博碩士論文 994304019 完整後設資料紀錄

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DC.creatorHsiao-Chi Lien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract臺灣女性就業率近十年來呈現持續上升趨勢,然仍低於國際水準,原因在於我國女性逢婚育時期傾向離職且不易再度就業,形成女性人力資源與社會資本閒置的現象,因此解決婦女就業間斷問題成為政府當務之急。   為提升婦女勞動參與意願與促進勞動市場充分就業,並解決婦女就業間斷產生勞動斷層的問題,本研究藉由主計處2010年「臺灣地區婦女婚育與就業調查」之原始資料,由婦女個人屬性、丈夫屬性與就業屬性等層面作探討,建立就業間斷與否、間斷期間及工資率等估計式,選擇Probit、OLS、Tobit與Treatment Effects等模型進行實證分析,試圖找出影響已婚育婦女發生就業間斷及間斷期間長短之因素,並接續評估間斷情形所致工資差異程度。   實證結果顯示,婦女個人屬性及就業屬性是影響就業間斷造成工資差異之主因,一般來說初婚年齡越早、教育程度較低、公司規模較小、擔任非專業人員、工作年資較短與非北區工作者傾向就業間斷,其間斷期間也較久,相對地工資較持續就業者少。若進一步以就業間斷與否而言,曾因婚育就業間斷者之工資會下降10%;又當考慮就業間斷及教育年數之交互影響下,婦女同曾就業間斷時,每多受一年教育,相對工資減損達1.14%;再就間斷期間長短觀察,每間斷一年,工資會短少5.52%。   最後依據研究結果提出具體建議,作為政府制訂婦女勞動政策之參考,期能營造兼顧家庭與職場之環境,以維護女性就業權益並增進社會福利。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe employment rate of women in Taiwan over the past decade showed a rising trend, and then it remained below the international level. The reason was that women preferred to quit a job for marriage or childbirth, but re-employed in difficulty. This situation could make female human resources and social capital idled, so the government should solve the problems of work interruptions immediately.   The purpose of this paper is to improve the intentions of women’s labor force participation and promote the full employment on labor market in order to solve the shortage of labor force from women’s work interruptions. This study uses the data from the Taiwan Women’s Marriage, Fertility and Employment Survey in 2010. With women’s attributes of personal, husband, and job, we estimate the equations of work interruption or not, interruption period, and the wage rate. These equations use the Probit, the OLS, the Tobit, and the Treatment Effects models to figure out the impact of women’s work interruptions and their durations. Finally we further analize the wage differentials in work interruptions.   The results show the women’s attributes of personal and job are the main factors that affect the wage differentials from work interruptions. Generally, the women who are earlier marriage, lower education, smaller firm scale, non-professional, less work experience, and non-northern workplace tend to work interruptedly, have longer interruption periods, and earn wages less than others who are continuously employed. In terms of work interruption or not, the wage rates of women who had quit a job because of marriage and childbirth would decline 10%. Consider the interactions of work interruptions and education, women’s wage rates would relatively decline 1.14% if women quitted a job and had an additional year of education. On interruption periods, women’s wage rates would decline 5.52% if women had an additional year of interruption period.   Finally, this research provides specific recommendations for the government that help to formulate women’s labor policies and to create a well family and workplace environment. Thus it can safeguard women’s employment rights and promote social welfare. en_US
DC.subjectTreatment Effectszh_TW
DC.subjectTreatment Effectsen_US
DC.subjectwage differentialsen_US
DC.subjectwork interruptionsen_US
DC.titleThe study of wage differentials in work interruptions on married or fertile womenen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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