進入新市場之參考。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractDevelopment of renewable energy is currently a new kind of industrial revolution. With low-carbon and green economy which be born due to the mitigation of global warming, and the current global trends, renewable energy has almost become the next market target of global enterprise.At present, wind power, biomass power and solar energy are the three most promising market of renewable energy industry, and to Taiwan’’s current perspective of the development of renewable energy, mainly is solar energy industries, most of Taiwan enterprises arrange their solar energy business in both two directions, one is to upstream and downstream vertical integration of supply chains; the other, extending their solar energy business overseas, forward to the global solar market. This study is a mainly discussion on how the solar energy business expand the overseas market. While solar energy is a clean and sustainable kind of energy, countries around the world are now committed to the development of the industrial economy taking into account the protection of global environment, therefore the solar energy development and creation of existing solar value is today’’s global issues. Currently, the solar energy market is concentrated in Europe, Asia, America, Australia and other countries. So by the global solar energy market development trends, we discuss the possibility of other potential developments besides the developed market. We choose African market as the objective of this study because African market has fewer investors and the advantages of better climate and geographical conditions. This study analysis the environmental conditions of the four African countries which has diplomatic allies relations with Taiwan. By the target market’s effect factor, we evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of Taiwan’’s solar energy businesses to invest in African countries. Nowadays, countries around the world start to pay attention to this undeveloped market in Africa. The impact of Taiwan’s solar energy businesses conditions are considered to enter the African market. By the analysis and conclusion of this study, we advise to enter African solar energy market through joint ventures, with the experiences of other countries that already entered the African market, and also can solve the huge capital issue, find a more suitable way for Taiwan enterprises to develop the Africa market. This study could be a reference for Taiwanese enterprises to enter new markets. en_US
DC.subjectSolar Energyen_US
DC.subjectEntry strategiesen_US
DC.subjectRenewable Energyen_US
DC.titleSolar Energy Target Market Entry Strategy of African Areaen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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