博碩士論文 100326015 詳細資訊

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姓名 鄭翔勻(Hsiang-Yun Cheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所
論文名稱 Chlorella sp.攝取工業廢水營養鹽並固定二氧化碳之研究
(Carbon Dioxide Fixation by Chlorella sp. Uptaking Nutrient from Industrial Wastewater)
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摘要(中) 本研究利用Chlorella sp.攝取光電(OE)和半導體(SC)放流水中的氮磷,並固定外添加的CO2。試驗設計主要分成適應性試驗與固碳去氮除磷試驗兩大部分。
批次操作下,初步瞭解Chlorella sp.確實能生存於光電(OE)和半導體(SC)放流水中,並攝取氮磷合成藻體。研究結果顯示,Chlorella sp.生長於低N/P的光電(OE)放流水中,生物質產率(Pal)受初始氮磷濃度影響甚大,藻體攝取氨氮的能力會因磷濃度(>12.25 (mg P) L-1) 過高而受抑制;Chlorella sp.生長於高N/P的半導體(SC)放流水,生物質產率(Pal)則受初始藻體濃度(Xal0)影響較大,當初始藻體濃度(Xal0)為0.10、0.50和1.0 (g DW) L-1時,生物質產率(Pal)隨其增加而提升,介於0.100-0.634 (g DW) L-1d-1之間。
半連續操作下,各參數的最佳條件為SRT=21 d、HRT=4 d以及6% CO2 (v/v),Chlorella sp.對低N/P的光電(OE)放流水(水質為37.06 (mg NH4+-N) L-1和27.85 (mg PO43--P) L-1)之最佳氮磷去除率分別為78.9-79.2%和5.7-7.8%。當SRT=30 d時,槽中藻體濃度(Xal=4.6 (g DW) L-1)過高,藻體因自我光遮蔽效應而活性漸失,最終氮磷去除率分別為22.9%和3.7%。當HRT=4 d時,水質pH值趨於酸性(<4),氨氮去除率自96.4%降至73.4%,且生物質產率最低(Pal=0.114 (g DW) L-1d-1)。反觀HRT=2d時,水質pH=6左右,平均氨氮去除率只有54.9%,但其生物質產率(Pal=0.171 (g DW) L-1d-1)最高。將CO2濃度自6% CO2 (v/v)提高至12及18% CO2 (v/v),生物質產率(Pal)自0.157驟降至0.049 (g DW) L-1d-1,固碳速率(RCO2)也自0.220降至0.098 (g CO2) L-1d-1。
本研究發現,Chlorella sp.能攝取光電(OE)和半導體(SC)放流水中的氮磷,其攝取能力受環境之各種負荷影響。於半連續操作中,受SRT之影響最為顯著,表示Chlorella sp.對光能的利用率是最重要的因子,pH值的影響則次之。
摘要(英) This study is aimed to removal of nutrients from opto-electronics (OE) and semi-conductor (SC) effluent, and fixed CO2 simultaneously by Chlorella sp.. The experimental design included: (1) adaptation test in batch mode and; (2) laboratory scale treatment system in semi-continuous mode.
In adaptation test find out Chlorella sp. could uptake nitrogen and phosphate from OC and SC effluent, and synthesize biomass in the meanwhile. Results showed out Chlorella sp. in OE effluent (low N/P) was affected by initial nitrogen and phosphate concentrations, Chlorella sp. uptake ability of ammonium was poor when phosphate concentration was high (>12.25 (mg P) L-1) ; in SC effluent (high N/P) was affected by initial biomass concentrations (Xal0 = 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 (g DW) L-1), biomass producti-
vity (Pal = 0.100-0.634 (g DW) L-1d-1) would be higher when Xal0 was increased.
The results showed out the optimum parameter was SRT=21 d、HRT=4 d and 6% CO2 (v/v), and the greatest nitrogen and phosphate of removal rate was 78.9-79.2% and 5.7-7.8%, respectively, by Chlorella sp. in OE effluent (37.06 (mg NH4+-N) L-1 and 27.85 (mg PO43--P) L-1) under semi-continuous operation. When STR=30 d, Xal=
4.6 (g DW) L-1 was caused self-shadowing effect and Chlorella sp. activity become lower and nitrogen and phosphate uptake rate was decreasing to 22.9% and 3.7%, respectively. When HRT=4 d, pH would be under 4, and ammonium-nitrogen removal rate was decreasing from 96.4 to 73.4%, and the biomass productivity was lowest (Pal = 0.114 (g DW) L-1d-1). In contrast, HRT=2 d and pH about 6, and ammonium-nitro-
gen removal rate (54.9%) was lowest, but the biomass productivity was highest (Pal = 0.171 (g DW) L-1d-1). CO2 concentration was increasing from 6 to 12 and 18% CO2 (v/v), and biomass productivity was rapidly decreasing from 0.157 to 0.049 (g DW) L-1d-1, and CO2 fixed rate (RCO2) was decreasing from 0.220 to 0.098 (g CO2) L-1d-1.
Chlorella sp. could uptake nitrogen and phosphate from OE and SC effluent, and the uptake ability was affected to various effect factors. Under semi-continuous operation, SRT is the most significant factor, and followed by pH.
關鍵字(中) ★ Chlorella sp.
★ 光電
★ 半導體
★ 氮磷去除
★ 固定CO2
★ 半連續反應器
關鍵字(英) ★ Chlorella sp.
★ opto-electronics
★ semi-conductor
★ nitrogen
★ phosphate
★ fixed CO2
★ semi-continuous reactor
論文目次 第一章前言 1
1-1 研究緣起 1
1-2 研究目的 2
第二章文獻回顧 3
2-1 溫室氣體CO2 之影響與減碳策略3
2-1-1 CO2 對環境之影響 3
2-1-2 減碳策略 6
2-2 含氮磷廢水之影響及處理方法 7
2-2-1 含氮磷廢水對環境之影響 7
2-2-2 產業製程及廢水特性 7
2-2-3 含氮磷廢水處理方法 11
2-3 微藻固碳去除氮磷之原理 13
2-3-1 微藻之生化反應式13
2-3-2 生長因子 14
2-3-3 小球藻(Chlorella sp ) 17
2-3-4 固碳去氮除磷機制19
2-4 微藻固碳去氮除磷之研究現況 24
2-4-1 微藻與傳統生物去氮除磷程序 24
2-4-2 微藻固碳去氮除磷之研究現況 27
2-4-3 微藻固碳去氮除磷之研究所面臨的問題 55
第三章試驗方法及設備 56
3-1 研究流程 56
3-2 研究材料與藥品 57
3-2-1 研究材料來源及保存方法 57
3-2-2 試驗藥品 63
3-3 研究設備與儀器 65
3-3-1 試驗設備 65
3-3-2 分析方法及分析儀器 66
3-4 研究方法 67
3-4-1 適應性試驗設計 67
3-4-2 固碳去氮除磷試驗設計 69
第四章結果與討論 75
4-1 水質特性對Chlorella sp 合成藻體之潛在影響 75
4-2 適應性試驗 77
4-2-1 不同初始藻體濃度(Xal
0)於各放流水之生長情況 77
4-2-2 批次模式動力分析 80
4-2-3 初始氮磷濃度對Chlorella sp 生長的影響 84
4-2-4 基質利用率與合成藻體之質量平衡87
4-2-5 不同初始藻體濃度(Xal
0)於各放流水之氮磷及TOC 去除率 89
4-2-6 不同初始藻體濃度(Xal
0)於各放流水之pH 值變化 90
4-3 固碳去氮除磷試驗 93
4-3-1 不同初始藻體濃度(Xal
0)對氮磷處理成效之影響 93
4-3-2 不同SRT 對氮磷處理成效之影響 95
4-3-3 不同HRT 對氮磷處理成效之影響 100
4-3-4 不同CO2 濃度對處理成效之影響 105
4-3-5 最佳去氮除磷條件及處理成效與操作時間對處理成效之影響 111
第五章結論與建議 112
5-1 結論 113
5-2 建議與未來展望 113
參考文獻 115
附錄二批次模式動力學 130
附錄三半連續模式推導 133
附錄五半連續操作-HRT 初步試驗 138
附錄六半連續操作試驗結果 144
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指導教授 曾迪華(Dyi-Hwa Tseng) 審核日期 2014-7-29
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