博碩士論文 991301007 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract張愛玲以其絕世才華走紅於抗戰後期的上海文壇,後因漢奸文人的身分而沉潛,並在新中國成立後遠走美國,幾乎被人遺忘。直到夏志清在《中國現代小說史》中大力推薦,使她重新登上了文學場域的顛峰。胡適是五四新文化運動的領導者,中國近代史上的一位偉大人物 ,1968年〈憶胡適之〉一文的發表,讓世人驚喜的發現看似互不相涉的二人在文學觀點上的火花交會。這對相差近三十歲的忘年之交,雖然思想境界迥異,卻對「平淡而近自然」的藝術風格有共同的喜好。張愛玲曾表示只要有所謂「民族回憶」這樣東西,五四的經驗不管經過多久也還在思想背景裡,間接說明了她與五四的關聯性。筆者以為,張愛玲對胡適的崇拜,不只因為他是可親的長者、是文學上引路的前輩,也來自他們思想觀念上的不謀而合之處。張愛玲自小閱讀《胡適文存》,其中涵蓋胡適對文學革命、婦女解放、個人主義的諸多觀點,對照她日後的文學創作、行事風格以及人生抉擇,其中的連繫隱約可見。 在某些觀點上,張愛玲堪稱是胡適的追隨者。本文即從文化、政治、文學及婚戀的角度加以探討。張愛玲與胡適幼年時期的生活經驗以及教育背景,促使兩人皆對傳統文化含溫情視之。其次,雖然他們對政治的態度迥異,但對集體主義以及共產主義不認同的立場則頗為一致,這應源自個人主義的影響。文學是連繫二人的主要媒介,本文除針對張愛玲各個時期的創作風格與胡適的文學主張進行對照,也就兩人紅學觀點的異同進行分析。最後,透過胡適與張愛玲的婚戀實踐,輔以五四名人的情路歷程以及張愛玲小說文本中的人物指涉,指出二人如何看待五四提倡的「愛情至上」與「婚姻自主」。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith amazing writing talent, Eileen Zhang became famous in the literary arena in Shanghai in 1940. However, she was gradually neglected because of being thought as a traitor, and she left for USA after the PRC set up. She didn’t return the peak of the literary arena until Chih-Tsing Hsia recommended her in his book “A History of Modern Chinese Fiction”. The presentation of Zhang’s essay “Recall Hu Shih” in 1968 was even a surprise that Zhang and Hu had something in common in a view of Chinese literature, though we thought that they lived different lives. Hu Shih was the leader of the May Fourth Movement and also an important, influencing writer in the modern history of China. Although Zhang and Hu had different views of many things, this literary generation gap beyond 30 years had the same interests in the ordinary art style. Zhang said the May Fourth Movement would always affect Chinese literature as long as the existence of “the same memory among Chinese people”, and it also indirectly showed the relationship of Zhang and the May Fourth Movement. I think the reason why Zhang worshiped Hu is because Hu not only was a nice elder and a leader of Chinese literature at that time but also had the same thoughts as Zhang. Zhang started to read “The Collections of Hu Shih”, which was filled with many Hu’s views of the revolution of Chinese literature, the liberation of Chinese females and individualism, and we could find the relationship between those three mentioned above and her writings, her characteristics, and her decisions all her life. To some degree, Zhang was one of Hu’s adherents in some aspects, and I plan to work on it with the culture values, politics, literature, and the norms of love and marriage. First, the living experiences and the civilization they had in their childhood developed their temperate views of traditional Chinese culture. Then, they stood different positions about politics, but they had the same disagreements on collectivism and communism, probably because of their agreements on individualism. Writing is the main association of Zhang and Hu, and in this research I will compare Zhang’s different writing features in all her writing periods with Hu’s claims of Chinese literature by analyzing their points of Rediology. At last, I would like to present how Zhang and Hu thought the main ideas of the May Fourth Movement- “love, always the superior” and “decisions on one’s own marriage for oneself” through the love-and-marriage patterns of the celebrities, including Zhang and Hu, of the May Fourth Movement, and the characters in Zhang’s writings.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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