博碩士論文 992402002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorKun-Jung Chiangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract自1982年起,癌症即高居國人十大死因之首。如今,放射線治療被認為是一種可行的非侵入性癌症治療方法,因此約有50%的癌症患者在治療期間接受放射治療,放射線治療則包含有光子治療與質子治療。質子治療的最新進展為治療腫瘤提供了高度均勻性和高劑量率的精準治療方式,要達到這樣的目的需要更好的品保程序來確保治療品質。因此本論文中討論之探測器設計出發點為質子治療之應用。 於本論文內研究之XY strip探測器特點在於擁有大面積的感應接受面(345.44×345.44 〖mm〗^2),高空間解析度( < 60μm),高動態反應區間(20 bits, ADC可達1,048,576)與高靈敏度(0.1 pC),並具有彈性操作選擇如積分時間與電荷累積範圍等項設定。再加上利用LabVIEW程式之人機互動介面收集實驗數據並即時監控射束變化,所以XY strip探測器現有之硬體結構、電子元件與操作介面皆可符合現行醫院質子射束相關之品保作業。 應用本探測器於醫院每日品保之筆尖式掃描射束參數時,可藉此了解本探測器之性能,其整體解析度均優於現行醫院使用之探測器。於質子射束病患劑量品保測試時,藉由本探測器之高訊號動態範圍與訊號變化率,可清楚區分射束入射不同能量時的吸收劑量分布,如能輔以適當之阻擋本領與模擬程式,以重建病患體內不同深度與不同位置之三維劑量分佈,若依此實行病患劑量品保,可望縮短測試時間至5分鐘以內,這將為病患劑量品保帶來顯著的效率及品質提升。以此結果顯示,本探測器適用於醫院每日質子射束品保及病患劑量品保之用。 林口長庚醫院新型質子治療以筆尖式射束掃瞄時,射束在橫向空間變化很大,本探測器可分辨出質子射束入射不同位置時射束形狀之些微差異,未來探測器如能經過更精確之校準或是提高射束劑量率時,探測器可偵測之變化率預期可以達到一萬倍,屆時射束位置與形狀的變化皆可清楚記錄,依此特點未來可朝質子治療儀品保方向發展。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSince 1982, cancer has been the top ten cause of death among Chinese people. Today, radiation therapy is considered a viable non-invasive cancer treatment, so about 50% of cancer patients receive radiation therapy during treatment, and radiation therapy includes photon therapy and proton therapy. Recent advances in proton therapy have provided a highly uniform and high-dose-rate of precise treatment for the treatment of tumors. To achieve this goal, a better quality assurance program is needed to ensure treatment quality. Therefore, the starting point of the detector design discussed in this paper is the application of proton therapy. The XY strip detector studied in this paper is characterized by a large area of induction receiving surface (345.44 × 345.44 mm2), high spatial resolution ( < 60μm), high dynamic response range (20 bits, ADC reachable 1,048,576) with high sensitivity (50 fC), and has flexible operation options such as integration time and charge accumulation range. In addition, the LabVIEW program′s human-machine interface is used to collect experimental data and monitor beam changes in real time. Therefore, the existing hardware structure, electronic components, and operation interface of the XY strip detector can meet the current hospital proton beam-related quality assurance operations. The detector can be used to understand the performance of the detector when it is used in the daily inspection of the pen tip scanning beam parameters of the hospital. The overall resolution is better than that of the current hospital. In the proton beam patient dose test, the high signal dynamic range and signal change rate of the detector can clearly distinguish the absorbed dose distribution when the beam is incident with different energies if it can be supplemented with appropriate blocking power and simulation. Program to reconstruct the three-dimensional dose distribution at different depths and locations in patients. If patient dose protection is implemented, it is expected to shorten the test time to less than 5 minutes, which will bring significant efficiency to patient dose assurance. And quality improvement. This result shows that the detector is suitable for hospital daily proton beam warranty and patient dose warranty. When the new proton therapy in Linkou Chang Gung Hospital uses a pen tip beam scan, the beam varies greatly in the lateral space. The detector can distinguish the slight difference in beam shape when the proton beam is incident at different positions. For more accurate calibration or to increase the beam dose rate, the detector can detect a rate of change of up to 10,000 times. At that time, the position and shape of the beam can be clearly recorded. According to this feature, the proton therapy device can be used in the future. The direction of quality assurance. en_US
DC.subjectProton therapyen_US
DC.subjectParallel-Plate Ionization Chamberen_US
DC.subjectProton beam Daily Quality Assuranceen_US
DC.subjectPatient-specific quality assuranceen_US
DC.titleXY strip探測器在質子治療之應用zh_TW
DC.titleApplication of XY strip detector in proton therapyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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