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姓名 邱奕清(Yi-ching Chiu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 精密空調冷凝器軸流風扇葉片結構分析
★ 晶圓針測參數實驗與模擬分析★ 車銑複合加工機床面結構最佳化設計
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摘要(中) 本研究目的在探討與驗證透過本研究規劃的扇葉設計流程,經過流場數值分析與單向流固耦合扇葉結構分析,能完成符合冷凝器系統散熱能力之軸流風機扇葉設計。同時確保風機扇葉結構強度安全無虞,且扇葉整體自然頻率不會與風機設計轉速基頻產生共振,避免扇葉因共振發生斷裂破壞。
本研究設計之軸流風機必須滿足擬開發冷凝器系統解熱能力需求,即風量為8580 m3/h、風壓為50 Pa。依照本研究扇葉設計流程,先針對扇葉安裝角及翼型進行設計,透過五個模型經過流場數值分析後,模型五扇葉轉速950 rpm之模擬性能曲線能滿足冷凝器系統解熱能力需求。為了降低扇葉生產成本,針對模型五進行鈑金化扇葉設計後,經過流場數值分析再次確認鈑金化扇葉模擬性能曲線能滿足冷凝器系統解熱能力需求。後續以較高的轉速1050 rpm進行單向流固耦合結構分析,利用最大von Mises等效應力值判斷各零件是否超過材料降伏強度為標準,確認扇葉結構強度足夠,然後進行樣品打樣,透過風洞實驗、輪穀平台應變值量測及自然頻率實驗確認流場數值分析模型與結構分析模型為有效之分析模型。
本研究設計之鈑金扇葉風機經過符合MACA 210-07規範之風洞儀器測試,驗證其性能曲線滿足冷凝器系統解熱能力需求,即風量為8580 m3/h、風壓為50 Pa。扇葉各零件以材料降伏強度為標準來計算安全係數,其結果為輪穀平台安全係數為2.57,葉片安全係數為2.14,墊片安全係數為4.81,螺栓安全係數為1.78。顯示各零件結構具有足夠強度承受所設定之負載條件。鈑金扇葉之第一模態自然頻率為24.6 Hz,而轉速1050 rpm的基頻為17.5 Hz,顯示鈑金扇葉本體不會與轉速基頻產生共振現象。
摘要(英) The purpose of this study is to propose and verify a design process for the impellers of an axial-flow fan to meet the heat dissipation requirements of a condenser system. A finite element analysis (FEM) technique is applied to determining the flow field and performing the structural analysis with a fluid-solid coupling method. The natural frequency is determined to make sure that resonance is not going to take place in operation of such a fan.
The key specifications for such an axial-flow fan include an air flow of 8580 m3/h and a wind pressure of 50 Pa. Through fluid dynamics analysis with FEA, a proper set of setting angle and airfoil is selected for the impeller geometry to meet the requirements at a fan speed of 950 rpm among five initial designs considered. A fabrication process using sheet metal, for reducing cost, is further considered in making the final design of the impellers. The final design of the sheet metal impellers is verified to meet the requirements in fluid mechanics by FEA simulation. Subsequently, a fluid-solid coupling FEA simulation is conducted to assess the structural integrity of the impeller design at a higher fan speed of 1050 rpm. As no structural failure is predicted by the simulation according to the von Mises criterion, a mockup of the impeller design is fabricated for testing. Experiments such as wind tunnel test, strain measurement for hub platform, and natural frequency measurement are then conducted on the mockup sample to evaluate its performance and stability and to verify the simulations.
Experiments and simulations, based on the specification of MACA 210-07, both verify that the sheet metal impellers designed in this study can meet the heat dissipation requirements of a condenser system. A good structural integrity is expected, as the safety factor for the components hub of platform, blade, washer, and bolt is 2.57, 2.14, 4.81, and 1.78, respectively. The natural frequency of the first modal vibration is 24.6 Hz which is higher than the maximum working fan speed of 1050 rpm (17.5 Hz). Accordingly, no resonance is expected to take place.
關鍵字(中) ★ 軸流風機
★ 流固耦合
論文目次 目錄
表目錄 V
圖目錄 VІІ
第一章 前言 1
1-1 冷凝器 2
1-2 軸流風機 3
1-3 文獻回顧 3
1-4 研究目的 6
第二章 扇葉設計與流場數值分析 7
2-1 扇葉設計 7
2-2 流場數值分析方法與步驟 7
2-2-1 模型及網格建立 7
2-2-2 邊界條件設定 8
2-3 流場數值分析結果 9
第三章 扇葉結構設計與有限元素分析 10
3-1 扇葉結構設計 10
3-2 結構有限元素分析 10
3-2-1 模型及網格建立 10
3-2-2 材料性質與邊界條件設定 10
3-2-3 拘束負載及負載條件設定 11
第四章 實驗方法與步驟 12
4-1 風洞實驗 12
4-2 輪榖平台應變量測 13
4-3 自然頻率實驗量測 13
第五章 結果與討論 14
5-1 風機性能曲線分析 14
5-1-1 模型一至模型五流場數值分析結果比較 14
5-1-2 鈑金扇葉流場數值分析結果與風洞實驗結果比較 15
5-2 葉片應力與變形分析 16
5-2-1 輪榖平台應變實驗量測與模擬值比較 16
5-2-2 轉速1050 rpm 負載結構分析 16
5-2-3 轉速1050 rpm 與空氣動力負載結構分析 17
5-3 自然頻率實驗與模擬分析比較 20
第六章 結論 21
參考文獻 22
表 25
圖… 31
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指導教授 林志光(Chih-kuang Lin) 審核日期 2014-10-24
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