博碩士論文 991301002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTzu-yu Laien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文旨在討論周芬伶、袁瓊瓊、張愛玲此三位女作家的私寫作,特以本真性強的私散文及私小說、自傳體小說為主,主要探討女作家如何以不同文類表現私密性極高的自我書寫題材,而探討的內容以「不倫不類」為主。「不倫」指的是情感上的不倫,討論內容以感情、婚姻、家庭關係為主;「不類」則是討論作品的文類與文體的越界,或兩種不同文體的相互指涉,作為輔助探討。 周芬伶在經歷了婚變之後,從早期天真絕美、關注家庭與婚姻的學院派閨秀散文,搖身一變,開始關注女性主體與自我精神,大膽的將情慾、身體、性向等私密不倫議題進行剖析,以虛構和真實交錯、意識流與客觀寫實的筆法參雜,多方的實驗了「文體越界」的創作,創造了女性王國與女性世代,也建構女性自己的歷史。 2007年袁瓊瓊出版了四本情書系列散文,以情感背叛與創傷為訴求,挑戰自己寫作的透明度,並使用部落格、MSN短句的寫法與情書體例,將自己的不倫情路公諸於世,成就了「自殘之書」,也成全了「自贖之書」,更突破了傳統散文的寫作方式,達到文體「不類」的效果。 張愛玲在《小團圓》裡,採取了以自傳體小說還原生命史的手法,選擇以「祛魅」的姿態寫作,雖不斷地書寫家庭之惡與感情之不倫,但已從早期單純的揭露父母之惡,轉變為對自己逝去的親情與愛情凝視,創造出「傷逝的周期」,而以「愛」來完成最後生命的圓滿。 在此論文中,筆者以作家的生平、創作歷程、創傷經驗、文本內容、他人評論等作為主要分析,將作家的私散文、私小說及自傳體小說作品與生平經歷做一比較對照,探討此三位作家的「不倫」心理、人生經驗與筆下世界,進而討論其私寫作不倫不類的內容,為「私寫作」的內涵做一討論與研究。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe thesis is mainly about the personal writing of Feng-ling Chou, Jun-jun Yun, Eileen Chang, giving focus on the personal essays, personal novels and autography novels, which are self-authentic to their real lives. How the writers use different genres of writings to show privacy is mainly discussed in the thesis. Both the infidelity in relationship, marriage and family and the use of different genres of the writing to refer two different literary forms mutually are talked in the thesis. After Feng-ling Chou divorced from her husband, her writing transformed from the early focus on family and marriage to pay attention to feminism. She bravely decomposes the indecent topic of desire, body and sexual orientation and experiments a literary creation of stepping beyond the boundary by interlacing fantasy and reality and by mixing the stream of consciousness and realism. She initiates a female kingdom and a female generation and constructs a history focused on feminism. Jun-jun Yun published four books of essays about love letters and focused on betray in relationships and trauma. She challenges herself to transparency in writing. She poses articles on a blog, and uses short sentences and the form of love letters to make her infidelity known to the world, which has become a book of self-destruction. Moreover, she makes a breakthrough in the ways of writing. Eileen Chang adopts the autography novels to restore the life history. Although she continues to write the bad things about the family and the infidelity in relationship, she has already transformed from the early focus on exposing the bad things done by parents to concentrate on her lost love in family and marriage. She creates the cycle of sadness and accomplishes her life fully with love. In the thesis, the writer’s life story, the process of creation, the experience of trauma, the content of the article and people’s comment are the main sources of the analyses. The writers’ personal essays, personal novels, autobiography novels and the life story are used to compare and contrast to discuss the three writers’ indecent minds, life experiences and their worlds in the literature. The indecent content of the personal writing is discussed and studied in the thesis. en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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