博碩士論文 991301004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorSsu-Ying Liuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract《世說新語》寫作教學研究:以中學生為例 本研究以「《世說新語》寫作教學-以中學生為例」作為研究主題。為配合108課綱的實施,從現行的國中生程度為設計基礎,結合《重理解的課程設計》教學策略的應用與操作,並以實際的教學現場進行研究。研究對象為苗栗縣某國中社團16名學生以及新竹市寫作班14名國一學生,研究者規劃八周課程,每週實施一個寫作單元,寫作教學分為文本理解以及寫作教學引導兩大主軸,從文本的討論與理解,引導寫作技巧與相關材料,使學生從古文到生活能夠有效的鏈結,提升古文學習意願,以及寫作能力。 課堂進行前,筆者實施教學前學生意向調查以及課程結束後的問卷反饋,並從學生產出之作品,檢視教學方向。在執行單元前,擬定教學目標,教學完成後,從學生寫作作品中判斷是否達成《重理解的課程設計》所主張的理解、詮釋、應用、觀點、同理心、自知之明等理解六層面,以即時修訂教學策略。經課堂觀察、作品歸納與分析學生的學習表現後,獲得研究結果如下: 一、《世說新語》內容適合做為國中生古文閱讀理解的敲門磚。 二、運用敘事原則與UBD評量標準進行教學,有助提升學生理解文本。 三、閱讀理解與寫作相輔相成。 四、寫作教學有助達成108課綱「自發、互動、共好」的基本理念。 關鍵詞:世說新語、閱讀理解、寫作教學、敘事原則zh_TW
dc.description.abstractResearch on Writing Teaching of "Shi Shuo Xin Yu": A Case Study of Middle School Students Summary This research uses "Writing Teaching of "Shi Shuo Xin Yu"-Taking Middle School Students as an Example" as the research theme. In order to cooperate with the implementation of the 108 syllabus, based on the current junior middle school student level, combined with the teaching strategy of "Understanding Curriculum Design", the research objects are 16 students from a middle school club in Miaoli County and 14 students from the writing class in Hsinchu City. The researcher plans an eight-week course, and implements a writing unit every week. Writing teaching is divided into two main axes: text comprehension and writing teaching guidance. From the discussion and understanding of the text, it guides writing skills and related materials, so that students can go from ancient writing to life. Effective linking improves the learning intention of ancient Chinese and writing ability. Before the class, the author conducts a survey of students’ intentions before teaching and a questionnaire feedback after the end of the course, and examines the direction of teaching based on the works produced by the students. Before the implementation of the unit, draw up the teaching objectives. After the teaching is completed, judge whether the six levels of understanding, interpretation, application, viewpoint, empathy, self-knowledge, etc., as advocated in the "Understanding Curriculum Design" have been reached from the students′ writing work, to Revise teaching strategies immediately. After classroom observation, work summarization and analysis of students’ learning performance, the results of the study are as follows: 1. The content of "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" is suitable as a stepping stone for middle school students′ reading comprehension of ancient prose 2. The use of narrative principles and UBD assessment standards in teaching will help students to understand the text. 3. Reading comprehension and writing complement each other 4. Writing teaching helps to achieve the basic concept of "Spontaneous, Interactive, and Good Together" in the 108 syllabus. Key words:Shi Shuo Xin Yu ,Reading comprehension ,Writing teaching ,Narrative principle  en_US
DC.subjectShi Shuo Xin Yuen_US
DC.subjectReading comprehensionen_US
DC.subjectWriting teachingen_US
DC.subjectNarrative principleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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