博碩士論文 997201009 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYi-hsun Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文以桃園縣觀音鄉甘泉寺為研究個案,透過文獻分析、田野實查及口述訪談來探討觀音鄉甘泉寺與客家聚落的互動與發展情形,從探討觀音甘泉寺創建歷史沿革與供奉神祇,同時藉由政府機關、廟方、地方客家耆老信眾與文史工作者的訪談與文獻分析,瞭解觀音甘泉寺。   「觀音鄉」地名之成因,反映了當地民眾原有生活習性、宗教信仰及居民集體意識等因素於其中,在台灣歷史上實不多見,可以看出「觀音」甘泉寺對地方發展有其一定的影響力,更凸顯了當地人文與宗教信仰的特殊性質。閩客參半的觀音鄉境內分成觀音、草漯與新坡三大地區,本論文嘗試藉由透過客家人居多的觀音區甘泉寺為主軸,探討其對地方政治、經濟及社會文化發展的關係為論述重點。   甘泉寺的祭祀圈分別是觀音、白玉、廣興、大潭、武威、保生、三和、新興、坑尾、金湖十村,透過祭祀圈之宗教活動,不僅僅凝聚了在地客家聚落情感,也強化了寺廟在觀音區客家聚落的重要性。其深植到與在地人和在地區域之間的緊密程度,產生出寺廟周邊與區域的發展。甘泉寺於民國八十四年翻修重建成一座富麗堂皇的雄偉宮殿廟宇,本論文希冀藉由各方層面文獻分析與實地訪查紀錄以重整甘泉寺的紀錄資料,讓前來甘泉寺虔誠的信眾可以了解甘泉寺與在地客家聚落互動的發展,以及讓客家族群後代子孫更重視自己家鄉的客家文化與信仰。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis paper is a case investigation of Ganquan Temple, Guanyin Township, Taoyuan County. I’m going to discuss the interaction and development between Ganquan Temple of Guanyin Township in Taoyuan County and Hakka Settlements through document analysis and field investigation. To discuss Ganquan Temple of Guanyin Township from history and religious worship to the interview of government organizations, temples, local Hakka elders and people who study literature and history and documents analysis to figure out more about Ganquan Temple.   The origin of the name of Guanyin Township reflects the habitual behavior, religious belief and social group conscious of its inhabitants. Though it’s actually not seen much in Taiwan history, in this case, we can clearly see that Guanyin Ganquan Temple does influence the local development, and it also manifests the special quality of local humanism and religious belief. The half-Minnan and half-Hakkan Guanyin Township is divided into three big areas, Guanyin, Caota and Xinpo. I will try to discuss a topic, of which the main research is about the Hakka Settlements, and also the relation of local politics, economy, and social culture development through observing the temples like Guanyin Temple.   The ritual spheres of Ganquan Temple are Guanyin, Baiyu, Guangxing, Daitan, Wuwei, Baosheng, Sanhe, Xinxing, Kengwei, Jinhu. They use the religious activities like ritual spheres to not only solid the settlements but also reinforce the importance of temples in Hakka Guanyin Settlements. The temples are rooted in the local areas, and they develop an inseparable relation that produces the development of the temple surroundings and local areas.   The Ganquan Temple was reconstructed into a splendid and magnificent one in 1996. I aspire this paper can rearrange the history documents of Ganquan Temple by bibliography analysis and field investigation, and ensure the religious followers of Ganquan Temple can understand the interaction between Ganquan Temple and local Hakka Settlements. To make Hakka descendants value their own hometown Hakka culture and belief more.en_US
DC.subjectHakka villageen_US
DC.subjectGanquan Templeen_US
DC.subjectreligious beliefen_US
DC.subjectreligious sphereen_US
DC.titleThe relation between Temples and Hakka villages:the example of Ganquan Temple, Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Countyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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