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姓名 羅偉成(Wei-Cheng Lo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 複數模糊類神經系統於多類別分類問題之研究
(A Study on Multi-class Classification Using Complex Neuro-Fuzzy System)
★ 變數選擇在智慧型系統與應用之研究★ 智慧型系統之參數估測研究─一個新的DE方法
★ 合奏學習式智慧型系統在分類問題之研究★ 融入後設認知策略的複數模糊認知圖於分類問題之研究
★ 分類問題之研究-以複數型模糊類神經系統為方法★ 智慧型差分自回歸移動平均模型於時間序列預測之研究
★ 計算智慧及複數模糊集於適應性影像處理之研究★ 智慧型模糊類神經計算模式使用複數模糊集合與ARIMA模型
★ Empirical Study on IEEE 802.11 Wireless Signal – A Case Study at the NCU Campus★ 自我建構式複數模糊ARIMA於指數波動預測之研究
★ 資料前處理之研究:以基因演算法為例★ 針對文字分類的支援向量導向樣本選取
★ 智慧型區間預測之研究─以複數模糊類神經、支持向量迴歸、拔靴統計為方法★ 複數模糊類神經網路在多目標財經預測
★ 智慧型模糊類神經計算使用非對稱模糊類神經網路系統與球型複數模糊集★ 複數型模糊類神經系統及連續型態之多蟻群演化在時間序列預測之研究
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摘要(中) 本研究提出一種分類器架構:CNFS-OAA,其為一基於複數模糊類神經系統
(Complex neuro-fuzzy system, CNFS) 的建模程序,透過一對全部(One-against-all, OAA)
在CNFS的建模過程中,將使用標準粒子群演算法(Standard particle swarm optimization,
SPSO) 來調整其前鑑部參數,與遞迴最小平方估計法(Recursive least squares estimator,
RLSE) 來調整其後鑑部參數。而CNFS的法則探勘方式,其法則數量將依據訓練階段之
摘要(英) In this study, a classifier called CNFS-OAA has been presented, where modeling
procedure is based on complex neuro-fuzzy system (CNFS). The training dataset are divided
into multiple binary-class subsets gradually by using one-against-all (OAA), as the training
procedure proceeds. The fuzzy rules of CNFS are mined dynamically. In the CNFS modeling
procedure, the method of standard particle swarm optimization (SPSO) is used to adjust the
premise parameters and the algorithm of recursive least squares estimator (RLSE) is used to
adapt the consequent parameters. The method of rules mining for CNFS is that the number of
fuzzy IF-THEN rules is incremented dynamically according to the accuracy of classification
while training. More rules will be mined when the training accuracy cannot reach the
threshold, and the tuples classified correctly will be removed from the training dataset. For the
purpose of increasing modeling performance, a method of feature selection called F-score is
used to choose useful features and so to reduce the feature dimensions of dataset. By this way,
the computational cost can be saved while keeping or even improving the accuracy. In this
study, eleven datasets from the UCI machine learning repository have been used to evaluate
the approach proposed. The results by the proposed approach are compared with those by
other noted approaches. The experimental results show that the approach proposed has fine
performance on classification.
關鍵字(中) ★ 多類別分類問題
★ 複數模糊類神經系統
★ 一對全部
★ 混合式學習法
★ F-score
★ 屬性選取
★ 標準粒子群演算法
★ 遞迴最小平方估計法
關鍵字(英) ★ multi-class classification
★ complex neuro-fuzzy system (CNFS)
★ one-against-all
★ hybrid learning
★ F-score
★ feature selection
★ standard particle swarm optimization
★ recursive least squares estimator
論文目次 論文摘要 .................................... i
目錄…...................................... iv
圖目錄...................................... vi
符號說明.................................... ix
第1 章緒論 .................................. 1
1.1 研究背景、動機與目的 .................... 1
1.2 研究方法 ................................ 3
1.3 論文架構 ................................ 3
第2 章文獻探討 .............................. 4
2.1 複數模糊集合 ............................ 4
2.2 複數類神經模糊系統 ...................... 7
2.3 F-score............................. .....9
2.4 參數學習 (一) :標準粒子群最佳化演算法.. 10
2.5 參數學習 (二) :遞迴最小平方估計法...... 14
2.6 資料前處理:一對全部 ................... 16
2.7 動態法則探勘 ........................... 17
第3 章系統架構 ............................. 18
3.1 CNFS-OAA 模型........................... 18
3.2 資料前處理 ............................. 19
3.3 法則探勘 ............................... 20
3.4 資料修正 ............................... 23
3.5 分類器測試 ............................. 23
第4 章實驗 ................................. 24
4.1 實驗一:威斯康辛州乳癌原始資料集 ....... 26
4.2 實驗二:國會投票紀錄資料集.............. 29
4.3 實驗三:繁殖力資料集 ................... 32
4.4 實驗四:心臟超音波檢查資料集 ........... 35
4.5 實驗五:帕金森氏症資料集................ 38
4.6 實驗六:鳶尾花資料集 ................... 42
4.7 實驗七:肺癌資料集 ..................... 45
4.8 實驗八:葡萄酒資料集 ................... 47
4.9 實驗九:Hayes-Roth 資料集............... 50
4.10 實驗十:乳房組織資料集 ................ 53
4.11 實驗十一:動物園資料集................. 56
4.12 實驗結果小結 .......................... 60
第5 章討論與結論 ........................... 61
5.1 討論 ................................... 61
5.1.1 其他建模方式 ......................... 63
5.1.2 研究限制 ............................. 64
5.2 結論 ................................... 65
第6 章未來研究方向 ......................... 66
參考文獻.................................... 67
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指導教授 李俊賢(Chunshien Li) 審核日期 2013-7-12
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