博碩士論文 987201008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorEn-ming Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近十多年來受到行政院客家委員會的成立,客家社團、客家活動的舉辦,使得客家族群的客家意識逐漸抬頭。在教會當中,雖然因著普世宣教的概念將福音遍傳萬族萬民當中,且基督宗教傳入台灣已超過百年,有多位宣教師與差會投入客家宣教,但因著台灣客家族群固有文化以及大環境的影響,使得台灣客家族群信仰基督宗教之比率僅只有0.3%的人數。近十多年來隨著政府部門與民間社團對於客家族群的重視,使得教會當中的牧者與信徒也開始看重客家族群的需要,致力於客家宣教之事工發展。 台灣基督長老教會是最早投入客家宣教,且客家宣教組織與規模最多且最完善的教派;台灣崇真會的成立就是看重客家宣教之異象,為了客家族群的福音得著而成立的教派;中華聖潔會來台成立秉持著母會瑞典聖潔會的宣教精神,至最偏遠且福音尚未遍傳的鄉村從事宣教事工,而客家族群在當時的年代(1953年)看來即是處於偏遠地區且福音尚未遍傳之地,因此成為中華聖潔會從事宣教的對象。前述三大教派是目前全國從事客家宣教最主要的教派,本文的出發點在於許多教會團體對於客家宣教皆提出不同的宣教策略,且筆者參與過不同的教派的聚會也體會到不同的教派對於客家宣教所做的宣教策略皆不盡相同,筆者期望透過本文來探討當前的客家宣教之事工推展。 本文運用田野訪談與參與觀察法做為研究之方法,理論的探討是運用宣教學與族群理論為本文的理論架構,並且因著受訪者所闡述的內容而配合運用都市化、社會連帶以及理性選擇等相關概念來做討論說明。章節的安排共分為六章,第一章為緒論,主要是對於本篇論文的概述以及研究方法、研究對象的說明;第二章是文獻回顧,分別針對宣教、客家宣教以及族群理論等本文所運用的理論與概念,回顧前人所做過的討論,期望能夠有所啟發且運用到本文的研究當中;第三章是三大教派的比較以及三大教派所屬地方教會之比較;第四章主要是探討信徒的信仰歷程;第五章以1.族群文化與基督教文化之詮釋;2.客家族群不易信主因素探討等兩個部份來分析受訪者所做的闡述;第六章是結論,藉由回應本文的待答問題來做綜合說明本研究之發現。 研究發現,三大教派對於客家文化的認知有所不同,因此發展出不同的客家宣教策略,台灣基督長老教會因為注重語言的保存,因此認為客語的使用即是客家文化的展現,所以其宣教策略上多是以客語的使用為出發點;台灣崇真會則是看重客家人祭祖的孝道文化因此推廣敬祖事工等客家宣教策略;中華聖潔會對於客家文化沒有特別的著墨,但仍秉持瑞典聖潔會母會的宣教精神積極的向客家族群傳福音。整體來看,教派與所屬之地方教會對於客家宣教所衍伸出來的客家文化的認知有一套論述,是與傳統的客家文化有一段差距,而教會當中的信徒對於基督教文化與客家文化的詮釋又有不同的想法,在本文筆者皆有進一步的分析。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractOver the past decade, because of the establishment of the Hakka Affairs Council, the Hakka associations, Hakka activities, Hakka people’s Hakka consciousness has increased gradually. Although, in the church, the concept of world missions is to preach the gospel to all corners of the world and Christianity was introduced into Taiwan more than a century ago, a number of preachers and the Missionary Society have made a lot of efforts in terms of expending the Hakka Mission. However, due to the Hakka people’s own culture and the environmental impact, the scale of the Taiwan Hakka ethnic beliefs in Christianity is only 0.3% of the entire religious group. For the last decade, the government and institutions in society have emphasized the importance of the Hakka ethnic group, pastors and believers in the church also have began to value the needs of the Hakka people, committed to the development of the ministry of the Hakka Mission. Presbyterian Church in Taiwan was the first church introduced into the Hakka Mission, and the Hakka Mission’s organization and scale are the largest and the most well-organized one; the establishment of the Tsung Tsin Mission of Taiwan was based on the value of Hakka missionary vision, thus the church targeted at proselytizing to the Hakka people has been set up; China Holiness Church came to Taiwan to spread the gospel according to the spirit and principles of the headquarters of the Sweden Holiness Church Missionary and it has made tremendous efforts in missionary work in the most remote and rural areas across Taiwan, including the Hakka region during the era of 1953.The aforementioned three denominations across the country engaged in the Hakka Mission are the major churches in Taiwan and the starting point of this paper is that many church groups for Hakka missionaries have come up with different missionary work strategies, and I participated in a lot of gatherings in these denominations, which made me realize and appreciate the various missionary work strategies embedded in different religious groups for the Hakka Mission. Therefore, in this research I aim to explore the expansion of the Hakka missionary ministry. In this paper, field research has been applied as the research methodology and interviews and participations of observation were involved; the theory of Theology of Mission and Theories of Ethnicity are utilized to form the theoretical framework of this paper. In addition, because of the respondents’ elaborative responses, the use of urbanization, social solidarity and rationalization selection of related concepts has been applied in order to do profound discussions. The arrangement of the chapters is divided into six chapters: the first chapter is the introduction, mainly for the description of this thesis, an overview of research methods, research objects; The second chapter is a literature review for the missionaries, Hakka Mission and ethnic group theory, respectively. In this paper the theories, concepts, and reviews done by the previous discussion are targeted at comparing with the research conducted by other scholars in hopes to obtain significant applications and enlightenment in this study; the third chapter is the comparison amid the three denominations as well as the local churches which belong to the above denominations; the fourth chapter is to explore the faith of believers; the fifth chapter distinguishes and discusses:1.the interpretation of ethnic culture and Christian culture; 2.the reason why people have difficulty believing in western God in the Hakka ethnic group ; the sixth chapter is the conclusion which depicts the comprehensive description of the inquiries in this research and reflects the results found via the study. The study has found that the awareness of Hakka culture is different among the three denominations mentioned previously. Hence the development of the different Hakka missionary strategies has emerged. The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan focuses on the preservation of language so that using the Hakka language to show Hakka culture is a critical element and foundation in terms of its proselytizing strategies. As for Tsung Tsin Mission of Taiwan, the value of filial piety for the ancestors in the Hakka culture is the church’s fundamental principle. Accordingly, the ancestral worship ministry has been strongly promoted in this church. On the other hand, China Holiness Church does not specifically focus on the Hakka culture and its related ancestral worshipping tradition, but it still upholds the Sweden Holiness Church’’s missionary spirit in the aspect of the Hakka ethnic evangelism. In a nutshell, the awareness and understating of the Hakka culture expanded by the three denominations and their local churches has demonstrated a significant gap in comparison with what the traditional Hakka culture found among the Hakka ethnic group in Taiwan. Furthermore, the believers’ conception and interpretation of Hakka culture and Christianity in the church have shown some variances as well. More analysis will be provided by the author in this paper. en_US
DC.subjectMissionary strategyen_US
DC.subjectHakka missionaryen_US
DC.subjectcultural interpretationen_US
DC.subjectworship of ancestorsen_US
DC.subjectthe Hakka cultureen_US
DC.titleThe Analysis of the current Hakka Mission: the Jungli Hakka Church and its targeted believersen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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