博碩士論文 100226029 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳維軒(Wei-Hsuan Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 利用扭轉型聚合物網絡液晶製作 偏振選擇性光散射之研究
(Polarization-Selective Light Scattering by Polymer Network Twisted Nematic Liquid Crystals)
★ 利用電控動態手紋結構製作雙穩態散射型液晶光閥之研究★ 液晶摻雜十二氫氧基硬酯酸於鍍有聚乙烯基咔唑薄膜液晶盒中之多穩態特性及其應用
★ 利用偶氮苯摻雜膽固醇液晶製作光控線性偏振旋轉器★ 中孔洞奈米粒子摻雜液晶之光電特性及其應用之研究
★ 藍相液晶摻雜旋性聚合物之表面穩定效應之研究★ 層列C型/層列C*型液晶摻雜偶氮苯材料之光電特性研究
★ 離子性材料對向列型液晶自發性配向及其應用之研究★ 膽固醇液晶摻雜離子性層列型液晶之動態散射特性研究
★ 膽固醇液晶及扭轉向列型液晶之線性偏振旋轉器★ 低操作電壓高分子分散型液晶及其應用之研究
★ 單面及雙面旋性聚合物穩固藍相液晶之光電特性★ 利用液晶相位空間光調制器實現波長及焦距可調之反射式Fresnel光學透鏡
★ 光控及電控散射型/吸收型液晶光閥之研究★ 利用雙扭轉向列型液晶製作可電光調控之線性偏振光液晶光圈
★ 電控及光控膽固醇液晶光閥特性與結構之研究★ 非對稱式液晶光電元件及其應用
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摘要(中) 本論文的研究主題主要是利用向列型液晶(E7)與聚合物液晶(RM257)依一定比例均勻混合成之液晶材料,並搭配經摩擦配向的ITO (indium tin oxide)玻璃基板成為90°扭轉向列液晶(90° twisted nematics),再經過紫外光固化製程後成功製作出聚合物網絡液晶(polymer network liquid crystals),該元件外加電壓後呈現光散射態,且具有偏振選擇性散射的特性,同時此特性可藉由關閉外加電壓使其回到扭轉向列型液晶結構之透射態。
經由本論文實驗結果得知,由於液晶盒本身因90°扭轉配向而產生的結構型態以及選用之向列型液晶與聚合物液晶折射率的巧妙搭配,故產生偏振選擇性散射的特性,因此在外加電壓於此液晶元件使其處於散射態時,特定方向之線偏振光入射該元件後將發生強烈散射而無法穿透液晶盒;反之,另一正交方向之線偏振入射光卻幾乎毫無阻礙地穿透液晶盒,本研究成功開發出將偏振度(degree of polarization)為0之無偏振入射光經過此液晶元件後轉變為偏振度為0.97之線偏振光的能力,且此能力會在關閉外加電壓後完全消失,亦即該類似於偏振片的液晶元件為一可電控切換之液晶元件。
摘要(英) In this study, we have successfully demonstrated a polarization selective scattering liquid crystal (LC) device based on polymer network twisted nematic LCs. Briefly, the combination of the adopted LC cell, generated by two indium-tin-oxide-coated glass substrates having orthogonally homogeneous alignment layers, and the homogeneously mixed materials of LC polymer (RM257) and nematic LC (E7), is the key point to achieve the LC devices. Such a LC device shows polarization-selective light scattering state when an external voltage is applied, and can be switched back to normally white mode twisted nematic LCs when the applied voltage is switched off.
The obtained results indicate that this LC device possesses the polarization-selective light scattering ability because of the refractive index collocation between nematic LC and LC polymer, as well as the 90o twisted alignment of LC cell. When this LC device is set as a scattering mode, the incident light with the particular direction of linearly polarization will not be able to pass through the LC cell due to strong scattering; on the contrary, the orthogonal direction of the incident linearly polarized light can easily penetrate through the LC device. Moreover, the achieved LC device can be used as an electrically controllable LC linear polarizer, which can filter an unpolarized light into a linearly polarized light when a suitable voltage is applied, and can be turned off when the applied voltage is switched off. The degree of polarization of the output linearly polarized light is 0.97.
Besides, such a reported characteristic of polarization-selective scattering can be applied to generate electrically controllable optical devices and display modes, such as electrically controllable LC polarizers and transflective LCDs. According to the obtained results, we also realize that the various polarization states of the illuminated UV light to polymerize LC polymers cause different performances for the LC devices.
關鍵字(中) ★ 聚合物網絡液晶
★ 光散射
論文目次 摘要.............................................................................................................I
第一章 緒論..............................................................................................1
1-1 前言.......................................................................................1
1-2 論文架構...............................................................................2
第二章 液晶簡介......................................................................................3
2-1 何謂液晶...............................................................................3
2-2 液晶的分類...........................................................................5
2-2-1 長條狀液晶(rod-like liquid crystal)...........................7
2-2-2 圓盤狀液晶(disk-like liquid crystal).......................14
2-2-3 高分子液晶(liquid crystal polymer)........................15
2-3 液晶的物理特性.................................................................18
2-3-1 折射率異向性.........................................................18
2-3-2 介電常數異向性.....................................................23
2-3-3 秩序參數.................................................................26
2-3-4 溫度對液晶折射率的影響.....................................27
2-3-5 連續彈性體理論.....................................................27
2-3-6 Fréedericksz Transition..............................................29
第三章 相關理論....................................................................................32
3-1 摩擦配向技術.....................................................................32
3-2 溝槽理論.............................................................................33
3-3 扭轉向列型液晶.................................................................35
3-4 聚合物網絡液晶.................................................................38
第四章 樣品製作與實驗光路................................................................42
4-1 材料介紹.............................................................................42
4-1-1 向列型液晶E7.........................................................42
4-1-2 雙丙烯酸酯液晶RM257.........................................43
4-2 液晶盒製作.........................................................................44
4-2-1 玻璃基板清洗.........................................................45
4-2-3 液晶樣品調配.........................................................49
4-2-4 完成液晶盒.............................................................50
4-2-5 照射紫外光激發高分子液晶發生聚合反應.........50
4-3 實驗方法與光路架設.........................................................51
4-3-1 紫外光於TN r-PNLC內部偏振改變情形..............51
4-3-2 電壓-穿透度曲線....................................................52
4-3-3 TN r-PNLC對線偏振入射光偏振影響情形...........54
第五章 實驗結果與討論........................................................................55
5-1 TN r-PNLC穿透態與散射態各項特性探討.......................56
5-1-1 TN r-PNLC基本特性與散射態對線偏振光的特性
5-1-2 TN r-PNLC偏振選擇性散射觀察與討論...............69
5-2 紫外光偏振態改變對於TN r-PNLC之特性影響.............72
5-2-1 紫外光於TN r-PNLC內偏振態改變情形..............72
5-2-2 利用不同偏振方向之線偏振紫外光固化液晶聚合
物對TN r-PNLC的影響.........................................75
5-3 TN r-PNLC之電控光電元件之應用...................................86
5-3-1 TN r-PNLC應用於電控散射型液晶線偏振片.......88
5-3-2 TN r-PNLC應用於電控散射型液晶光閥...............89
5-3-3 TN r-PNLC應用於半反半穿式液晶顯示器...........90
第六章 結論與未來展望........................................................................93
6-2 未來展望.............................................................................95
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指導教授 鄭恪亭(Ko-Ting Cheng) 審核日期 2016-7-22
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