博碩士論文 985204002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorGui-yuan Dengen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著Web 2.0的發展,帶來了集結眾人智慧與創作的概念,使得在網際網路上的知識分享可以更有效率的發展。當知識的分享越來越龐大,知識的內容也逐漸變得更為專精,也使得人們開始重視自己分享的知識。如果分享的知識無法受到的保護,那麼人們可能不願意在網路上分享知識,反而喪失Web 2.0之精神。然而創用CC授權條款的出現,改變了以往對於著作權的保護只侷限在於「保留全部權利」(all rights reserved)和「不保留權利」(no rights reserved)的情況。使得分享的知識可以受到保護,因而促使人們更願意去分享知識。 因此本研究目的是想探究結合創用CC於Web 2.0分享平台上,進行圖畫創作分享活動,是否會影響學童對於知識分享的意願及行為表現。 而結果顯示對於網站效用性具有高度信任的學童,會比較依賴網站所提供的工具,因而造成其不願意分享;相對地,願意分享創作的學童不熟悉網站的創作工具,但是對於其他人的創作能力感到非常信任,所以會願意其他人引用及修改而讓作品能更加的完善。而在網站的期許方面,發現學童對於網站的期許也會直接影響其分享意願。最後,透過分享策略活動讓學童對於創用CC授權有所認識,也使得一開始不願意分享的學童,最後會願意分享圖畫給其他人。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the development of Web 2.0, it brings the concept of collecting intelligence and creativity, and makes knowledge sharing more efficient. When knowledge sharing is growing, the content of knowledge gradually become more professional, and it also makes people to focus on their own knowledges. if the knowledge can not to be protected on the internet, people may not intent to share their knowledge. However, with the Creative Commons proposed, it changes the protection of copyright between “All rights reserved” and “No rights reserved”. It makes the sharing of knowledge to be protected, which promotes to people more willing to share knowledge. Therefore, the aim of this study is to explore the integration of the Creative Commons with Web 2.0 sharing platform for creating and sharing picture activities, and whether affect students’ sharing intention and performance or not. The results showed that when students trust the effectiveness of this site, they may depend on the site’s tools, and then they don’t want to be helped by other people, which contribute to low sharing intentions. Relatively, the other students are willing to share their own pictures, because they trust people’s ability. In the community-related outcome expectation, it effects to sharing intention directly from students’ feedbacks. Finally, students can realize Creative Commons license through strategic sharing activity, and they prefer to share pictures to others even if they ever didn’t . en_US
DC.subjectKnowledge sharingen_US
DC.subjectCreative commonsen_US
DC.subjectWeb 2.0en_US
DC.title在Web 2.0 平台上對於學童知識分享意願與行為分析zh_TW
DC.titleAn analysis of children’s knowledge sharing intention and behaviors on Web 2.0 platforms.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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