博碩士論文 997306018 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMei-ying Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract樟木林鄉位於廣西省昭平縣的東北部,當地居民所使用的語言稱為河婆客家話,是從廣東揭西河婆遷入。本文旨在研究樟木林鄉客家話的語音系統及語音演變的類型,並與其他客家話(揭西、陸河、台灣海陸話)做音韻和詞彙的比較。 本論文重點在於音韻研究,實際調查當地的語音和詞彙,以方言為主,使用田野調查法、語音描寫法、比較音韻法、詞彙分析,整理出樟木林鄉的客家方言概況。本論文共分為六章。第一章為緒論,說明本論文的研究動機與目的、研究方法、文獻探討、歷史背景與語言概述。第二章是樟木林鄉客家話的平面語音系統,說明聲母系統、韻母系統、聲調部分與文白異讀。第三章是樟木林鄉客家話和中古音韻比較,窺探整個樟木林鄉客家話中古音到今音的演變。第四章是樟木林鄉客家話的語音特點,分別敘述聲母、韻母與聲調的特點。第五章為樟木林鄉客家話與其他客家話(揭西、陸河、台灣海陸話)的比較。第六章為結論,說明研究成果與檢討改進及期待。 透過研究結果,樟木林鄉客家話除具備客家方言共通特點之外,在語言特色的保留上有存古、有創新,另外可歸納出其音韻特點有:(1)明母與幫滂並母字的演變速度不同(2)精莊組字在止宕攝三等、遇攝的韻母形式不同(3)知莊章聲母的前化運動 (4) 部分見組字的細音增生和保守化現象(5)「全濁上歸陽去」的調類歸併。其音韻表現於聲母方面與祖源揭西相去不遠,韻母除特殊字外,差異也不多,聲調方面於去聲變化最大,雖各分陰陽,但樟木林鄉全濁上歸陽去,而祖源地是陽去歸陰上。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe locals in Zhangmu Lin, located in northeast Zhaoping County of Guangxi Province speak the dialect called Hepo Hakka. They moved from Jiexi Hepo of Guangdong Province. This paper aims to study the voice system and voice type of evolution of Hakka. comparing with other dialects of Hakka(Jiexi, Luho, Taiwanese Hai-Lu). The focus of this paper will be on the study of phonology, investigating the locals’ voices and vocabulary. The author will use field survey, voice description, phonological comparison and vocabulary analysis to do the studies. This paper is composed of six chapters. Chapter 1 is the introduction, explaining the author’s motivation of doing this research, aims of the studies, literature review and an overview of the historical background and languages. Chapter 2 introduces the flat surface voice system of Zhangmu Lin Hsiang Hakka , explaining the system of initial consonant, vowel system and the tone and colloquial read. Chapter 3 will compare the Zhangmu Lin Hsiang Hakka with the medieval phonology, indicating the transformation of the phonology from the ancient languages to the modern languages. Chapter 4will stress the characteristics of of Zhangmu Lin Hsiang of Hakka phonology, explaining the characteristics of the consonants, vowels and tones. Chapter 5 will compare Zhangmu Lin Hsiang Hakka with other dialects of Hakka(Jiexi, Luho, Taiwanese Hai-Lu). Chapter 6 is the conclusion will provide the research results, the reflections of this study and further study in this topic. Through the findings of this paper, we will find Zhangmu Lin Hsiang Hakka not only has the common characteristics of other Hakka dialects and also maintains the characteristics of ancient and modern phonological features. In addition, other characteristics of phonology in this study could be concluded as follows:(1) We compare Ming mother with Bang、pang、bing mother, the transformation of the Phonological speed are different.(2)The forms of vowels in Zing Zhuang languages are different in (3) Z、 Zhuang 、Zhang initial consonant first movement.(4) Part of Kien terms have refined tone expanded and conservative.(5) Tone-Yang Shang Gui Yang Qu. The vowels of phonology are not much different from Jiexi phonological system. except vowels in particular words, are not much different from Jiexi phonological system. In Gui tones, Although the Sub-Yin and Yang tone, are much different from Jiexi phonological system. en_US
DC.subjectcamparison of locals voicesen_US
DC.subjectcamparison of vocabularyen_US
DC.subjectchange of pronunciationen_US
DC.subjectZhangmu Linen_US
DC.subjectHakka Languagesen_US
DC.titleThe Study of Hakka Language in Zhangmu Lin Township Zhaoping County Guangxi Provinceen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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