博碩士論文 987306024 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShu-Ping Chungen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討成人參與社區大學客家課程之學習經驗,以了解其參與客家課程之學習動機、需求、態度與困境。 本研究以桃園縣兩所社區大學-新楊平社區大學與平鎮市民大學為研究個案,此兩所社區大學,自成立以來,皆以「客家」為其辦學特色,以客家課程為主流課程在推動,對客家文化的傳承、發揚,不遺餘力。 首先,透過文獻蒐集分析與探討,了解成人參與課程學習之相關理論及研究,再對授課教師、學員進行深度訪談,以了解學員參與客家課程之學習經驗。期望本研究之發現,能提供社區大學、教育工作者、學員及後續研究者一些參考。 本研究之發現如下: 1.成人參與社區大學客家課程之學習動機來自傳承客家文化的使命感、對客家文化的好奇心、為取得專業證照以增加就業機會、為了工作需要、對教師的認同及建立社交關係。 2.成人參與社區大學客家課程之學習需求可以歸納為以下五個面向:深入了解客家文化、獲得精巧的技能、有可發揮所長與展現自我的舞台、建立交誼關係及提升客語能力。 3.成人參與社區大學客家課程之學習態度,可歸納為以下五個面向:自我的學習態度良好、課程具實用性、教師教學認真及用心、與同儕互動熱絡及學習環境適當。 4.成人參與社區大學客家課程之學習困境來自: (1)個體本身因素:自信心不足、客語能力不足、基本技能不足及年齡太大。 (2)外在因素:照顧家庭、工作忙碌及學習環境硬體設施不足。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to explore the learning experiences of adults participating in Hakka courses in community college and to understand the adults’ motivations, needs, attitudes, and difficulties in these courses. This study was based on case studies of two community colleges in Taoyuan County—Xin Yang Ping Community College and Ping Zhen Community College.These two community colleges have featured Hakka curricula from their initial establishments. These programs are dedicated to the transmission and promotion of Hakka culture. In the present study, the author first analysed and discussed the relevant literature in order to understand theories and research pertaining to participation in adult education courses. This study adopted a qualitative research method by using semi-structured interviews. The subjects included teachers and students from the two community colleges.This researcher’s aim is that, based on the research findings, the study can serve as a reference to community colleges, educators, and students, as well as provide a foundation for further research on related topics. The findings are presented as follows: 1.The motivations of adults participating in Hakka courses in community college are mainly related to their mission of passing down Hakka culture, curiosity towards Hakka culture, obtaining professional credentials to increase job opportunities, fulfilling the requirements of a current job, the reputation of the teachers, and the development of social relationships. 2.The needs of adults participating in Hakka courses in community college can be classified into five categories: in-depth understanding of Hakka culture, acquisition of advanced skills, provision of a forum to demonstrate personal strengths, cultivation of social relationships, and enhancement of Hakka language skills. 3.The attitudes of adults participating in Hakka courses in community college can be analyzed into five types: good attitudes towards self-learning, a conviction that the course has practical applications,recognition of the teachers’ dedication and sincerity, warm peer interaction, and a belief that the learning environment is suitable. 4.The difficulties for adults participating in Hakka courses in community College arise from: (a)Internal factors: insufficient confidence,incompetence with the Hakka language, insufficient basic skills, and advanced age. (b)External factors: family obligations, work responsibilities,inadequate learning facilities. en_US
DC.subjectlearning experiencesen_US
DC.subjectHakka coursesen_US
DC.subjectcommunity collegeen_US
DC.titleA study of the Learning Experiences of Adult Learners Participating in Hakka Courses-Based on Case Studies at Two Community Colleges in Taoyuan Countyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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