博碩士論文 985302020 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorFang-ting Liuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract學習者在學習紙本知識的時候,只能依靠自己吸收整理,或是書裡面有限的補充教學文件來學習,因此很多時候,學習者之間會聚在一起彼此交流意見、互相討論、分享知識、快速查詢關鍵字,來加深學習的效率。 在網路發達的時代,學習者之間互相交流的方式已經不再只限於某個地點或時間,學習者可以透過網路社群學習的方式來彼此交流、分享意見互相學習。同時,學習者在使用電子書時,也可以不必像以前使用紙本書一樣,透過目錄或是經驗來找尋相關的書本內容,電子書的即時查詢功能可以幫助使用者快速的搜尋到想要找尋的內容。 本研究的目的不是為了要設計一個取代紙本書的系統,而是設計一個方便使用者查詢紙本書的輔助系統,讓使用者在閱讀紙本書的時候可以快速的搜尋到想要的知識,也可以單獨使用系統新增自己的紙本書知識,利用網頁線上瀏覽的便利性,建立一個讓使用者吸收知識的平台,將參考手冊與使用者手冊的概念運用到電子書上。 另外我們希望可以將社群共建的機制,搭配透過參考手冊與使用者手冊的設計,使用者可以從目錄的內容找到相關的內容,也可以利用使用者手冊找到使用其他使用者的見解,充實參考手冊以及使用者手冊的內容,讓使用者在閱讀電子書時,能夠更了解書本裡的內容與意境。 透過提供社群共建的機制,希望讓使用者能夠使用此系統共同建立使用者手冊,共建自己的意見與分析到使用者手冊上,加深學習者學習電子書的效率,再使用推薦機制來提升使用者手冊的可信度。 經實驗觀察,發現使用者覺得利用參考手冊來查詢電子書的知識是快速的,也認為電子書搭配使用者手冊是能夠幫助他們學習知識,除了能吸引學習者關注教學內容,更能讓學習者專注學習活動,並透過引導,讓他們彼此合作、討論並透過使用者之間的知識貢獻,幫助彼此快速的得到想要的解決方式。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractLearners when learning paper knowledge, can only rely on yourself to absorb organize or book which documents the limited supplementary teaching to learn, if learners can discuss with each other, share knowledge, rapid query keywords, the efficiency of learning is helpful. The purpose of this study was not intended to replace the paper book to design a system, but to design a user-friendly query paper book, auxiliary systems, allowing users to read the paper in the book when you can quickly search the knowledge you want, you can alone systems add your own paper book knowledge, the use of online web browsing convenience, allowing users to create a platform to absorb knowledge, the concept of reference manuals and user reference manual on the use of e-books. We hope to build a community mechanism, with the user through the design reference manual and reference manual, users can find relevant content from the contents of the directory, you can also make use of user reference manual to find other users insights to enrich reference Manual and the contents of a user reference manual, allows users to read e-books, the books can better understand the content and mood. The purpose of this study is to provide a mechanism to build community, allowing users to use the system to jointly build a user reference manual, and build their own opinions and analysis to the user reference manual, enhance the efficiency of e-book learners, then use the recommended mechanism to enhance the credibility of the user reference manual. The experimental observation, found that users feel that using reference manual to check the knowledge of e-books is fast, but also that e-books with a user reference manual is to help them learn, in addition to teaching content to attract attention of learners, but also allows the learner focus on learning activities and, through guidance, so that they cooperate with each other, discuss and contribute through knowledge between users, help each other quickly get the desired solution. en_US
DC.subjectReference Booken_US
DC.title為使用知識而設計的電子書- 以參考手冊為模式的電子書設計zh_TW
DC.titleDesigned for use with knowledge of e-books - the reference manual for the model of e-book designen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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