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姓名 陳靚娜(Ching-na Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 英美語文學系
論文名稱 擺盪於理想與現實之間: 羅伯特‧布朗寧詩選之研究
(Oscillation between Ideals and Realities: A Study of Robert Browning′s Selected Poems)
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摘要(中) 在十九世紀維多利亞時期的英國,科學和知識都有長足的進步。在兩者的影響下,人們重新建構了世界觀。而維多利亞時期的人對於科技進步所帶來的便利和新視野的開展卻有著一則以喜、一則以憂的複雜感受。喜的是,他們驚歎人類在科技與知識的進步,增添了自己的信心,也對未來保持著樂觀的態度;憂的是,新的知識卻對過去長時間以來他們所信仰的價值觀造成前所未有的衝擊。此時期的詩人羅伯特•布朗寧注意到維多利亞時代的人所面臨的危機;因此,在他的詩中,以敏銳的洞察力刻畫出詩中角色如何擺盪於理想和現實之間的矛盾,反映出當時人們焦慮不安、無所適從的情緒。本論文將藉由詩中的敘述者顯現出的理想與現實間的困境,提出布朗寧如何看待這兩者之間的差異並嘗試提出可行的建議。
摘要(英) This thesis is a study of Robert Browning’s ideals and realities in his poetry from three angles: art, love and religion. The Victorian age is known as an age of conflicts because the development of industry brings people both confidence and uncertainty. Born in the age, Browning displays how people oscillate between ideals and realities.
To begin with, in chapter one, I will introduce the background of the Victorian age and its positive and negative aspects brought about by the success of industry. As a vital poet in this age, Browning meticulously observes the Victorians’ dilemmas between ideals and realities, which will be discussed respectively in the following chapters. Chapter two will focus on painters’ struggles in art. Many painters hope they can realize their ideals in art; however, they are often obstructed by factors irrelevant to art in reality. In chapter three, I will scrutinize changes of people’s attitudes toward love with reference to ideals, realities, and dilemmas in between. It is noticed that when people agonize in love, it will possibly lead to tragedies in the end.
In chapter four, I will firstly reveal the evil nature hidden in obedience to dogmas. Browning intends to show his disagreement to a contemporary religious movement that takes dogmas as a way to revive people’s belief in religion. In addition, his advice about compromising between ideals and realities in religion will be disclosed by reading “Bishop Blougram’s Apology.” Through the narrator Bishop Blougram in this poem, Browning suggests people should strive to make a compromise in between, rather than emphasize just a single side. The concluding chapter will give a review of what has been discussed in the previous chapters. Through studying Browning’s poetry closely, we can infer that he suggests people should be aware of their conditions and keep on balancing or compromising between ideals and realities.
關鍵字(中) ★ 羅伯特‧布朗寧
★ 理想
★ 現實
關鍵字(英) ★ Robert Browning
★ Ideals
★ Realities
論文目次 Table of Contents

Chapter I Introduction……………………………………1
Chapter II Struggles in Art………………………………12
Chapter III Bliss and Agonies in Love……………… …37
Chapter IV Compromises in Religion………………… …56
Chapter V Conclusion………………………………………75
Works Cited ……………………………………………………81
參考文獻 Works Cited
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指導教授 郭章瑞(Chang-jui Kuo) 審核日期 2016-1-21
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