博碩士論文 994307011 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShu-Hui Huen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract企業競爭、知識經濟時代,資深人員的實務經驗與專業知識的傳承與發展更顯珍貴,而企業正式化師徒制度的落實確能使新進員工提高環境適應性、融入組織文化,導師也能獲得領導力和專業力的提升,不但使組織降低新進員工的離職率,也讓資深員工及新進員工共同獲益,提升組織績效,優化企業競爭力。Kram(1985)指出在組織中師徒制度參與者,有職涯方面、社會心理方面及角色楷模方面(Scandura & Ragins, 1993)的好處。 本研究主要探討以社會交換理論為基礎的正式化的師徒制,以具體驗證徒弟對導師的信任程度對正式化師徒功能的影響,另外由於組織中存在有職務層級的制度,部屬能接受與主管的權力不平等程度,是華人社會相當關鍵的文化價值變項,本研究亦欲了解徒弟權力距離與導師權力距離是否會強化或弱化其知覺導師與徒弟關係對表現師徒功能之影響,做為遴選導師與招募新人時,提供實地推動企業正式化師徒制度策略者之參考。本研究以企業實施正式化師徒制之導師與徒弟為對象,採一對一配對問卷共計 177對師徒進行資料蒐集與驗證。 研究結果為 : (一)徒弟對導師的情感型信任對師徒功能職涯支持、社會心理支持、角色楷模有顯著正向影響。(二)徒弟對導師的認知型信任對師徒功能職涯支持、角色楷模有顯著正向影響。(三)徒弟權力距離對徒弟對導師的認知型信任與師徒功能職涯支持、角色楷模關係有顯著正向調節效果。(四)導師權力距離對徒弟對導師的情感型信任與師徒功能職涯支持關係有負向調節效果。 綜合上述研究結果,本研究發現實施正式化師徒關係時,徒弟對導師的信任確實有顯著正向影響,創造徒弟、導師及組織三方面受益效果,同時建議實務界在實施正式化師徒制時,可針對本研究所提出的徒弟權力距離與導師權力距離等調節因素於實務上增強,以提升組織實施正式化師徒制時的關係效能、進而提升新進員工的適應性及工作績效。 關鍵詞 : 信任、師徒功能、師徒制度、權力距離 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn this age of enterprise competition and information knowledge economy, it becomes ever precious with the heritage and development of organizing practical experience from senior mentors. The implementation of formalized mentor function system enables protégé to improve adaptability, and integration into specific enterprise culture. In return mentors themselves will improve upon their leadership and professional skills as well in the process. This application will not only enable enterprise reduce turn-over rate of new employees, but also benefit both senior mentors and protégé. In addition, it can improve enterprise performance, upgrade organization efficiency, and optimize enterprise competitiveness. Kram (1985) pointed out protégé in mentor function system can benefit in professional career, psychosocial function and role modeling application. (Scandura & Ragins, 1993). This study investigates the formal apprenticeship based on social exchange theory, use formalized mentor function system to verify different levels of trust with specific practice between protégé and mentor. In addition, among the existing internal enterprise job-level system, subordinates can accept inequality from superiors to a certain degree, this is a critical cultural value in the Chinese society. This study is intended to understand whether protégé power distance and mentor power distance can strengthen or weaken their perception of protégé and mentor relationship. As to the selection of mentors and new recruits, this study provides on - site reference to facilitate companies that utilize formalized mentoring system strategy. This study adopted a one-to-one matching questionnaire for data collection and verification, totally 177 pairs of mentor-protégé dyads with the objective to implement the formalized apprentice and mentor system. The findings are: ( 1 ) If there is affect-base trust between protégé and mentor, then there is significant positive impact among career-related function, psychosocial function, and role modeling. ( 2 ) If there is cognition-base trust between protégé and mentor, then there is significant positive impact among career-related function, and role modeling. ( 3 ) If the protégé power distance between protégé and mentor is in cognition-base trust, then there is significant positive impact on career-related function and role modeling. ( 4 ) If the mentor power distance between protégé and mentor is in affec-base trust, then there is significant negative impact on career-related function. To summarize the above findings, this study discovered that when implementing a formal protégé and mentor function, trust between protégé and mentor has a significant positive impact, and creates benefit for all three parties involved: protégé, mentor, and enterprise. This study recommends when practitioners implement formal protégé and mentor function system, adjustments can be made to factors involved in protégé power distance and mentor power distance proposed in this study, so that to achieve enhanced performance of enterprise practice on mentor function. And further to achieve improved adaptability and subsequent job performance for protégé. Key words: trust, mentoring function, mentoring relationship, power distance en_US
DC.subjectmentoring functionen_US
DC.subjectpower distanceen_US
DC.subjectmentoring relationshipen_US
DC.titleImpact of Protege's Trust to Formal Mentoring Functions : Power Distance as a Moderatoren_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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