博碩士論文 994209002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJing-yi Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本文藉由分析家戶特徵對教育支出絕對金額及其佔家戶可支配所得之比例的影響, 來了解不同特徵之家戶在教育支出金額與支出比例上是否有明顯的差距, 並探討在教育擴張期間內, 家戶教育支出是否有明顯增加的趨勢。 首先, 本文研究發現家戶教育支出金額及支出比例除了受戶長教育程度高低、 戶籍所在之地區影響, 也有顯著的城鄉差距。 值得注意的是, 家戶教育支出金額雖無因戶長性別不同而有顯著的差異, 但女性戶長的家戶教育支出比例顯著高於男性戶長的家戶教育支出比例, 顯示教育支出對戶長為女性的家戶來說, 負擔較重。 此外, 家戶教育支出金額及支出比例也因不同的家庭型態, 而有顯著的差異。 與核心家庭相比, 單親家庭在教育支出金額上顯著較低, 但其教育支出比例卻顯著高於核心家庭。 表示教育支出對於單親家庭來說, 負擔較沉重。 將核心家庭與三代家庭相比, 發現三代家庭的可支配所得中位數較核心家庭高, 但其家戶教育支出金額及支出比例皆顯著低於核心家庭, 隱含親 子兩代共居將降低家戶對小孩的教育支出。 其次, 本文發現在教育擴張期間內, 除了家戶教育支出金額有顯著的大幅度成長外, 在1997-2002年, 家戶更是大幅度增加對國中小、 高中、 大專、研究所以上之學齡人口的教育支出比例。 顯示教育擴張不只影響家戶對大專生的教育支出金額與支出比例, 也連帶使家戶增加對國中小、 高中及研究所的教育支出比例。 表示在教育擴張下, 大學文憑貶值促使家戶必須投入更多花費增加子女競爭力, 就怕子女輸在起跑點上。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe main gail of this study is exploring the difference in household expenditure on education of all kinds of families, and the difference in the ratio of household expenditure on education to disposable income between all kinds of families, and whether household expenditure on education is rising during the period of educational expansion or not. This studing estimates the effect of household characteristics on household educational expenditure, and then we have two major findings. First,household expenditure on education and the ratio of household expenditure on education to disposable income would be obviously lower when the main of household has lower level of education. There is urban-rural gap in household expenditure on education and in the ratio of househould expenditure on education to disposable income. It’s important to note that the ratio of househould expenditure on education to disposable income is higher when the main of household is female than when the main of household is male. This finding let us know that the household expenditure on education lets female household heads feel heavy. The household expenditure on education and the ratio of househould expenditure on education to disposable income are obviously different when family structure is different. Comparing nuclear families with single-parent families, we find that the household expenditures on education of single-parent families is obviously lower than of nuclear families amd the ratio of househould expenditure on education to disposable income of single-parent families is obviously higher than of nuclear families. That is, the education expenditure is heavier for single-parent families. Comparing nuclear families with three generations families, we can find that three generations families are richer than nuclear families, but the household expenditure on education and the ratio of househould expenditure on education to disposable of three generations families is obviously lower than of nuclear families. This result implies that co-reside with elderly members would decreases the househoud expen- diture on education. Second, we also find that househould expenditure on education is rising during the period of educational expansion. From 1997 to 2002,households increase the ratio of househould expenditure on education to disposable income very much no matter whether their children are college student. This result implies that education expansion let households spend more money on children education because they affraid their children wouldn’t have great achievements. en_US
DC.subjecthousehold charactisticsen_US
DC.subjecthousehold expenditure on educationen_US
DC.subjectfamily structureen_US
DC.titleThe study of influence factors of household expenditure on education in Taiwan,1976-2010en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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