博碩士論文 991301010 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYueh-Hua Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究以二魚文化事業股份有限公司所承辦的《臺灣年度詩選》為研究對象,探討2003年至2016年間《臺灣年度詩選》所呈現的詩壇風貌。 《年度詩選》傳承的歷史已久,至今年已走過34個年頭,可劃分為三個階段,二魚文化是第三棒,傳接到此既有「承」的責任,也有「展」的抱負。本階段由主編向陽、陳義芝、蕭蕭、焦桐與白靈等五位主輪流主編,五位主編每年依和議推選該年度的年度詩獎,詩集的編選則由主編全權負責,藉由入選詩人與收錄來源來探討編者的文學守門行為。 目前仍持續刊行的《年度詩選》除了二魚文化之外,尚有春暉出版社所推出的《臺灣現代詩選》,比較兩個版本:重複入選作者76人,可見不同的主編群所關注的詩人群不同;重複入選作品僅17首,雖然重複率小,但從作品的內容中可探知雖然主編群不同,但卻同樣高度關注「社會事件」。這使《年度詩選》的「年度」意義更加鮮明。 二魚版傳承了爾雅版年度詩選「兼容並蓄」的特色,保有年度詩選的:新聞性與真實性。二魚版中的選詩主題比前期更加多元開放。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract This study takes the “The Best Taiwanese Poetry” organized by Eryu Culture Publishing House as the object of study,and explores the poetic of Taiwan’s poems from 2003 to 2016. The history of “Annual Collection of Poems” is so long, and it has been 34 years until now. It can be divided into three stages,and Eryu Culture is the third one. For Eryu Culture it has the responsibility of “inheriting” and the ambition of “extending”. At this stage, Xiang Tang, Chen Yi Zhi, Xiao Xiao,Jiao Tong and Bai Ling supervise the publication,being the editor-in-chief by turns. Five editors recommend the year’s annal poetry award after discussing; the compilation of the anthology is the sole responsibility of the editor-in-chief. Therefore,the point of view of the editor-in-chief would influence the style of the anthology. The focus of this paper is to proceed with the analysis of the text to explore the similarities and the differences among the five editors from the selected authors,work and sources. Try to observe the relationship between the editors’ prefaces and their points of view of the poems. Now,In addition to the “Annual Collection of Poems” published by Eryu Culture Publishing House,there is “Taiwan Modern Collection of Poems” published by Chunhui Publishing House. After comparing the two versions of anthologies, there are only 76 authors in both anthologies,and we can know different editors pay close attention to different poets. There are only 17 poems selected in both two anthologies. Although it’s at small repetition rate, the content of the works selected by different editors also focuses on ”social events” obviously. This makes the meaning of the word ”annual” in “Annual Collection of Poems” more meaningful and vivid. The version of Eryu Culture contains the “inclusive” feature in the annual collection of poems published by Erya Culture and also includes its news values and authenticity .The topics in the version of Eryu Culture are more multiple and open-minded than the previous period.en_US
DC.subjectThe Best Taiwanese Poetryen_US
DC.subjectLiterature analysisen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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