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姓名 呂芳鎮(Fang-Chen Lu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 學習與教學研究所
論文名稱 社群媒體中結構化知識活動對英文為外語學生預寫成效之研究
(Social Media Mediated Structured Knowledge Activity on EFL Prewriting Effects Study)
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摘要(中) 社群媒體的互動性有利於以英文為外語的學習,然而學生需要精心設計的教學法來追求更深度學習。本研究目的為探討社群媒體中結構化知識活動對英文為外語學生預寫成效之影響。本研究進一步探討採用結構化概念圖來呈現個人知識包括大意層面、詞彙層面(即為同義詞與反義詞)至網路社群詞彙層面。為此,本研究目的為在社群媒體上設計一個以電腦輔助概念圖之英文預寫活動對各向度的英文寫作能力評量之研究。預寫教學活動設計涵蓋結構化個人知識、外顯知識可供性、整合社群活動。藉由學生在寫作測驗成績表現來評估英文預寫活動之成效。參與此研究為八十位程度相當的高中生,並隨機分為兩組:實驗組與對照組。藉由學生在寫作測驗成績表現上以及其對於預寫活動之看法進行量化分析。本研究結果如下: (一) 兩組學生之寫作成品在文意表達、寫作準確度與流暢度這三面向有統計上之顯著差異。研究結果指出,預寫活動能激勵學習者在網路寫作學習社群主動積極協作回饋,進一步對真實語境下目標詞彙正確性與流暢度的使用有助益。(二)問卷統計與類似研究一致性地發現預寫活動對學生在文意表達與社群協同寫作等兩面向有幫助。前述兩面向與學習者生活經驗有關,並可增進同儕社群互動,因而能夠促進學生的寫作表現。
摘要(英) Social media interaction can benefit English as a foreign language (EFL) learning, but learners need a deliberate approach to pursue deeper learning. The purpose of this study was to explore social media mediated structured knowledge activity on EFL prewriting effects. The study further looked into adopting a structured concept map to represent private knowledge in three layers including the main idea, the lexical layer (namely synonyms or antonyms), and the online social-lexical layer. To this end, the aim of this study was to design a prewriting activity on social media using a computer-based concept map to assess participants’ writing performance in different aspects of writing. The designed prewriting activity comprised structuralized private knowledge, explicit knowledge affordance, and consolidated social activities. To evaluate the effects of the prewriting activity, an EFL prewriting experiment was conducted. In this experiment, 80 participants in a high school in Taiwan were evenly assigned to a control or experimental group. The participants’ writing essays and learning perceptions were collected, and the analysis results indicated that (1) a significant difference was found in the aspects of communicative quality, linguistic accuracy, and linguistic appropriacy. The results confirmed that the prewriting activity could encourage EFL learners actively and collaboratively to give online feedback in a writing community further conducive to use target words accurately and appropriately in an authentic context. (2) The questionnaire statistics aligned with similar findings that the prewriting activity helped learners’ writing from communicative quality and social collaboration perspectives. The aforementioned perspectives having to do with students’ life experiences as well as improving their social interaction with peers might be able to foster the students’ writing performance.
關鍵字(中) ★ 電腦輔助語言學習
★ 社群媒體
★ 預寫活動
★ 外語預寫
關鍵字(英) ★ computer-assisted language learning
★ social media
★ prewriting activity
★ EFL prewriting

1.1. Background 1

1.2. Research Motivation 2

1.3. Purposes of this Research 3

1.4. Research Questions 4


2.1. Traditional Prewriting Strategy 6

2.2. Structured Prewriting Strategy 7

2.3. Theories Underlying Lexical Concept Map Architecture 9

2.4. Social Interaction via Computer-mediated Communication (CMC) 11

2.5. Rubrics for the Writing Assessment 13

2.6. Analytic Scoring for English as a Foreign (EFL) Writing 20


3.1. Social Media Facilitated English Prewriting Activity Design 25

3.2. Experimental Design 36

3.3. Procedure and Instruments 37

3.4. Participants 39

3.5. Essay Raters 39

3.6. Assessments 40

3.7. Data Collection 43

3.8. Data Analysis 44


4.1. Results of Prewriting Activity Effect 46

4.2. Discussion of Prewriting Activity Effect 49

4.3. Results of Perceptions Effect 51

4.4. Discussion of Perceptions Effect 53


5.1. Conclusion 54

5.2. Implications 55

5.3. Limitations and Directions for Future Studies 56


Appendix A: Sample Essay One: Describe a One-day Trip 63

Appendix B: Sample Essay Two: Describe a One-day Trip 64

Appendix C: Sample Essay One: Describe a Small Town 65

Appendix D: Sample Essay Two: Describe a Small Town 66

Appendix E: Questionnaire 67


Table 1 Types of rating scales used for the assessment of writing 14

Table 2 Primary trait scoring guide 15

Table 3 TOEFL writing scoring guide 19

Table 4 Scoring profile 22

Table 5 Hamp-Lyons and Henning’ s (1991) writing rubric 41

Table 6 Writing scoring rubric 45

Table 7 Overall score results of essay one 47

Table 8 Analytic score results of essay one 48

Table 9 Overall score results of essay two 49

Table 10 Analytic score results of essay two 49

Table 11 Participants’ perceptions about the prewriting activity to enhance EFL writing questionnaire statistics 52


Figure 1 Structure of literature review 5

Figure 2 RPG_ESP framework 8

Figure 3 An overview of research design and methodology 24

Figure 4 Three-step prewriting activity 25

Figure 5 Online concept map platform: CoCoing.info 28

Figure 6 Concept sharing at CoCoing.info platform 31

Figure 7 Consolidated social activities mediated by CoCoing.info platform 34

Figure 8 Experimental flow 38

Figure 9 The steps of data collection 43
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