博碩士論文 997306004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorRei-lin Hoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract鳳山崎是位於大眉庄(竹北)、紅毛港庄(新豐)、大湖口庄(湖口)、新埔庄(新埔)等四區交界的邊陲地帶、生產力偏低的邊緣地方社會。清代采訪冊如此形容鳳山崎:山上一帶帄原, 周廣三、四十里;地高而燥,率多荒園,庄內居民人口稀少,錯落結盧而居。可見到清代末期,鳳山崎的發展模糊,是一片乏人問津的荒埔之地。 直到日治初期,鳳山崎才由望高樓、鳳山崎、竹高屋、寶斗屋等四個地理區塊發展成為一個「鳳山崎庄」,重要性開始逐步提升,而且這個提升不斷加速,到了戰後,因為湖口工業 區的設置,使鳳山崎完全轉型為都市化的地理區塊,他逐漸擁更以自己做為一個村落為中心的地方。 隨著一百年歷史的轉變,鳳山崎的地位甚至超越大湖口庄的老湖口與紅毛港庄的新庄 子,長期來看,甚至更取代新豐鄉新庄子成為政教中心的趨勢。鳳山崎不再是湖口、新豐邊陲區,他更了屬於自己區域的自主性。先前的研究者,例如施添福、羅烈師、林玉茹等學者,是以清代為主要研究時間範圍,因此沒能正視這個上升或變遷的地方社會,我站在這些學者的研究基礎上,繼承這些學者的研究成果來補足這一塊論述。 這篇論文研究中把何家收藏的古文書與土地申告書做了交叉比對,而發現何家是鳳山崎第二大業主,在鳳山崎發展的過程中,何家在地方上扮演一定的角色,發揮了一定的影響力。 根據何家收藏的扶雲社會員證、分鬮書與捐地等地籍資料,可以發現何家透過捐地卂與了地方的公共事務。例如清朝光緒年間何家和番仔湖的傅家合建「惜字亭」,民國38年以半買半送的方式捐地給地方政府,蓋貣了第一座公學校-山崎國民小學,這兩次捐地儀式圕造出何家在地方上文教的地位。日治時期,何家捐地讓鳳山崎貣造了山崎火車站,這項公共建設影響了鳳山崎朝向都市化發展,圕立鳳山崎經濟發展里程碑。 民國58年何家捐地蓋貣了地方上第一座溪南觀音廟-鳳蓮宮,從鳳蓮宮原始樂捐簿的統計中發現何氏宗族是樂捐金額占全部樂捐姓氏排序的第一位,從鳳蓮宮第一屆亯徒名冊統計中也發現何氏族人是所更卂與廟務人數占最多的,可見何氏宗族透過公廟的運作,穩定了鄉 ii 族勢力對地方事務的領導與控制。 這篇論文研究中也發現雖然鳳山崎陎臨了劇烈的變遷,例如設置湖口工業區,土地被徵收,大量人口移入此區等,但是何氏宗族仍然更辦法維繫住傳統社會的宗族現象,他們一方陎保留了的宗族祭祖儀式而把各家戶結合成宗族,形成村庄的次單位,卂與了地方事務;一方陎透過地方公廟的祭祀活動等神聖事務來達成凝聚何氏宗族的力量,形成在地的一個大宗族。這呈現出研究鳳山崎何家的意義是客家地區的客家宗族顯然更能力應付一定的社會變遷,不會簡單的隨著變遷而消失,而維繫宗族的力量是靠著卂與了神聖事務,那尌是宗族內部祭祀儀式與卂與公廟的祭祀活動,這個個案研究呈現出傳統宗族在瑝代仍然具更意義。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractFengshanqi is located in the border zone of the junction of four districts, Damei village(Zhubei)、Hongmaogang village(Xinfeng)、Dahukou village(Hukou)、Xinpu village(Xinpu), with a society of low productivity. A booklet of Qing Dynasty described Fengshanqi as follows: The plains on the mountain with a broad periphery up to 30-40 miles; dry from the high altitude, desolated place with sparse population. Fengshanqi’s development had been very vague until the late Quing Dynasty. It was a place where very few people would like to go and live. Until the early Japanese colonial period, Fengshanqi had developed into “Fengshanqi village” from the following four geographic blocks, Wanggaolou 、 Fengshanqi、Zhugaowu、and Baodouwu. Its importance began to rise gradually and this improvement accelerated continuously. After the post-war, because of the arrangements of Hukou industrial zone, it was fully transformed into a geographic block of urbanization. It became a centered village of its own. With the transformation of history of a century, Fengshanqi’s status even surpasses Laohukou of Dahukou village and Xinzhuangzi of Hongmaogang village nowadays. In the long run, Fengshanqi has the tendency of replacing Xinzhuangzi of Xinfeng Township in becoming an educational and political center. Fengshanqi is no longer the border zone of Hukou and Xinfeng; it has the autonomy of its own region. Previous researchers, such as Shitianfu、Luolieshi、Linyuru scholars, based their time frame of studying in the Quing Dynasty; therefore, they weren’t able to focus on the rise and transformation of the local society. Based on the studies of these scholars, I’ve filled in this extra piece of information. During the research of this thesis, the Ho Family collections of paleography and land tax reports were cross-examined. Furthermore, it’s been discovered that the Ho Family was the second major landlord of Fengshanqi. The Ho Family played a major role and influence in the process of Fengshanqi’s development. iv According to the Ho Family’s collections of cadastral information, such as Fuyun Club membership card, Certificate for property distribution and land donation, it’s been shown that the Ho Family had participated in local public affairs through land donation. For example, during the time of Guangxu in Qing Dynasty, the Ho Family from Fengshanqi and the Fu Family from Fanzaihu had built Xizi Pavilion together. In 1949, the Ho Family had donated land to the local government to build the first public school in Fengshanqi, called Shanqui Elementary School. The Ho Family’s high status in local culture and education had been consolidated through these two events of land donation. During Japanese colonial period, the Ho Family also donated land to build Shanqi train station. This public affair had a great impact on Fengshanqi urbanization and marked a milestone of Fengshanqi’s economic development. In 1969, the Ho Family donated land to build the first Xinan Guanyin Temple, called Fengliangong. From statistics of the original donation book from Fengliangong, the Ho clan donated the most out of the total amount of donation under sorting of last names. From statistics list of the first followers of Fengliangong, it’s been shown that the Ho clan had the largest number of people participating in temple affairs. Therefore, the Ho clan, through the operation of public temples, stabilized its power over leadership and control of local affairs. Through the thesis studies, it’s been discovered that although Fengshanqi had faced dramatic changes, such as the arrangements of Hukou industrial zone, land expropriation, and large numbers of people moving in to this area, the Ho clan still could maintain the clan phenomenon of the traditional society. On one hand, they retained the clan worship ceremony and combined every Ho household into the clan, formed the sub-unit of a village, and participated in the local affairs. On the other hand, through the worship activities of public temples and other sacred affairs, they’d achieved to unite the strength of the Ho clan to becoming a large clan in local areas. The research shows that the Ho family in Fengshanqi, representing Hakka clan of Hakka region, apparently had the ability to cope with social change. They wouldn’t disappear easily along with the transformation. Furthermore, they relied on the participation in sacred affairs such as, the clan worship ceremony and the worship activities of public temples, to maintain the power of the Ho clan. In conclusion, this research has demonstrated the existing significance of the traditional clan in the contemporary period. en_US
DC.subjectSocial Changeen_US
DC.subjectHakka Clanen_US
DC.titleHakka Clan and Its Social Change-An example of the Ho clan in Fengshanqi, Xinfeng Township, Hsinchu Countyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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