博碩士論文 100421049 詳細資訊

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姓名 林書帆(Shu-Fan Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 商業模式探討-以網路服飾業者為例
(Research on the business model –The case studies of online apparel)
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摘要(中) 隨著國內電子商務發展與消費觀念轉移,透過網路購買服飾已成為新的生活型態,資策會調查顯示,流行時尚類是消費金額比例最高的商品分類,包含服飾、鞋包精品與美容保養等商品。而商業模式自1990年後備受注目,是當今最熱門的議題,那到底何謂商業模式?因此本研究主要目的為:(1)分析國內網路服飾業者的商業模式。(2)瞭解商業模式相關議題。(3)深入探討商業模式架構。

本研究採用個案研究法,資料來源為文獻調查,密集彙整過去有關商業模式各類研究,同時從國內知名期刊、研究報告及各大雜誌媒體蒐集個案相關資訊。並以Alexander Osterwalder (2010)之商業模式本體論作為個案分析的主要工具,架構包含價值主張、目標顧客、配銷通路、顧客關係、價值組態、能力、合作夥伴、成本結構與營收模式共九大要素。
摘要(英) With the e-commerce development and shift of consumer attitudes, purchase clothing through Internet has become a new lifestyle. According to MIC survey, fashion class is the highest proportion of the amount of consumption goods categories, including clothing, shoes, bags, cosmetics and care products. Business model attracted much attention since 1990’s, is hottest issue nowadays. What is the business model in the end? So the purposes of this thesis are: (1) Analysis of the online apparel’s business model. (2) Understanding of issues related to the business model. (3) Discussion of business model framework thoroughly.
The case study method is used, gathering data from literature review. This thesis densely collected over various research about the business model, gathering case-related information from both well-known journals, research reports and magazines at the same time. Alexander Osterwalder’s (2010) business model ontology is used as the primary tool for case analysis. This framework includes value proposition, target customer, distribution channel, relationship, value configuration, capability, partnership, cost structure and revenue model.
Similar points of three successful cases are found as follows: (1) Value proposition – Firms offer value on the economy price level, taking into account quality simultaneously. (2) Target customer - All Firms view popular style as the main avenue. They extend product lines and pursue extreme revenue as far as possible without blurring the original brand appeal. (3) Distribution channel - Establishment of an independent website reduces the problem of abusive price comparison, not only providing more flexible shopping environment, but also mastering first-hand customer information. (4) Relationship – Cost of customer acquisition is too expensive. Firms have to stimulate consumer to rebuy. (5) Infrastructure management – Firms integrate value chain upstream to stabilize supply and enhance the uniqueness of product, cost is much cheaper than traditional resale model. Even a case calls for drawings publicly to outsource design work, building a whole new business model. Furthermore, most firms innovate their business model through distribution channel or value configuration in recent years.
關鍵字(中) ★ 商業模式
★ 商業模式架構
★ 網路服飾
★ 電子商務
關鍵字(英) ★ business model
★ business model framework
★ online apparel
★ e-commerce
論文目次 國立中央大學圖書館碩博士論文電子檔授權書.......i
第一章 緒論............................1
1.1 研究背景...........................1
1.2 研究動機...........................1
1.3 研究目的...........................2
1.4 研究流程...........................3
1.5 研究架構...........................4
1.6 研究方法...........................4
第二章 文獻探討.........................6
2.1 商業模式的歷史......................6
2.1.1 商業模式概念的演進.................6
2.1.2 商業模式的起源....................7
2.2 商業模式的研究範疇...................7
2.2.1 商業模式的定義....................9
2.2.2 商業模式的分類學..................11
2.2.3 商業模式的要素....................17
2.2.4 商業模式的表徵工具.................21
2.2.5 商業模式的本體論塑模...............22
2.2.6 商業模式的變革方法論...............24
2.2.7 商業模式的評估....................26
2.2.8 商業模式的創新....................27
第三章 商業模式本體論....................34
3.1 商業模式的定位......................34
3.2 四大基柱與九個主要要素...............36
3.3 價值主張與提供物....................39
3.4 目標顧客與準則......................45
3.5 配銷通路與連結......................48
3.6 顧客關係與機制......................52
3.7 能力與資源.........................57
3.8 價值組態與活動......................59
3.9 合作夥伴與協議......................61
3.10 營收模式與營收來源及定價機制.........64
3.11 成本結構與會計.....................66
第四章 個案研究.........................68
4.1 我國電子商務概況.....................68
4.2 東京著衣公司........................72
4.2.1 東京著衣-價值主張.................73
4.2.2 東京著衣-目標顧客.................74
4.2.3 東京著衣-配銷通路.................75
4.2.4 東京著衣-顧客關係.................77
4.2.5 東京著衣-能力與資源...............79
4.2.6 東京著衣-價值組態與活動............79
4.2.7 東京著衣-合作夥伴.................80
4.2.8 東京著衣-財務構面.................80
4.2.9 東京著衣的商業模式架構與未來規劃.....81
4.3 米格Lativ公司......................82
4.3.1 米格Lativ-價值主張...............83
4.3.2 米格Lativ-目標顧客...............84
4.3.3 米格Lativ-配銷通路...............84
4.3.4 米格Lativ-顧客關係...............84
4.3.5 米格Lativ-價值組態與活動..........85
4.3.6 米格Lativ-合作夥伴...............85
4.3.7 米格Lativ-財務構面...............86
4.3.8 米格Lativ的商業模式架構與未來規劃... 86
4.4 101原創T恤公司......................87
4.4.1 101原創T恤-價值主張...............88
4.4.2 101原創T恤-目標顧客...............88
4.4.3 101原創T恤-配銷通路...............88
4.4.4 101原創T恤-顧客關係...............89
4.4.5 101原創T恤-能力與資源.............89
4.4.6 101原創T恤-價值組態與活動..........90
4.4.7 101原創T恤-合作夥伴...............90
4.4.8 101原創T恤-財務構面...............90
4.4.9 101原創T恤的商業模式架構與未來規劃....91
4.5 小結...............................91
第五章 研究結論與建議.....................95
5.1 研究結論與建議.......................95
5.2 研究限制............................97
5.3 未來研究方向建議.....................98
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指導教授 薛義誠 審核日期 2013-7-24
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