博碩士論文 996202001 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsin-sung Hsiehen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract非火山顫震首先是由Obara在日本所發現,之後於環太平洋隱沒帶,以及屬於轉型斷層的聖安地列斯斷層都有觀察到非火山顫震的存在。台灣周遭的地體構造相當複雜,東北外海菲律賓海板塊於琉球海溝隱沒至歐亞大陸板塊之下,西南海域則為歐亞大陸板塊隱沒至菲律賓海板塊之下。在東部海域中又有為具有走向滑移斷層形貌的台東海底峽谷存在。這些構造都有可能產生非火山顫震,如果我們能在這裡發現非火山顫震的存在,對於台灣東部整個地體架構應力累積的過程應可提供相當多有用的資訊。本研究分析了2009 年9月佈設於加瓜海脊與台東海底峽谷一帶,為期約三個禮拜的海底地震儀資料。藉由TAMS程式的分析,我們總共得到了330個有地震產生的時段以及26個可能含有非火山顫震訊號存在的時段。針對非火山顫震的時段我們再以肉眼下去檢視波形以及頻譜,確認其中三個時段應確實顫震的訊號存在。針對這些時段我們使用 SSA 去尋找可能的震源參數,總共我們得到了277個地震以及2個非火山顫震。將 SSA 的結果和使用相位挑選方法定位出來的震央位置做比較,在8月17日所發生主震的餘震分佈同樣呈現了西北東南向的分佈,而在加瓜海脊以及台東海底峽谷的位置差異有可能為加瓜海脊底部的複雜速度模型所造成,兩種定位方法震央最大的差別在於在耶亞瑪海脊上相位挑選的方法在該區域的地震事件較少。2 個顫震事件的位置分別位於台東海底峽谷與耶亞瑪海脊上,因此我們推測顫震的形成與位於這兩個區域的地質構造活動有關,但由於深度上的不確定性,使我們無法更進一步確認顫震訊號的形成機制。另一方面,由於觀測時間太短,本研究並無法對這些非火山顫震事件做更進一步的分析,包括是否具有週期性或著震央隨著時間移棲的現象等;但是這些通常只會出現在特定的環境下顫震的發現,顯示我們所得到的顫震震源位置附近,未來仍有可能有顫震出現。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractNon-volcanic tremor (NVT), originally identified in the subduction zone of the southwest Japan, has been well studied in the circum-Pacific subduction zones and the transform plate boundary in California. East of Taiwan, the Philippine Sea plate subducts northward beneath the Ryukyu arc. Moreover, an active strike-slip fault along the Taitung Canyon was reported in the offshore eastern Taiwan. In such complicate tectonic environments, NVT behavior could probably bring us more information about the interaction of all the geological components in the area. In this study, we analyze the seismic signals recorded by the Ocean bottom Seismometer (OBS) deployed offshore eastern Taiwan in September 2009. TAMS (Tremor Active Monitor System) software was used to detect the presence of NVT. 330 seismic signals and 26 tremor-like signals were obtained from the 3 weeks recording period. For the tremor-like signals, we re-examine the waveform and the spectrum to remove the false results. Finally, 3 possible tremor intervals exist. We used the SSA (Source-Scanning Algorithm) to map the possible distribution of the earthquakes and tremors. In total, 277 earthquake events and 2 tremors were located around the eastern offshore Taiwan. We compare the earthquakes position with previous study, and both results have one identical NW-ES distribution feature near the mainshock on 2009/8/17. Otherwise, the seismic patterns are not always the same. We believe the difference may cause by the uncertainty of the velocity model and the different relocation method. The 2 tremors are distributed in 2 different areas: the Yaeyama Ridge and Taitung Canyon. Limited by the short recording period of the OBS experiment, we could not obtain any possible repeating interval or the spatial migration about the tremor occurrence. However, the presence of NVT offshore eastern Taiwan shown in our study still brings us valuable understanding about the undergoing tectonic processes in the marine area. en_US
DC.subjectoffshore eastern Taiwanen_US
DC.subjectNon-volcanic tremoren_US
DC.titlePreliminary analysis of the ocean bottom seismometers data offshore eastern Taiwan by TAMS program.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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