博碩士論文 994201047 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHao-sin Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract目前的市場處於一個變動相當激烈的環境,創新且追求新知識,並加以運用在組織流程上,已成為現今企業追尋的目標。本研究主要以實證的角度做分析,去探討在以新產品開發專案為基礎的情況下,資訊科技對於組織吸收能力的影響,因為新產品開發專案所面臨的環境,其變動不可預測之程度就像當今市場環境一般。綜觀過去的研究可以發現,吸收能力的步驟及概念大致上都說明得很清楚,但是如何將這些概念應用到企業實作上的流程還不是很明確,再加上社會鑲嵌概念對於資訊科技和吸收能力有正向幫助。本研究著重在闡述吸收能力的取得、消化、轉換和利用的概念,如何對應到實際上公司日常中的流程,並針對不同的新產品開發績效做評估的標準。研究中將資訊科技分成三個構面為溝通能力、記憶能力與分析能力,吸收能力則分成兩構面,分別為潛在吸收能力及實質吸收能力。因此,本研究探討「資訊科技」對「吸收能力」之間構面相互影響之程度,假設資訊科技能正向影響社會鑲嵌,社會鑲嵌進而能正向影響吸收能力,新產品開發績效也能因為前面兩者的顯著性有正向的影響。本研究以台灣製造業廠商為研究主體,並請有參與或正在從事新產品開發專案的人員及主管填寫問卷,所得樣本為204份。經由實證結果發現,只有獲利能力較為不顯著其餘都相當顯著,表示資訊科技應用的程度越高,社會鑲嵌的程度會越高,吸收能力也會有所提升,進而積極正面影響新產品開發的績效。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractPresent market is to be in rather radically variated environment, innovation and seeking new knowledge, as well as its applying on organization operation process have become the pursuing target of the firms nowadays. This research is mainly using empirical study for analyzing, and to discuss the hypotheses about how information technology effects the organizational absorptive capability while new product development project is undergoing which is because of the environment that the new product development project facing is unpredictable. From past researches, we can find that the procedures and the concept of absorptive capability were explained clearly in substance, however, how to apply these concepts to the practice of firms’ operation process are still not clarified, moreover, the concept of social embeddedness has positive assistance on information technology and absorptive capability. This study focuses on elaborate explaining acquisition, assimilation, transformation and exploitation of the absorptive capability, and how to correspond to firm’s daily operational process as well as to classify the criteria of different new product development performance. Within the study, the construct of information technology is made up from three dimensions, they are: communication capabilities, memory capabilities and analysis capabilities, while absorptive capability is made up from two dimensions, they are: potential absorptive capability and realized absorptive capability. Therefore, this study examines the extent to how information technology effects on each dimension of absorptive capability, our hypothesis is that information technology positively effects on social enbeddedness, while social embeddedness positively effects on absorptive capability, and new product development performance is positively effected by the synergy of social embeddedness and absorptive capability. The population of this study is manufacturing firms of Taiwan, we invited the staffs or executives who are engaged and/or undergoing in new product development to fill out the questionnaire, 204 samples were collected. After empirical study, we found all of hypothesis are very significant except the profitability, which represents that the higher the information technology application, the higher the social embeddedness, which also raising the absorptive capability, furthermore aggressively positive effects the performance of new product development. en_US
DC.subjectInformation Technologyen_US
DC.subjectSocial Embeddednessen_US
DC.subjectAbsorptive Capabilityen_US
DC.subjectNew Product Development Performanceen_US
DC.titleThe study of information technology influence absorptive capability of the enterprise-in new product development projecten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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