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姓名 江珠綺(Chu-Chi Chiang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 藝術學研究所
論文名稱 在欺眼之外——John Frederick Peto 的文件架畫與貼片畫
(Beyond Deception: John Frederick Peto′s Rack Painting and Patch Painting)
★ 論卡拉瓦喬羅馬時期公共祭壇畫的世俗形式與宗教理念★ 論Grosvenor Gallery展覽對於英國藝術的推展,1877-1890
★ 公共理念的實踐:1824至1865年早期倫敦國家畫廊的定位與革新★ Mark Catesby 《自然史》插圖在十八世紀西方博物學圖像中的創新與意義
★ 收藏家的自我形象塑造:嘉德納夫人與其同代繪畫收藏★ 從「被遺忘」到「典範」之形塑─ 維梅爾藝術史地位變遷探討
★ 由建築圖到風景畫:十八世紀英國威爾頓莊園圖像的變遷★ 走出莎劇:維多利亞時期精靈畫的轉變
★ 法式品味在英國: 倫敦華勒斯典藏館藝術收藏與展示發展★ 再現「海克力斯的選擇」:十五到十八世紀的圖像傳統與創新
★ 菲利普典藏館1918-1960年代的美國現代藝術收藏與推展★ 湯瑪斯.瓊斯(Thomas Jones, 1742-1803)藝術史定位的轉變——論其風景油彩速寫再發現的契機與影響
★ 泰特藝廊對William Blake的形塑與推廣,1913至今★ 羅馬名利場:喬凡尼?巴里歐內(Giovanni Baglione)藝術聲譽與誹謗圖像之研究
★ 西洋藝術教育的接受與推動——奇美博物館的角色與功能★ J. M. W. Turner(1775-1851)身後首檔回顧大展:1899年倫敦城區市政廳藝廊(Guildhall Art Gallery)特展的意義與影響
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摘要(中) John Frederick Peto(1854-1907)原為十九世紀美國名不見經傳的靜物畫兼欺眼畫家。藝術史學者Alfred Frankenstein(1906-1981)在二十世紀中葉因研究靜物畫家William Michael Harnett(1848-1892)之故,再發現同樣具優秀繪畫技巧的Peto,並視他為美國現代藝術史的前驅。然而,欺眼畫自有其固定的形式,在該畫類的範疇下,Peto的文件架畫與貼片畫究竟有何開創性?或者研究者僅是為了建立本國的藝術史脈絡?另外,自Frankenstein以降的學者將Peto創作Lincolin像系列的動機歸因於畫家父親之死,但若從畫家的創作手法及其生平背景來看,此系列欺眼畫似乎另有其它意義。

摘要(英) John Frederick Peto (1854-1907), an American trompe l’oeil and still life painter, was little known in his age. During his study of the still life painter William Michael Harnett (1848-1892), art historian Alfred Frankenstein (1906-1981) rediscovered Peto in the mid-20th century, and regarded him as a pioneer of American modern art. However, trompe l’oeil in the form of rack painting and patch painting has its long-established conventions, and so in what sense can Peto’s works be seen as innovative? Or is this recognition of Peto’s pioneering status a strategy for narrating the history of American modern art? Furthermore, most art historians followed Frankenstein’s study and attributed the creation of the Lincoln series to the death of Peto’s father. Nevertheless, the meanings of the series can be understood in other ways if we examine Peto’s family life and his painting practices.

In the first chapter, this dissertation clarifies the characteristics and forms of trompe l’oeil paintings, and then examines 19th-century artists’ and viewers’ attitude to trompe l’oeil paintings. Chapter two focuses on the function of rack paintings and patch paintings. I discuss how Peto used words and pictures to represent figures, and reinterpret the Lincoln series. Finally, chapter three considers Peto’s position by analyzing 19th- and 20th-century trompe l’oeil paintings and the writings both of the history of tromp l’oeil painting and of American art, so as to respond to the claims of scholars who regarded Peto as a precursor of American modern art.
關鍵字(中) ★ 欺眼畫
★ 文件架畫
★ 貼片畫
★ 約翰.弗雷德里克.皮托
關鍵字(英) ★ trompe l’oeil
★ rack painting
★ patch painting
★ John Frederick Peto
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
緒論 1
研究動機 2
文獻回顧 3
章節架構 8
第一章 Peto與欺眼畫史 10
第一節 欺眼畫的界定 10
一、欺眼畫與幻象式繪畫 10
二、欺眼畫的形式 14
第二節 十九世紀後期美國的欺眼畫 18
一、欺眼畫與靜物畫在賓夕法尼亞美術學院 18
二、不只是欺眼的欺眼畫 22
第二章 文件架畫和貼片畫中的身分指涉 27
第一節 具象徵性的物件和文字 27
一、十七世紀與十八世紀之例 27
二、十九世紀之例 31
第二節 解讀Lincoln像系列 34
一、父子的交往 34
二、Peto對內戰的回應 37
第三章 Peto文件架畫的現代性? 42
第一節 與Peto同時期的歐洲及美國文件架畫 42
一、承襲的繪畫形式 42
二、具時代性的物件 46
第二節 Peto在藝術史的定位 48
一、二十世紀的欺眼畫 48
二、欺眼畫史的書寫問題 51
結論 56
參考資料 59
附錄 66
圖版 80
參考文獻 研究專書

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Addison Gallery of American Art: http://accessaddison.andover.edu
Archives of American Art: http://www.aaa.si.edu
Brandywine River Museum: http://www.brandywinemuseum.org
Christie’s: http://www.christies.com
Des Moines Art Center: http://emuseum.desmoinesartcenter.org
Indianapolis Museum of Art: http://collection.imamuseum.org
Invaluable: http://www.invaluable.com
Ken Davies: http://kendaviesart.com
Library of Congress: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov
Museum of Fine Arts: http://www.mfa.org/collections
Oxford Art Online: http://www.oxfordartonline.com
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts: http://www.pafa.org
Sotheby’s: http://www.sothebys.com/en.html
The Athenaeum: http://www.the-athenaeum.org
The Smithsonian Collections Search Center: http://collections.si.edu/search/about.htm
The U.S. Census Bureau: https://www.census.gov
Toms River Yacht Club: http://www.tryc.com
Traditional Fine Arts Organization: http://www.tfaoi.com
United States Senate: http://www.senate.gov

指導教授 謝佳娟(Chia-Chuan Hsieh) 審核日期 2015-7-24
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