博碩士論文 986201006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChing-Jui Chiuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract第三版風場模式為國立中央大學大氣物理研究所大氣化學實驗室從2006年至2010年間,以第一版風場模式為基礎逐步發展改良而成的二維Lagrangian模式。先前的研究顯示第三版風場模式的質點向前積分與向後積分運算結果,也透過台灣地區高空間以及時間解析度之空氣汙染擴散個案模擬,顯示第三版風場模式可藉由高空間與時間解析度之質點擴散、傳遞趨勢模擬,來研究汙染物的擴散情形。本篇研究利用敏感度實驗進行模式內插風場的驗證,以及使用個案模擬結果與觀測資料的比對,進行第三版風場模式模擬結果的驗證。 在敏感度實驗中,本文選定中大的區域進行3組模擬,在所有的設定與條件都一致的情況下,調整在中大區域內部觀測資料點的個數,測試在不同的資料密度下風場模式客觀分析後的網格風場結果之差異,進而研究其對汙染物傳輸模擬的影響。結果顯示,資料密度對客觀分析風場有很大的影響,使用較密集的觀測資料進行客觀分析所得之網格風場較能忠實呈現風場在空間上的差異;較鬆散的觀測資料則會降低客觀分析後,風場在空間上的差異;加入中大內部風場觀測資料後,中大內部的風速下降,顯現出地形摩擦力的效應,進而降低汙染物於中大區域的擴散速率。 在模式模擬結果的驗證中,選定台塑六輕火警事件、平鎮工業區聯茂電子火警事件與煉油廠臭異味陳情事件進行個案模擬,並利用環保署光化測站觀測資料進行模擬結果的驗證。結果顯示第三版風場模式對汙染物的傳輸模擬結果與觀測資料具有良好的一致性,同時第三版風場模式具有在小範圍內區分出不同汙染源的能力。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWind Model version 3 is a two dimension Lagrangian model. This model was developed by Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling Laboratory of Department of Graduate Institute of Atmospheric Physics, National Central University. Previously research showed the result of forward integration and backward integration of Wind Model version 3. By high spatial and high time resolution simulation of air pollution transport case study, this model can simulate particles’ movement caused by wind as air pollutants’ transport. This study uses sensitivity experiment to verify model’s wind interpolation, and compares model’s cases simulation results to pollutants’ observation to verify Wind Model version 3’s simulation results. In the sensitivity experiment, this study designs three sets of simulations in National Central University(NCU) domain. While all sets’ simulation setting are the same, adjusting the observation ‘s number in NCU domain to exam model’s wind field objective analysis result’s difference due to different observation density. And further discuss these differences cause air pollutants’ transport differences. The sensitivity experiment’s result shows that used higher density observations can let model’s interpolate gridded wind field more faithful in the spatial variation. Used lower density observations will reduce model’s interpolate gridded wind field’s spatial variation. And also, the wind speed decreases while adding wind field observations inside NCU. It shows the topography friction effect, and it may decrease the diffusion efficiency inside NCU. This study uses Wind Model version 3 to simulate Formosa Petrochemical Corporation Sixth Naphtha Cracking Mailiao industrial zone’s fire alarm case, Innovation Teamwork Excellence Quality Pingjhen Industrial zone’s fire alarm case and Chinese Petroleum Corporation Taoyuan Refinery foul-smelling cases, and compare the results to EPA air pollution monitoring station’s observation result as model’s simulation results verification. It shows that the results of air pollutant transport simulation are agree with observation results, and it also shows that Wind Model version 3 can identify different pollution source in a small range. en_US
DC.subjectWind Modelen_US
DC.titleVerification and sensitivity test of Wind Model version 3en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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