博碩士論文 991301008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHui Ouyangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在外語教學中,教材佔有十分重要的地位。雖然近幾年來華語教材已較為普遍,然而專業華語Chinese for Special Purposes ( CSP )的教材仍不多見,針對觀光旅遊(專業華語範圍之一) 所設計的華語教材及華語課程乏善可陳。緣此,本研究藉由調查外籍人士在台學習華語及旅遊的需求,結合專家意見,撰寫設計台灣國家公園觀光華語教材,使非母語人士來台旅遊及學習華語的同時,能透過語言的學習享受自然美景,體驗文化。 本研究採文獻分析法、問卷調查法進行資料的蒐集、整理、分析、專家效度、教材修正等步驟,完成台灣國家公園觀光華語教材之設計與研究。而研究結果如下: 1. 顯示大部分華語學習者對於透過觀光華語教材及教學課程來學習華語及台灣歷史文化有極大的興趣與需求。2. 問卷及教材評估都認為課文內容以模擬情境之主題式(如:健行、租車...等)方法編排,輔以詞彙、語法句型、歷史文化、綜合練習,最能幫助學習者增進聽、說,讀、寫之四大語言能力。3. 自編教材評鑑以學習內容、編排設計、課後練習等做整體評估,評鑑結果顯示此教材符合觀光華語教材編寫原則之針對性、實用性、趣味性、科學性、系統性、文化性、與獨特性,進而幫助學習者增進華語能力,達到交際溝通目的且進一步了解台灣的風土民俗及人文特色。 本研究設計華語為第二語言的觀光華語教材,融合觀光旅遊與華語教學特性,期望可以使學習者在實際的交際情境中靈活使用華語;此外,也希望本研究能為教授觀光華語的教師們與相關研究者參考。 關鍵詞:? 觀光、華語、華語教材設計、台灣國家公園 zh_TW
dc.description.abstract The Design of Mandarin-Chinese Teaching Materials with the Theme of Taiwan National Parks Abstract The development of teaching material is extremely important within foreign language teaching. In the last few years, Mandarin-Chinese textbooks have become more common; nevertheless, the teaching materials and courses for tourism regarding “Chinese for Special Purposes”( CSP ) has remained scarce. This study attempted to develop Mandarin-Chinese teaching materials for Taiwan’s National Parks. Mandarin-Chinese Second-Language Learners’ needs and interests in traveling to Taiwan’s National Parks were surveyed and evaluated by experts who teach Mandarin-Chinese as a profession. Through using the Document Analysis Method and the Questionnaire Survey, data or information was collected, sorted, and analyzed in the designing of the teaching material for Taiwan’s National Parks in order to increase reliability and validity through expert judging and material revision. The results are as follows: Results indicated that the majority of Mandarin-Chinese learners have a great interest in learning Mandarin, Taiwan history and culture through tourism teaching materials. The questionnaire and the material evaluation both agreed that the text content should be mainly arranged by the topic of simulated situations such as hiking, renting a car, and so on. In order to assist Mandarin-Chinese learners with listening, speaking, reading, and writing, the material should be designed with vocabulary, sentence-patterns, important historical-cultural information, and synthesized practice. Expert evaluation indicated that this teaching material conformed to the fundamental principles of material-design in this study such as usability, cultural elements, and so on. At the same time, it promotes communication and socialization in learners and increases their understanding in the customs and traditions of Taiwan. This study was designed with Mandarin-Chinese integrating tourism to meet the learning needs of Chinese-Mandarin Second Language Learners. Subsequently, foreigners and Mandarin instructors can utilize this study’s teaching materials to enhance Mandarin acquisition and the assimilation of information regarding Taiwan′s Nine National Parks. Hopefully, it can provide future instructors teaching tourism and researchers with some advice and references. Keywords: Tourism, Mandarin-Chinese, The design of Mandarin-Chinese teaching materials, Taiwan National Parks en_US
DC.subjectThe design of Mandarin-Chinese teaching materialen_US
DC.subjectTaiwan National Parksen_US
DC.titleThe Design of Mandarin-Chinese Teaching Materials with the Theme of Taiwan National Parksen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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