博碩士論文 991203003 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTai-pin LINen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract典移民理論認為跨國的人流遷徙是由經濟較落後的國家往較先進發達的國家移動。但位於世界經濟半邊陲區或開發中的台灣也接待了不少來自歐美、日本等國的外籍人士。本論文旨在研究這些歐美人士中定居台灣的法國籍人士,究竟它們為何來到非法語系國家的台灣?甚至長久居住在此地?本研究採用質化研究方法:訪談20位定居在台法國人,並參考相關的移民理論、社群理論和認同論作為主題研究對象分析用。 本研究發現並非經濟因素決定了法國人來到台灣工作與居住,而是這些法籍人士嚮往海外的旅遊、異國的工作經驗,或是與台灣女子的相戀、成家而決定長住台灣。沒有規模的移民網絡,他們的遷徙行為是個體式活動。他們在接待國主要從事與母國文化資本相關的工作,例如法語教師、法式餐館、烘培業、洋酒業等。本研究也探討法國人在台的母國人際網絡。雖然在台法國人社團定期舉辦聯誼或一些傳統文化活動,我們還是傾向認為法國人屬於非經濟、非宗教文化相互依賴的鬆散社區。 最後,就如同每個人都必須經過不斷社會化的過程來確認他的身分認同,究竟定居在台已久的法國人如何看待他與接待國的關係,能否融入台灣社會或重新融入母國適應新生活一直是個重要課題。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe traditional migration theories consider that people move from poor country to rich country for the economic reasons. But some countries located in the world economical system’s semi-periphery such as Taiwan, have received some people from developed countries, such as American, European or Japanese. Our study aims the French residing in Taiwan and we try to know why they chose to come to a non-French speaking society. As our study shows, some of them have even set up their life here for long-term. We adopted the qualitative method: interviews with 20 French residing in Taiwan and analyzes of their responses with reference to some migration, community and identity theories. Our research shows that the French national didn’t immigrate to Taiwan for economical reason, but for some reasons like traveling and work experiences in a foreign country. They then stay in the host country for relationship or marriage with a Taiwanese native person. Their migration is built with some individual paths, rather than a large organized network. Their jobs in Taiwan are mostly related to their cultural capital from their homeland country, for example french teacher, french restaurant, baker or wine retailer, etc. Our study also talks about some French national social network in the host country. We suggested that they belong to a segmented community, a non-economical and non-cultural-religious interdependent organization, although the french association in Taiwan holds often some drinking parties and some traditional activities. Furthermore, as it is stated, people recognize their personal identity by a process of socialization; we try to know how the French national residents in Taiwan consider their relation with the host society and how they integrate in Taiwan. We also try to know when leaving Taiwan, how they could be reintegrated in the country of origin France. It must be a big question for all those foreign residents in the host country.en_US
DC.titleLa migration des occidentaux à Taïwan : le cas des Français installés à Taïwanen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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