博碩士論文 100430005 詳細資訊

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姓名 黃庭瑜(Ting-yu Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 會計研究所
論文名稱 強制設置薪酬委員會對高階經理人薪酬與企業績效關係之影響
(The Effect of Compensation Committee on the Relationship between Executive Compensation and Firm Performance)
★ 申請首次公開發行過程分析 -以LED 產業之A 公司為例★ 探討美元匯率與臺股指數變化之關係
★ 台灣血糖檢測儀產業的商業模式探討 -以產業領導廠商為例★ 台灣上市公司董監薪酬與公司績效之關聯性 -以電子零組件產業為例
★ 企業資源規劃系統-典型ERP與非典型ERP之比較★ 執行長誘因獎酬,會計師特性:沙賓法案前後期
★ 審計委員會財務專家與CEO誘因薪酬:對公司績效與盈餘管理之影響★ 財務壓力、審計與薪酬委員會成員重疊與審計品質對盈餘管理之影響:真實與應計盈餘管理
★ 盈餘壓力,財務專家對盈餘管理之影響:應計盈餘管理與實質盈餘管理★ 公司治理、高階經理人薪酬與企業績效敏感度之關連性
★ 獨立董事特性、高階經理人現金薪酬 與會計績效表現之關聯性★ 高階經理人誘因薪酬與審計與薪酬委員會成員重疊對公司生產效率之影響
★ 審計委員會與薪酬委員會成員重疊在經理人權益薪酬與企業風險承擔關係中扮演之角色★ 合併報表與母公司報表之資訊差異對盈餘持續性之影響
★ 雙簽制度下產業專精對查核任期與會計重編間關係之影響★ 上市IPO之盈餘管理與審計品質
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摘要(中) 本論文係探討政府強制企業設置薪酬委員會後,對上市、上櫃公司高階經理人現金薪酬與會計績效敏感度之影響,並考慮此效果是否會受到公司未來成長機會以及盈餘狀況的影響而有所差異。本文以2011年始設立薪酬委員會之上市、上櫃公司為樣本,共1,842筆觀察資料,其中符合公司未來成長機會與公司虧損特性之樣本為1,610筆及1,548筆資料。
摘要(英) This research is going to discuss about the effects of establishment of compensation committee on the connections between executive cash compensation and accounting performance, and consider if the effects of firm’s growth opportunities and earnings status make some different or not . This study uses the sample of the Taiwan listed companies which established compensation committee only in 2011. There are 1842 observations, including the sample of 1610 observations which fit firm’s growth opportunities, and the sample of 1548 observations which fit loss characteristics.
  The practical examination indicates that there is no evidence to show that the sensitivity of executive cash compensation to accounting performance is significantly positive when compensation committee is established. However, after considering the firm’s characteristics and divide the sample based on firm’s growth opportunities and earnings status, the results indicate that executive cash compensation is more closely aligned to accounting performance for low growth firms and profit-making firms when compensation committee is established. For the part of firm’s growth opportunities, the results show that the effect of establishment of compensation committee on the connections between executive cash compensation and accounting performance for high growth firms is no significantly different from low growth firm , and the reason is probably because of the Implement of Expensing Employee Bonuses. For firm’s earnings status, the results show that the effect of establishment of compensation committee is less positive for loss-making firms than for profit-making firms. These imply that the results are not completely consistent with the purpose of the rules because the effect of establishment of compensation committee would be affected by firm’s characteristics.
關鍵字(中) ★ 薪酬委員會
★ 高階經理人薪酬
★ 薪酬績效敏感度
★ 公司特性
關鍵字(英) ★ Compensation Committee
★ Executive Compensation
★ Pay-Performance Sensitivity
★ Firm’s characteristics
論文目次 中文摘要 i
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
一、 緒論 1
1-1  研究背景與動機 1
1-2  研究目的 3
1-3  研究架構與研究流程圖 4
二、 文獻回顧與探討 6
2-1  薪酬委員會 6
2-2  薪酬與績效之相關性 11
2-3  薪酬委員會與薪酬績效敏感度之關係 13
2-4  公司特性對薪酬績效敏感度的影響 14
三、 研究假說與研究方法 16
3-1  研究假說 16
3-2  樣本選取與資料來源 18
3-3  研究方法 20
3-3-1 變數定義 20
3-3-2 模型設計 26
四、 實證結果與分析 28
4-1  敘述性統計 28
4-2  相關性分析 32
4-3  研究結果 35
4-3-1 假說一 35
4-3-2 假說二 35
4-3-3 假說三 36
4-4  穩健性測試 40
4-4-1 淨值報酬率(ROE)替換為資產報酬率(ROA) 40
4-4-2 樣本分組 45
4-5  研究結果之彙總 51
五、 研究結論與建議 52
5-1  研究結論 52
5-2  研究限制與建議 53
參考文獻 54
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指導教授 盧佳琪 審核日期 2013-7-16
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