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姓名 唐德(Todd Neave)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 英美語文學系
(Rabelais and Changes in Renaissance Medicine)
★ The Duchess of Malfi 和 The Revenger's Tragedy 女性身體意涵★ 夏娃:失樂園中的馴化
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★ 從消費論身分認同: 從社會與人際關係間的過程論貝琪的自我體現★ The Theater of Pain and Community-Making in William Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus and Coriolanus
★ Drags and Gender Play in Pili Budaixi★ 關係作為貨幣:《威尼斯商人》與 《雅典的泰門》中的社會資本
★ Commercial Exchange and Social Exchange in Shakespeare′s Pericles, Prince of Tyre and The Merchant of Venice
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摘要(中) 本論文旨在研究文藝復興時期醫學文化及其背後傳統背景中Rabelais的寫作,目的在對於他怪誕的意象寫作之闡述,能提供較以往之研究不同的觀點。Chronicles 或許是僅有的一部由一位內科醫生使用諷刺手法自由且公開地反映出他的職業狀態的文學作品, 因而提供了一個機會使文學學者和醫學歷史學者得以聚在一起。
摘要(英) Abstract
The aim of this paper is an exploration of the writings of Rabelais in the context of Renaissance medical culture and the tradition behind that culture in pursuit of a far more radical interpretation of his grotesque imagery than has hitherto been offered. The Chronicles offer a unique opportunity for scholars of literature and historians of medicine to come together as it may be the only literary text written by a physician that uses satire as vehicle to freely and openly reflect on the state of his profession. This thesis begins with a brief introduction to the topic and then a short survey of the literature. These are followed by a historical survey of medical controversy to provide background. The main part of the thesis deals with Rabelais and the Chronicles in the context of the changing environment of pre-Vesalian medical culture. The paper posits possible influences of that culture on his writings and argues that the traditional portrayal of him as a medical conservative is probably an underestimation.
論文目次 Contents
English Abstract i
Chinese Abstract ii
Introduction 1
Literature Review 3
A Survey of Controversy in Western Medicine 12
Rabelais and the Medical Culture of the Renaissance 22
Conclusion 40
Appendix A 44
Appendix B 60
Works Cited 66
參考文獻 Works Cited
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指導教授 林錥鋕(Spencer Lin) 審核日期 2016-1-15
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